


1. 雇 [gù]雇 [gù]出钱让人为自己做事:~工。~主。~用。~员。~佣。~请。租赁交通运输工具:~车。……


求:~求。~示。~假(jiǎ )。~命。~战。~教(jiào )。~愿。~君入瓮。~缨(喻请战杀敌)。敬辞,用于希望对方做某事:~进。~坐。~安。~便。延聘、邀、约人来:~客。~柬。邀~。谒见、会见:“造~诸公,不避寒暑”。……



汉语拼音:gù qǐng







  1. 出钱聘请。




  1. This fall, the company hired a new general counsel and chief compliance officer as part of a broader overhaul of its compliance system.


  2. The Bonn government spends $116, 000 a year for a private security company to guard the area and to provide security for the sex workers.


  3. Intel for a few crucial point in hire new plant locally employee, in sending them toward Asian other plant, undertake grooming.


  4. The company formed a special committee and hired law firm Gibson Dunn &Crutcher to perform an independent investigation.


  5. Sam explained that once the company realized it was losing the PR battle, it regrouped and hired Kroll.


  6. What if you hired me on a trial run for a week?


  7. The wage rate determines the willingness of employees to work (the supply) and of employers to hire them (demand).


  8. So the general hired the best physician and finally cured the soldier.


  9. A couple that had emigrated to the U. S. returns to China to hire a surrogate mother after the death of their teenage daughter.


  1. 目前不雇请更多的工人。

    No more workers are being taken on at present.

  2. 雇请两个人比雇请一个更好。

    It would be preferable to employ two people, not one.

  3. 他们雇请代理人来管理他们的公司。

    They hired agents to conduct their company.

  4. 他们雇请代理人来处理他们的事务。

    They hired agents to conduct their affairs.

  5. 可以雇请育婴护士定期到家里提供服务。

    You may have regular home visits from a neonatal nurse.

  6. 任何雇请他人为自己工作的人称为雇主。

    Anyone who hires people to work for him or his company is called an employer.

  7. 其实,我今年想着要雇请一家清洁公司。

    Actually, I was thinking of hiring a cleaning company this year.

  8. 过年的时候,许多人都雇请临时工来打扫卫生。

    During the Spring Festival, many people hire temporary worker to do the cleaning.

  9. 过年的时候,许多人都雇请临时工来打扫卫生。

    During the Spring Festival, many people hire temporary worker to do the cleaning.

  10. 当然你还可以雇请律师作为原告代理人替你打官司。

    Of course, you can also hire a lawyer for the plaintiff litigation agent for you.

  11. 他们雇请著名艺术家来画他们,及他们的住宅和其他的财产。

    They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and other possessions.

  12. 为了清理那片地和收割香蕉,他们决定雇请男劳力。

    To clear the land and harvest the bananas they decided they needed a male workforce.

  13. 有些餐厅会雇请专事服务水、威士忌、雪茄的侍酒师。

    Some restaurants even hire wine sommeliers who have special knowledge about water, whisky and cigars.

  14. 主办机构可为参展商代理雇请展台翻译和临时工作人员。

    The host organizer may provide the exhibitors with the temporary interpreter and the temporary employees.

  15. 老板, 请不要解雇我。我还得养家活糊口。

    Please don't lay me off, boss! I have to bring home the bacon.

  16. 请书面递交你要解雇他得理由。最好有例证。

    Please hand a written form for firing him with certain examples.

  17. 请书面递交你要解雇他的理由。最好有例证。

    Please hand a written form for firing him with certain examples.

  18. 有些职员要被解雇, 不过请放心, 你不在此列。

    Some of our staff are to be dismissed, but I hasten to add you wont be among them.

  19. 本通知书请于雇员终止受雇之历月后10天内提交信讬人。

    This notice must be submitted to the trustee within 8 days after the calendar month during which the cessation of employment occurs.

  20. 一家店的经理因为在短短两年时间里请了六十周的病假而被解雇了。

    A store boss was sacked for taking 60 weeks sick leave in just two years.


  1. 问:雇请拼音怎么拼?雇请的读音是什么?雇请翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雇请的读音是gùqǐng,雇请翻译成英文是 To pay someone to work.




解释:出钱请人替自己做事 例句:《新华月报》1950年第5期:“各地搬运公司雇请临时工人,不得超过当地经常工人总数百分之十。”