







汉语拼音:yīn yūn








  1. 古代指阴阳二气交会和合之状。

    《白虎通·嫁娶》引《易》:“天地氤氲,万物化淳。”按,今本《易·繫辞下》作“絪緼”。 南朝 陈 徐陵 《劝进梁元帝表》:“自氤氲混沌之世, 驪连 、 栗陆 之君,卦起龙图,文因鸟迹。”《旧唐书·李义府传》:“邃初冥昧,元气氤氲。” 宋 周密 《齐东野语·贾相寿词》:“听万物氤氲,从来形色,每向静中覷。” 清 龚自珍 《辨仙行》:“仙者乃非 松乔 伦,亦无英魄与烈魂;彼但堕落鬼与神,太乙主宰先氤氲。”

  2. 迷茫貌;弥漫貌。

    三国 魏 曹植 《九华扇赋》:“效虬龙之蜿蝉,法虹霓之氤氲。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·沮水》:“ 汉武帝 获寳鼎於 汾 阴,将荐之 甘泉 。鼎至 中山 ,氤氲有黄云盖焉。” 元 王实甫 《西厢记》第一本第三折:“又不是轻云薄雾,都只是香烟人气,两般儿氤氲得不分明。”《孽海花》第一回:“但觉春光澹宕,香气氤氲,一阵阵从帘缝里透出来。” 朱自清 《冬天》:“﹝洋炉子﹞太高了,父亲得常常站起来,微微地仰着脸,觑着眼睛,从氤氲的热气里伸进筷子,夹起豆腐,一一地放在我们的酱油碟里。”

  3. 指弥漫的烟气。

    曹禺 《日出》第一幕:“﹝ 陈白露 ﹞自己很熟练地燃上香烟,悠悠然吐出淡蓝色的氤氲。”

  4. 浓烈的气味。多指香气。

    南朝 梁 沉约 《芳树》诗:“氤氲非一香,参差多异色。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·器玩·椅杌》:“焚此香也,自下而升者,能使氤氲透骨。” 郭沫若 《孟夫子出妻》:“因为她所留下的氤氲在她走了之后却专门在他的嗅觉上作用起来。”



  1. The shape of fish seems to be created naturally within the slow spread of ink. There is no artificial trace.


  2. This day is always a sentimental of people unknowingly. excessive water vapor in the air, wet all the sensitive heart.


  3. The quiet moment to my body from head to foot baptized again, want to be in the quiet all the dense and sorrows disappear in smoke.


  4. Some splendid vines threw a profusion of white and pink flowers over the bamboos, filling the air with fragrance.


  5. Early in the morning, the rising sun, rising river mist, exposure to the sun through the mist Dasan, a Zixiayinyun over.


  6. Incense smoke clouds the air as sun streams through strings of prayer flags during New Year celebrations in Lhasa, Tibet.


  7. Night enshrouding the urban and rural, the evening times, drizzle just over the place, crowded downtown park.


  8. The twelve songs in A Dream of Red Mansion are filled with sympathetic and merciful spirit of Buddhism.


  9. Picture is permeated with hazy atmosphere, representing the author's superior craftsmanship.


  1. 胡气氤氲的大唐服饰

    Finery in Tang Dynasty that Suffused With Hu Vogue

  2. 水晶球迷漫着烟雾氤氲。

    Frost and fog covers crystal balls.

  3. 梦中的兰花在诗意氤氲的田园中盛开。

    The dream orchids bloomed in the field full of poetries.

  4. 梦中得兰花在诗意氤氲得田园中盛开。

    The dream orchids bloomed in the field full of poetries.

  5. 孔子的仁学中,氤氲着丰厚的敬畏伦理思想。

    It contains Abundant revering the ethics theory in the Confucius theory of goodness.

  6. 室内满是交谈声, 空气中氤氲着咖啡豆的香气。

    The room is alive with conversation and the smell of coffee beans is the air.

  7. 既能弥漫的让人流连忘返,又能氤氲着使人自我陶醉。

    Both diffuse hard to forget, but also dense with people narcissism.

  8. 现实在我的身体周围氤氲,但我还依然活在我的梦里。

    Reality constantly revolves around my body, yet I'm still in dream.

  9. 月华如练, 银光洒庭轩, 氤氲透骨, 青衫风露。

    Yuet Wah such as training, silver sprinkling chamber Xuan, dense Cold Dew wind, green.

  10. 理解在时间的境域中氤氲着诗性智慧的光焰生生不息。

    Comprehension is proceeding in time situation enshrouded with flame and light of poetic wisdom.

  11. 那一个上午,空气里似乎都氤氲着一股轻薄暖和的气息。

    That one morning, appear in air the breath of a dense frivolous warmth.

  12. 空气像一个烤箱, 一片氤氲的薄雾在人和天空之间跃动。

    The air seemed like an oven, and a haze hung between us and the sky.

  13. 野性的大地被深峻的峡谷撕裂,也覆盖著热气氤氲的森林。

    A wild landscape is riven by deep gorges and clothed in steamy forests.

  14. 红楼梦十二支曲, 氤氲着佛教的慈悲气象与悲悯精神。

    The twelve songs in A Dream of Red Mansion are filled with sympathetic and merciful spirit of Buddhism.

  15. 残月朦胧, 很快氤氲的月色已经被一朵黑漆漆的云给遮住了。

    The moon is dim, and soon her moon has been a dark cloud obscured.


  1. 问:氤氲拼音怎么拼?氤氲的读音是什么?氤氲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:氤氲的读音是yīnyūn,氤氲翻译成英文是 dense; thick; enshrouding



指湿热飘荡的云气。 迷茫貌;弥漫貌。 指弥漫的烟气。 浓烈的气味。多指香气。