







汉语拼音:xiāng xia








  1. 泛指城市以外的地区。

    元 高文秀 《黑旋风》第三折:“俺那时节因纳税当差,曾离乡下,来到城内。”《儒林外史》第一回:“这就是门生治下一个乡下农民,叫做 王冕 。” 老舍 《二马》第三段一:“她在乡下住,一定喜欢到城里来住几天。”



  1. Dick's uncle lived in the country. Once Dick went to stay with him for a few weeks. they often went out for a walk or for a drive in a car.


  2. You were really trying to prove you're a country boy. Were you using that phrase on purpose?


  3. Country people are able to understand a , and the city in possession of M is called son of a bitch, a woman called a fool.


  4. if I sacrificed all that, I would be sure of finding a country girl who was at least pure. . . but. . . but I should not accuse you. '


  5. Spirits of the dead would rise out of their graves and wander the countryside, trying to return to the homes where they formerly lived.


  6. The urbanites' general mental health did not differ from that of their provincial counterparts.


  7. Don't, Angel, be so anxious about a mere child of the soil! ' said his mother.


  8. "My parents are still in the countryside, but I wanted my son to live with me, " said Mr. Jiang, bowing his head and weeping.


  9. Some of the graduates wish to make their career in the countryside, and for that they need a rural hukou.


  1. 乡下的健康生活

    a healthy life in the country

  2. 他在乡下游荡着。

    He was kicking about in the countryside.

  3. 他们以前住在乡下。

    They used to live in the country.

  4. 他们在乡下谋生计。

    They rely on the countryside for their livelihood.

  5. 家畜在乡下可以自由走动。

    Livestock are allowed to range over the countryside.

  6. 在乡下,处处可以看到雉鸡。

    In the countryside, pheasants are everywhere.

  7. 他因为行为不端被赶到乡下。

    He was rusticated for his bad behavior.

  8. 城市里的空气质量不如乡下。

    The air quality in the city is worse than the countryside.

  9. 他在乡下过着悠然的日子。

    He lives a carefree life in the country.

  10. 他们动身去乡下度周末。

    They took off for a weekend in the country.

  11. 乡下那些小型的学校正在逐渐消失。

    Small schools are fading from countryside.

  12. 大卫有住在乡下的强烈愿望。

    David had a great desire to live in the countryside.

  13. 我一直很喜欢住在乡下的想法。

    I have always liked the idea of living in the country.

  14. 为了躲避兵灾,他们全家来到了乡下。

    The whole family moved to the countryside to avoid the disaster caused by war.

  15. 他从乡下带来了锯木架和木材。

    He brought the mill buck and timbers from the countryside.

  16. 他在乡下的时候,箍桶可是一把好手呢。

    He was good at hooping barrels when he was in the country.

  17. 小芳总是管乡下二叔的儿子叫“乡下佬”。

    Xiao Fang always call her uncle's son"a country boy".

  18. 我会在乡下定居下来,建造自己的小屋。

    I shall settle down in the country and build cottages.

  19. 她的童年和青少年时期都是在乡下度过的。

    She spent all of her childhood and adolescence in the countryside.

  20. 时局动荡,你还是带着孩子去乡下避乱吧。

    The current situation is very chaotic, you'd better go to the countryside with your children.

  21. 她看到街那边有几个年纪很小的乡下孩子。

    She saw some little peasant children down by the street.

  22. 菲奥娜帮她的一个乡下朋友在城里找到了工作。

    Fiona helped one of her village friends get a job in the city.

  23. 在乡下她能听到唯一的声音就是鸟儿的啁啾声。

    In the countryside the only sound she could hear was the chatter of birds.

  24. 我已功成名就,一定要让乡下的老父过上幸福的生活。

    Having achieved both success and fame, I will provide a happy life for my father, who lives in the countryside.

  25. 他们在乡下有栋小别墅,可以去那儿度过周末和假期。

    They have a small cottage where they spend weekends and holidays.

  26. 刚回到乡下老家,妈总怕我冷,给我那炕洞里不住地添柴烧火。

    After I had just returned to my hometown in the countryside, mother was quite afraid that I felt cold and kept adding firewood to the flue of our kang.


  1. 问:乡下拼音怎么拼?乡下的读音是什么?乡下翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乡下的读音是xiāngxia,乡下翻译成英文是 countryside

  2. 问:乡下人拼音怎么拼?乡下人的读音是什么?乡下人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乡下人的读音是xiāngxiarén,乡下人翻译成英文是 country folk; villager

  3. 问:乡下佬拼音怎么拼?乡下佬的读音是什么?乡下佬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乡下佬的读音是xiāngxialǎo,乡下佬翻译成英文是 Mossback, clodhopper, rube.

  4. 问:乡下味拼音怎么拼?乡下味的读音是什么?乡下味翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乡下味的读音是,乡下味翻译成英文是 corniness

  5. 问:乡下习气拼音怎么拼?乡下习气的读音是什么?乡下习气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乡下习气的读音是,乡下习气翻译成英文是 provincialism

  6. 问:乡下姑娘拼音怎么拼?乡下姑娘的读音是什么?乡下姑娘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乡下姑娘的读音是,乡下姑娘翻译成英文是 wench

  7. 问:乡下的人拼音怎么拼?乡下的人的读音是什么?乡下的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乡下的人的读音是,乡下的人翻译成英文是 countryfolk

  8. 问:乡下青年拼音怎么拼?乡下青年的读音是什么?乡下青年翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乡下青年的读音是,乡下青年翻译成英文是 corydon

  9. 问:乡下佬似的拼音怎么拼?乡下佬似的的读音是什么?乡下佬似的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乡下佬似的的读音是,乡下佬似的翻译成英文是 clodhopping

  10. 问:乡下老太婆拼音怎么拼?乡下老太婆的读音是什么?乡下老太婆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乡下老太婆的读音是,乡下老太婆翻译成英文是 gammer

  11. 问:乡下风味地拼音怎么拼?乡下风味地的读音是什么?乡下风味地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乡下风味地的读音是,乡下风味地翻译成英文是 bucolically




拼音:xiāng xià 基本解释 [Village;Country;Countryside] 乡里,广大农村 详细解释 泛指城市以外的地区。 元 高文秀 《黑旋风》第三折:“俺那时节因纳税当差,曾离乡下,来到城内。”《儒林外史》第一回:“这就是门生治下一个乡下农民,叫做 王冕 。” 老舍 《二马》第三段一:“她在乡下住,一定喜欢到城里来住几天。”