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1. 休 [xiū]2. 休 [xǔ]休 [xiū]歇息:~整。~假。~闲。离~。停止:~业。完结(多指失败或死亡)。旧指丈夫把妻子赶回母家,断绝夫妻关系:~妻。不要:~想。~提。吉庆,美善,福禄:~咎(吉凶)。助词,用于语末,与“罢”、“……
汉语拼音:xiū zhǐ
《史记·孝文本纪》:“﹝ 代王 ﹞乃命 宋昌 参乘, 张武 等六人乘传诣 长安 。至 高陵 休止,而使 宋昌 先驰之 长安 观变。” 清 吴敏树 《说钓》:“劳神侥倖之门,忍苦风尘之路,终身无满意时,老死而不知休止。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第二一章:“他就是这种人:不论多么困难、艰险,可是不达目的是决不休止的。”
Because I'm such a wimpy driver, I try not to talk or answer my phone on the road unless it's urgent or traffic is at a standstill.
因为我其实是个无能的司机,我只管即便休止开车时接打电话,除非是紧迫情形下,可能堵车堵得动不了的时辰。Bogged down in endless debates over its cost and impact on the environment, some doubted whether it would ever happen at all.
迁址计划在无休止的有关成本和环境影响的辩论中搁浅,一些人怀疑,它可能永远无望实现。But more than a year ago, the president said, "America has no interest in fighting an endless war in Afghanistan. "
但是,一年多前,布什总统说,“美国没有在阿富汗打一场无休止的战争中的利益。”He said he was tired of the bickering and tension, the lack of communication, how they never did anything together anymore.
伊恩哈特说他们之间无休止的斗嘴争执、缺乏沟通以及不再一同做任何事情,这一切都让他感到厌倦。At the side of the conveyor the sheets are aligned by an endless belt rotating through a path parallel to the sheet movement path.
在该表是一个永无休止的通过路径平行板运动轨迹转动皮带输送机一侧对齐。We have watched so many of you suffer and acquiesce to the seemingly unending and illusory power of the dark.
我们已经观察到你们中的许多人在黑暗政府这种被默许的,看似无休止的,虚幻的权力中遭受了伤害。The plunging water also sends out a never-ending roar as it strikes the bottom.
当水流撞击湖底时,也发出无休止的咆哮。It is an endless calf strain and so we need Sol Campbell and Mikael Silvestre to be highly ready to help us out.
这是一次无休止的小腿拉伤,所以我们需要坎贝尔和西尔维斯特做好充足准备来帮助我们度过这个难关。I used to feel it a terrible thing that my mother should have to toil so endlessly.