


1. 何 [hé]2. 何 [hē]3. 何 [hè]何 [hé]疑问代词(a.什么,如“~人?”b.为什么,如“~必如此?”c.哪样,怎样,如“~不?”“~如?”d.哪里,如“~往?”e.发表反问,如“~乐而不为?”)。副词,多么:~其壮……


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……



汉语拼音:hé bù







  1. 犹言为什么不。表示反问。

    《诗·唐风·山有枢》:“子有酒食,何不日鼓瑟?且以喜乐,且以永日。”《孟子·尽心上》:“道则高矣,美矣,宜若登天然,似不可及也,何不使彼为可几及而日孳孳也?”《晋书·惠帝纪》:“及天下荒乱,百姓饿死,帝曰:‘何不食肉糜?’”《醒世恒言·两县令竞义婚孤女》:“ 王奉 忽起一个不良之心,想道:‘……何不把 琼英 、 琼真 暗地兑转,谁人知道?’” 周立波 《山乡巨变》上一:“你有算八字的钱,何不给我打酒吃?”



  1. So what about trying to get the most from allergy medications by taking them at the best time of day?


  2. Foreign have a Thanksgiving, but let's China is no, that was just as well, why don't we each day as Thanksgiving to it.


  3. From the outside, there was no sign that the little kid watching TV in a suburb of Pittsburgh was so different.


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  5. "We vietnamese people are not so direct as you. We are easier in our ways" he said "for us, it is not so hard to trust"


  6. Parliamentarian Mabel Rebello, one of the new members, is not convinced that this time will be all that much different.


  7. That's kind of late. Why don't you make it a little earlier?


  8. So why not give it a go and see how the GDS can support increased hotel distribution.


  9. No need to be nervous , Jeff. We're just going to talk for a few minutes. Why don't you take a seat?


  1. 为何不呢?

    Oh,why not?

  2. 你何不就此收工?

    Why do not you call it a day?

  3. 你何不试穿看看?

    Why don't you try them on?

  4. 哦,为何不呢?

    Oh, why not?

  5. 你何不找他谈谈?

    Why don't you go talk to him?

  6. 你何不找他谈谈?

    Why don't you go talk to him?

  7. 你何不找他谈谈?

    Why don't you go talk to him?

  8. 何不说可喜可贺

    How about Congratulations?

  9. 嘿,我们何不出去。

    Hey,why don't we go out.

  10. 我们何不开车回家?

    Why don't we get in the car and drive home?

  11. 我们何不开车回家?

    Why don't we get in the car and drive home?

  12. 你何不带我转转?

    Why don't you give me a tour?

  13. 嘿,我们何不出去。

    Hey, why don't we go out.

  14. 何不让我来帮你

    Why don't you let me help you.

  15. 那么何不出售人生?

    Then why not sell it

  16. 既然有事,何不早说?

    Since you have a previous engagement, why didn't you say so?

  17. 既然有事,何不早说?

    You may have had things to do, but why didn't you say so earlier?

  18. 何不让我来修呢?

    Uh, why don't you let me take care of the sink?

  19. 你何不亲口跟他说?

    Why don't you tell him yourself?

  20. 我们何不待在家里呢

    Why do not we stay at home

  21. 你何不就在大家面前

    Why don't you just take a leak.

  22. 你们俩何不出去走走。

    Why don't you two walk off somewhere.

  23. 你何不吃些阿司匹林

    Why dont you take some aspirin.

  24. 何不叫你女朋友一起来?

    Why don't you ask your girlfriend to come too?

  25. 何不一枪崩了咱俩。

    Why don't they just kill us with a blow dart.

  26. 为何不为大义而死?

    Why not for a good cause?

  27. 我们何不尝尝酸味的威士忌?

    Why do not we try a whisky sour?

  28. 新娘新婚为何不开心?

    Why is the bride unhappy on her wedding day?

  29. 可以啊,有何不可呢

    Yeah. Why not?

  30. 我们何不去喝个咖啡

    Now why don't you and I go have some coffee.


  1. 问:何不拼音怎么拼?何不的读音是什么?何不翻译成英文是什么?

    答:何不的读音是hébù,何不翻译成英文是 why … not



何不 hébù 〖whynot〗为什么不——用反问语气,表示应该或可以 你何不大胆试一试 《诗·唐风·山有枢》:“子有酒食,何不日鼓瑟?且以喜乐,且以永日。” 《孟子·尽心上》:“道则高矣,美矣,宜若登天然,似不可及也,何不使彼为可几及而日孳孳也?” 《晋书·惠帝纪》:“及天下荒乱,百姓饿死,帝曰:‘何不食肉糜?’” 《醒世恒言·两县令竞义婚孤女》:“ 王奉 忽起一个不良之心,想道:‘……何不把 琼英 、 琼真 暗地兑转,谁人知道?’” 周立波 《山乡巨变》上一:“你有算八字的钱,何不给我打酒吃?”