


1. 假 [jiǎ]2. 假 [jià]假 [jiǎ]不真实的,不是本来的,与“真”相对:~山。~话。~冒。~释。~死。虚~。真~。弄虚作~。借用,利用:~借。~货。~道(借路)。~手(利用他人为自己办事)。~公济私。不~思索(用不着想)。……






汉语拼音:jiǎ shǐ








  1. 如果。

    《史记·范雎蔡泽列传》:“假使臣得同行於 箕子 ,可以有补於所贤之主,是臣之大荣也,臣又何耻?”《三国志·魏志·张既传》“使参军 成公英 督千餘骑挑战……斩首获生以万数” 裴松之 注引 晋 鱼豢 《魏略》:“会 遂 ( 韩遂 )死, 英 降 太祖 …… 英 乃下马而跪曰:‘不欺明公,假使 英 本主人在,实不来此也。’”《京本通俗小说·拗相公》:“假使当年身便死,一生真伪有谁知?” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·掌故·陈侍御奏摺》:“假使撤三藩,平 準 部,稍一濡滞稽迟,事机已失,悔之何及!” 刘半农 《敲冰》诗:“假使一世没有太阳呢?”

  2. 即使,纵使。

    《南齐书·文学传·崔慰祖》:“ 朓 叹曰:‘假使 班 、 马 復生,无以过此。’” 唐 白居易 《凶宅》诗:“四者如寇盗,日夜来相攻,假使居吉土,孰能保其躬!”《朱子语类》卷一二二:“假使 汉高祖 能行 夏 时,乘 商 輅,亦只是 汉高祖 ,终不可谓之 禹 、 汤 。”《三国演义》第四五回:“假使 苏秦 、 张仪 、 陆贾 、 酈生 復出,口似悬河,舌如利刃,安能动我心哉!” 王力 《中国格律诗的传统和现代格律诗的问题》:“假使我们希望由一位作家创造出一种形式,而这种形式又能成为群众公认的格律,这恐怕只是一种空想。”



  1. Abraham would never have been called the Father of the Faithful if he had not been proved to the uttermost.


  2. If he wants to sever his connection with a bank like this to go with a man like that, it's his own lookout.


  3. 'Now, just in case any of you were wondering, I never thought any of this was going to be easy, ' he said.


  4. If I had been younger, perhaps she might have helped me to a spark, but my thoughts were off that kind of livelihood.


  5. Although the Song Mother's poetry was a bit out of breath, but I believe that, if can hear mother, she will blame me, because I was true.


  6. it would be only just if he could be made to pay for this , " commented mr . blackman to mr . sledd" .


  7. To have secured my acquittal by such means would have been a life-long torture to me.


  8. If you did not think politics to date, either democratic or not, is for ruling rather for benefiting people, you do not need to read this.


  9. If we had tried to exploit the treasures of energy, material, and information by holding all the control, it would have been a loss.


  1. 假使我有钱!

    If I were only rich!

  2. 假使我有钱!

    If I were only rich!

  3. 假使我自首呢?

    What if I denounce myself?

  4. 假使其余情况保持不变

    ceteris partibus

  5. 假使下雨, 你会怎么办呢?

    Supposing it rains what shall you do?

  6. 假使他不同意,那就作罢。

    If he disagrees, let the matter drop.

  7. 假使她回来了,立刻告诉我。

    In case she comes back, let me know immediately.

  8. 假使我是仓颉,必将你我合一。

    If I could rearrange the alphabet I would put U and I together.

  9. 假使少妇不胜饥寒之苦呢?

    What if the Jungfrau were hungry?

  10. 假使我是只鸟, 我就会飞了。

    If I were a bird, I could fly.

  11. 假使你是只鸟,你便会飞了。

    If you were a bird, you could fly.

  12. 假使我再缺课的话,我会不及格。

    If I miss one more class,I am gonna fail.

  13. 假使他来不了, 谁干这工作?

    Supposing he can't come, who will do the work?

  14. 好,假使你还要肉,请自己拿。

    OK. Help yourself to more meat if you want.

  15. 假使他不在,我们将怎么办呢

    Supposing he is absent, what shall we do

  16. 如果你的假使官抓住你在偷懒。

    If your probation officer catches you shipping work youre going to be in big trouble.

  17. 假使当时他在那里, 他会帮助你的。

    If he had been there, he would have helped you.

  18. 假使我们这样做,谷歌定会资助我们。

    And if we did that, then Google would back this.

  19. 假使我在一个函数中, 我需要一个空格。

    So, suppose I'm in a function, I need the space.

  20. 假使她问我或者怀疑我, 我也就完了。

    If she had questioned or doubted me, I had been undone.

  21. 假使他脸朝你, 瞄准腹部中央射击。

    Shoot for the exact centre of the belly if he faces thee.

  22. 假使你希望的话, 你可以和他们一起去。

    You may go with them if you hope to.

  23. 假使我透露我的秘密你会得著啥?

    What would you gain if I unveil my secret?

  24. 假使我们长此以往,准要搞出赤字来。

    If we went on like this, we will surely go into the red.

  25. 假使我得等两个小时, 我会发疯的。

    I'll go nuts if I have to wait for two hours.

  26. 假使我有钱的话, 早就到外国去了。

    If I had money, I would go abroad.

  27. 假使他不再走远, 那已不关他的事。

    It did not concern him further and it was no longer his fault.

  28. 假使你学过打字,就容易找工作了。

    If you learned to type you would easily find a job.

  29. 假使我错过这个会议,整个交易将取消。

    If I miss this meeting, the whole deals a bust, all right

  30. 是的,假使我能忍受他们吵吵闹闹的话。

    Yes, as long as I could bear their noise.


  1. 问:假使拼音怎么拼?假使的读音是什么?假使翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假使的读音是jiǎshǐ,假使翻译成英文是 if


