


1. 绰 [chuò]2. 绰 [chāo]绰 [chuò]宽裕,缓:宽~。~~有余。舒缓柔美:~约。~姿。~俏。〔~号〕外号,诨名。古同“搅”,吹拂,搅乱。绰 [chāo]匆忙地抓起,拿起:~起一根棍子。同“焯2”。……


1. 绰 [chuò]2. 绰 [chāo]绰 [chuò]宽裕,缓:宽~。~~有余。舒缓柔美:~约。~姿。~俏。〔~号〕外号,诨名。古同“搅”,吹拂,搅乱。绰 [chāo]匆忙地抓起,拿起:~起一根棍子。同“焯2”。……


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……





汉语拼音:chuò chuò yǒu yú








  • 【解释】:绰绰:宽裕的样子。形容房屋或钱财非常宽裕,用不完。
  • 【出自】:《诗经·小雅·角弓》:“此令兄弟,绰绰有裕。”
  • 【示例】:这寓所起先原是两人同住的,今去了魏撰之,房舍尽有,就安寓那闻俊卿主仆三人,还~。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语、状语;用于人力等很宽恕


  1. Why, as to that, Mr. Rushworth is a very good sort of young man, and it is a great match for her.

  2. Though we get only a relatively small part of the total power radiated from the sun, what we get is much more than enough for our needs.

  3. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.

  4. I decided ten minutes was more than enough, but I paused just inside the theater doors to be sure.

  5. Not really, I think the once in a lifetime experiences I have been lucky enough to have, more than make up for that.

  6. Furthermore, the campaign itself was lavishly financed, with plenty of money for a topflight staff, travel, and television commercials.

  7. and though the man and the match were quite good enough for her, the worth of each was eclipsed by Mr. Bingley and Netherfield.

  8. For a sales meeting, two or three people are more than enough.

  9. For Mr. Burstell, the Liberty managing director, close-cropped hair and pastel scarves are more than enough to set him apart from the herd.


  1. 这绰绰有余

    this is ample

  2. 事实上,配她绰绰有余

    Actually, you're too good for Amy.

  3. 他的财富绰绰有余。

    His means are more than adequate.

  4. 但是骗过老师还是绰绰有余的

    but he can sure fool a teacher.

  5. 我们得钱绰绰有余了, 琪妮说。

    We have more than enough, Ginny said.

  6. 我们的钱绰绰有余了, 琪妮说。

    We have more than enough, Ginny said.

  7. 我相信你的毅力绰绰有余。

    You have more fortitude than this, I am sure.

  8. 作为研究的启动经费是绰绰有余的

    it is more than enough to get us started.

  9. 每个人的想象力都是绰绰有余的。

    Everyone has more than enough imagination.

  10. 有利条件与不利条件相抵绰绰有余。

    The advantages more than balance the disadvantages.

  11. 这些钱用于他的婚事绰绰有余。

    The money is more than enough for his marriage.

  12. 这块空地放一张床绰绰有余。

    This space is more than enough for a bed.

  13. 对她来说爱他就绰绰有余了。

    For her it was enough that she loved him.

  14. 就各方面来说,他配你绰绰有余。

    In all respects he is more than worthy of you.

  15. 用我的工资支付日常的生活绰绰有余。

    My wages are more than enough to pay for my daily outgoings.

  16. 用我的工资支付日常的生活绰绰有余。

    My wages are more than enough to pay for my daily outgoings.

  17. 我已经给了你们绰绰有余的机会做准备。

    I have given you more than enough opportunity to prepare.

  18. 你有没有觉得自己做现在的工作绰绰有余?

    Have you realized you might be overqualified for your current position?

  19. 供一家人饮用通常绰绰有余,还能拿出去卖。

    Often that's enough for a family to drink and still have some to sell.

  20. 靠我自己的钱, 我的钱供我念两年绰绰有余。

    I have more than enough to support myself for two years.

  21. 靠我自己得钱,我得钱供我念两年绰绰有余。

    I have more than enough to support myself for two years.

  22. 把耽搁考虑在内,增加十天时间是绰绰有余的了。

    Ten days should be a big enough leeway to allow for delays.

  23. 对销售会议来说, 两三个人就绰绰有余了。

    For a sales meeting, two or three people are more than enough.

  24. 自认为才识不足以胜任者,却总是错绰绰有余。

    He that thinks his business below him will always be above his business.

  25. 最后的报酬可绰绰有余地补偿你可能受到的损失。

    The final rewards will more than compensate for any loss you may incur.

  26. 水库里的水不仅可补雨水之缺,还绰绰有余。

    The reservoir can more than make up for the shortage of rainfall.

  27. 我想我们对付一个十来岁的女孩绰绰有余。

    I think we can handle a teenage girl.

  28. 每天早晨从出门到进工厂,半个小时绰绰有余。

    Every morning from home to enter the factory, half an hour more.

  29. 学校优越的环境把我培养成一个音乐家是绰绰有余的。

    School's excellent environment is more than sufficient for me to be a musician.

  30. 这些桌子很大,把所有的书摊在上面还绰绰有余。

    The big tables enable all books to be laid out with ease.


  1. 问:绰绰有余拼音怎么拼?绰绰有余的读音是什么?绰绰有余翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绰绰有余的读音是chuòchuòyǒuyú,绰绰有余翻译成英文是 more than enough


