







汉语拼音:hé dī







  1. 亦作“ 河隄 ”。沿河的挡水建筑物。多用土石等筑成。古多指 黄河 河堤。

    《汉书·沟洫志》:“ 河 隄使者 王延世 使塞,以竹落长四丈,大九围,盛以小石,两船夹载而下之。三十六日, 河 隄成。” 唐 宋之问 《龙门应制》诗:“ 河 堤柳新翠,苑树花先发。”《老残游记》第十二回:“﹝ 老残 ﹞也出来步到 河 堤上,看见那 黄河 从西南上下来。” 孙中山 《建国方略·第二计划》:“河堤之内应划分为新式街道,以备种种目的建筑所需。”



  1. Once a year, volunteers from all over the country gather on beaches, bay sides, and riverbanks to clean 'em up.


  2. In an urban landscape called "Mortlake Terrace" the intensity of the sunlight seems to dissolve the river wall.


  3. All the seats were full of old soldiers, and a lot more were lying on the steps, some wrapped up in old newspapers.


  4. Last week there was a meadow between us and he took his bulldozer to the river levee and now there is creek between us.


  5. In Germany, firefighters and soldiers are desperately trying to reinforce strained riverbanks.


  6. However, he reached the shore finally, and drifted along till he found a low place and drew himself out.


  7. The coal miners have been missing since Friday, when the rain-swollen Wen River burst through a levee and flooded at least two mine shafts .


  8. This is embankment . For a while, have the romantic thing happened . Unfortunately has nothing to do with me .


  9. On the evening to walk the person has a lot of, but it does not seem to have access to Liu Qing's eye.


  1. 河堤开口子了!

    The dam has burst!

  2. 沿河堤植树

    to afforest along the river bank.

  3. 泰晤士河河堤。

    the Thames Embankment

  4. 河堤上绿树成行。

    Trees lined the river bank.

  5. 这段河堤已加固。

    This canal bank has been shored up.

  6. 这道河堤需要加固。

    The river dam wants reinforcing.

  7. 季风雨使河堤决口。

    Monsoons caused the river to burst its banks.

  8. 他们筑河堤防止水灾。

    They banked up the river to prevent flood.

  9. 人造堤人工建造的河堤

    An artificial embankment.

  10. 我们用河堤来抵御敌人。

    We countermined the banks of the river.

  11. 河堤上挖出的小洞。

    A small excavation in the river bank.

  12. 我和我妻子沿着河堤散步。

    My wife and I are woking along the banks of the river.

  13. 这河堤是匆匆筑成得。

    An embankment has been thrown up.

  14. 这河堤是匆匆筑成的。

    An embankment has been thrown up.

  15. 用沙袋在洪水位筑河堤

    banking the river with sandbags at flood stage

  16. 下了十天雨後河堤决口了。

    After ten days of rain the river burst its banks.

  17. 河堤最后十英里渐趋平坦。

    The bank flatted off for the last ten miles.

  18. 大坝与河堤的压力非常大。

    The pressure on dams and levees are very strong.

  19. 士兵沿河堤挖掩体藏身。

    The soldiers dug themselves along the bank.

  20. 河水上涨使河堤决了口。

    The river rose and burst its banks.

  21. 深绿的河柳,浅灰的河堤。

    The dark green willow, light gray riverbank.

  22. 某河堤滑坡分析与加固处理

    Landslide analysis of a river dike and its improvement.

  23. 那年冬天,他们开始重建河堤。

    That winter they started to rebuild the dike.

  24. 凯瑟琳开始向河堤上爬。

    Catherine began to make her way up the bank.

  25. 凯瑟琳开始向河堤上爬。

    Catherine began to make her way up the bank.

  26. 河堤决口,淹没了大型的工厂。

    The river burst its bank, swamping a large factory.

  27. 下了十天雨后河堤决口了。

    After ten day of rain the river burst its bank.

  28. 这条河流正慢慢侵蚀着河堤。

    The river is eating away at the bank.

  29. 洪水期间河堤没有崩溃。有效, 适用

    The dike held during the flood.

  30. 它以河堤下面的洞穴为窝。

    It makes its home in holes beneath a river bank.


  1. 问:河堤拼音怎么拼?河堤的读音是什么?河堤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河堤的读音是hédī,河堤翻译成英文是 river embankment; dyke

  2. 问:河堤岸壁拼音怎么拼?河堤岸壁的读音是什么?河堤岸壁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河堤岸壁的读音是hé dī àn bì,河堤岸壁翻译成英文是 river wall

  3. 问:河堤排水沟拼音怎么拼?河堤排水沟的读音是什么?河堤排水沟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河堤排水沟的读音是hé dī pái shuǐ gōu,河堤排水沟翻译成英文是 counterdrain

  4. 问:河堤迎水坡脚掏刷拼音怎么拼?河堤迎水坡脚掏刷的读音是什么?河堤迎水坡脚掏刷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:河堤迎水坡脚掏刷的读音是hé dī yíng shuǐ pō jiǎo tāo shuā,河堤迎水坡脚掏刷翻译成英文是 undercutting of riverward toe of levee


