







汉语拼音:chū shèng







  1. 见“ 出剩 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 出賸 ”。旧时百姓向官府纳粮,超出规定多交一定数量,称为出剩。名为防备损耗,实是加重剥削。

    《宣和遗事》后集:“比来州县受纳租税,务加概量,以规出剩,可令禁止。”《续资治通鉴·宋仁宗庆历七年》:“ 江西 诸路州军体例,百姓纳米一石,出剩一斗,往往有聚歛之臣,加耗之外,更要一斗。” 清 姚莹 《寸阴丛录·赋税加耗》:“国家钱粮加耗,其来已久,往时谓之出賸,犹今关榷之称盈餘也。”



  1. As a few percent of the total mass squirts out perpendicular to the direction of stellar motion, the rest mixes together.


  1. 你不用一直报出还剩多少英里

    You don't have to keep calling out the miles!

  2. 汽油表显示出汽车里所剩汽油得数量。

    A gas gauge shows the amount of gas left in a car.

  3. 汽油表显示出汽车里所剩汽油的数量。

    A gas gauge shows the amount of gas left in a car.

  4. 汽油表指示出汽车里所剩的汽油数量。

    A petrol gauge shows the amount of petrol left in a car.

  5. 汽油表指示出汽车里所剩得汽油数量。

    A petrol gauge shows the amount of petrol left in a car.

  6. 他能用厨房里几样剩饭菜做出一顿美餐。

    He can do miracles with a few kitchen leftovers, eg by making them into a tasty meal.

  7. 母亲可以用头一天剩得食物做出一顿好饭菜。

    Mother can make a wonderful meal from bits of food left over from the day before.

  8. 母亲可以用头一天剩的食物做出一顿好饭菜。

    Mother can make a wonderful meal from bits of food left over from the day before.

  9. 被冰封的自由女神像, 只残剩出奄奄一息的头。

    Statue of Liberty has been frozen, the only remnant left of the head on the verge of death.

  10. 只剩我的保镖 我完全说不出话

    My bodyguard was the only one there, and my voice was completely gone.

  11. 我们作出熏肉和吃剩的蛋抱和面料。

    We made bacon and eggs out of leftover felt and fabrics.

  12. 计划行程, 找出你主看列表中还剩的鸟种。

    Plan trips to find birds that remain on your master list.

  13. 计划行程,找出你主看列表中还剩得鸟种。

    Plan trips to find birds that remain on your master list.

  14. 最后剩下来的是,我感觉我对她做出终极的赠与。

    What I had as the irreducible residue was the feeling that I had made my ultimate gift to her.

  15. 他能用厨房里几样剩饭做出一顿美餐。

    He can do miracles with a few kitchen leftovers.

  16. 他能用厨房里几样剩饭作出一顿美餐。

    He can do miracles with a few kitchen leftovers.

  17. 刚出医院回家来时,你瘦得光剩皮包骨头了。

    You were just a bag of bones when you came home from hospital.

  18. 军需显示技能现在在每个人的头上显示出它的弹药所剩量。

    Operators Munitions Count now displays everyones ammo count overhead.

  19. 他把还有剩酒的酒杯放下,出了酒店,在大街上来回地走。

    Depositing his unemptied glass he went out and walked up and down the street.