


1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……







汉语拼音:fā gāo shāo






  1. She was almost sightless herself (due to a childhood fever) and was, at one time, diagnosed as hopelessly "insane" by her by caregivers.


  2. After the child has been touched will be a high fever, said the daydream, after the fever becomes lunatic fool of dementia.


  3. After living in the camp for just a few days, he says they had begun suffering from high fevers.


  4. Last night, she ran a fever, sometimes hot and sometimes cold. Her face was as red as if she put some rouge on it.


  5. "If the child got a high fever again, dose him with one spoon of this medicine, " the doctor said.


  6. If the doctor had come a little earlier last night, he would not have had a high fever.


  7. I've had a fever of around 100 for the past few days, and it doesn't seem to be getting much better.


  8. Talking about are: Sarah's father is a wealthy, but was later put the money deception friends, and a high fever and her father passed away.


  9. Jack was running a high temperature and his mother phoned the doctor.


  1. 他发高烧。

    He has a high fever.

  2. 发高烧, 说胡话

    run a high fever and talk deliriously

  3. 他开始发高烧。

    He began to run an extremely high temperature.

  4. 意思是你发高烧。

    That means you have a high fever.

  5. 我发高烧, 怎么办?

    I have a high fever. What shall I do ?

  6. 我发高烧,怎么办?

    I have a high fever. What shall I do ?

  7. 他感冒了。他发高烧。

    He's got a cold. he's running a high fever.

  8. 那男孩在发高烧。

    The boy is running an ardent fever.

  9. 他发高烧证明他病了。

    His high fever attested to his illness.

  10. 他发高烧证明他病了。

    His high fever attested to his illness.

  11. 发高烧使他浑身难受。

    High fever racked his whole body.

  12. 医生发现杰克发高烧。

    The doctor finds that Jack had a high fever.

  13. 我发高烧, 感觉很难受。

    I have a high fever and am feeling awful.

  14. 他最近有几次发高烧。

    He had bouts of fever recently.

  15. 越快越好。我在发高烧。

    As soon as possible. I have a high fever.

  16. 我的一位病人发高烧。

    One of my patients has a high fever.

  17. 因冒雨外出而发高烧。

    Going out in the rain brought on a fever.

  18. 他发高烧,混身感到酸痛。

    He has a fever and aches all over.

  19. 发高烧使他不能下床。

    The fever clapped him by the heels.

  20. 中暑的人会头晕, 发高烧。

    Someone who is suffering from sunstroke feels dizzy and has a high temperature.

  21. 她的病开始时是发高烧。

    Her illness started with a high fever.

  22. 她发高烧, 混身都感到疼。

    She has a fever and asches all over.

  23. 他脑袋滚热,一定在发高烧。

    His forehead feels scalding hot; he must be running a high fever.

  24. 她因发高烧被送进医院。

    She was admitted to hospital with a soaring temperature.

  25. 母亲因发高烧而一直卧着。

    Mother has been laid low by a high fever.

  26. 我给她量体温, 发现她发高烧。

    I took her temperature and discovered that she got a high fever.

  27. 昨天我发高烧, 晚上咳得厉害。

    I had a high fever yesterday and I coughed a lot last night.

  28. 索菲发高烧, 昨晚整夜说胡话。

    Sophie had a high temperature and was delirious all last night.

  29. 他发高烧, 还得了疟疾, 病倒了。

    He took down with fever and ague.

  30. 泰勒先生得了流行性感冒,发高烧。

    Mr. Taylor has been attacked by influenza and has a high fever.



发高烧,英语说法:have a high fever。发高烧是一种常见病症,几乎每一个人都有过发高烧的经历,表现的症状为:额头滚烫、头晕目眩,严重时不仅浑身疼痛,甚至烧到意识模糊、发生抽搐、有时还有冷的感觉。