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1. 沙 [shā]2. 沙 [shà]沙 [shā]非常细碎的石粒:~子。~石。风~。~尘。~砾(沙和碎石块)。~漠。~丘。~滩。~洲(江河里由泥沙淤积成的陆地)。~暴。~浴。~疗。~鸥(文学上指栖息岸边沙地的鸥一类的水鸟)。像沙的东西:……
汉语拼音:shā dài
辽 金 时的一种刑具。用牛皮缝成长六寸,阔二寸,略似鞋底的袋,内装沙子,再连以尺把长的木柄,用以击打罪犯。
宋 宇文懋昭 《金志·科条》:“当其有国之初,刑法竝仍 辽 制,常刑之外,又有一物曰沙袋,以革为囊,实以沙石,繫於杖头。人有罪者,持以决其背……自 熙宗 立,始加损益,首除沙袋之制。”《辽史·刑法志上》:“有重罪者,将决以沙袋,先于脽骨之上及四周击之……沙袋者, 穆宗 时制,其制用熟皮合缝之,长六寸,广二寸,柄一尺许。”
冰心 《寄小读者》七:“海上的头三日,我竟完全回到小孩子的境地中去了,套圈子,抛沙袋,乐此不疲,过后又绝然不玩了。”
鲁迅 《且介亭杂文二集·“题未定”草一》:“一个电灯的另件,我叫得出六样:花线,灯泡,灯罩,沙袋,扑落,开关。但这是 上海 话,那后三个,在别处怕就行不通。”
When a sand boil erupts, the best bet is to surround it with sandbags or to build up a mini ring levee around it.
当沙涌爆发时,最好的办法就是用沙袋围起来或者在周围建一个小型环堤。Convoys of armored vehicles and sandbagged sentry posts have turned the region into something of an armed camp.
装甲车的车队和沙袋哨所已经把该地区变成一个武装营地。But allow me to pause for a moment and throw another sandbag on the levee of those trying to resist this tide.
但请容许我暂停片刻,在试图抵挡这股潮流的堤坝上再添一个沙袋。As you might think, I really would like a tiger at the end of the installation of sandbags 3.
正如你所想的,我的确想在老虎的底装上3片沙袋。"We have been told to cover any suspicious object with sand bags and to report to the authorities, " he said.
“我们已被告知随时准备以沙袋覆盖任何可疑物体和立即向当局报告。”他说。A pit was dug and one section laid horizontally on the bottom with one end shored with sandbags or planks, creating the troop shelter.
挖了个坑,一个管子平躺在地面,它的一头用沙袋或木版支撑,这样建立起一个工事。One day in an Atlanta civil rights event in the late 1960s, Bo and his buddies assaulted Norton by clobbering him with sandbags.
20世纪60年代后期的一天,在一次亚特兰大公民权利事件中,Bo和他的朋友们用沙袋攻击Norton。Regard the troubles and cares you encounter as the "punching bags" of fate, given you to develop your spiritual muscle .
把你遇到的困难和烦恼当作命运给你用来训练精神肌肉的“沙袋”。and thirdly, a pressure display is favorable for the trainers to understand the acting force of striking the sand bag.