







汉语拼音:xuán shū








  1. 差别很大。

    《隋书·诚节传·杨善会》:“前后七百餘阵,未尝负败,每恨众寡悬殊,未能灭贼。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈献六·召平》:“智愚之悬殊乃若此。” 峻青 《海啸》第三章:“双方的力量是十分悬殊的, 小于 的处境是十分险恶的。”



  1. Although Brando and Cox were often the toast of New York and Hollywood, the two always returned to the company of each other.

  2. A society with a huge gap between the rich and the poor would not be a stable one.

  3. Her parents are concerned about her relationship with a man of such a disparity of age and experience.

  4. One problem was that Jordan sometimes played at a level so above his teammates that the Bulls failed to function as a team.

  5. Spain midfielder Cesc Fabregas felt his side did not deserve to be on the receiving end of a 4-1 mauling by Argentina.

  6. It remains unclear on how much capacity has been shuttered, with agencies reporting widely different estimates.

  7. Economically, it continues to be seen as a collection of vastly diverse states, no more able to act as a single unit than, say, Africa.

  8. "The extreme social contrasts during those years before the war were, visually, very inspiring for me, " he said in 1970.

  9. It was the first true slave revolt against Rome, but it wouldn't be the last. The gap between rich and poor and become a gaping chasm.


  1. 双方力量悬殊。

    There was a great disparity in strength between the two sides.

  2. 冷热气温悬殊

    extremes of temperature

  3. 力量悬殊的比赛

    an uneven contest.

  4. 以悬殊比分获胜

    to win by wide margin

  5. 贫富日渐悬殊

    the growing inequality between rich and poor.

  6. 他们之间相差悬殊。

    There is no comparison between them.

  7. 大城市里贫富悬殊。

    In big cities there's a huge gap between the rich and the poor.

  8. 战场上双方兵力悬殊。

    Theres a great disparity in strength between Iraq and USA.

  9. 这两个对手实力悬殊。

    The two opponents are mismatched.

  10. 现今世界贫富差距悬殊。

    We have an enormous disparity in the world.

  11. 贫富悬殊可能引起社会动乱。

    Great inequalities in wealth may cause social unrest.

  12. 貌似我们双方力量悬殊啊。

    Looks like we're outnumbered now.

  13. 貌似我们双方力量悬殊啊。

    Looks like we're outnumbered now.

  14. 我们的哲学观点相去悬殊。

    Our philosophies are a long distance apart.

  15. 我们得哲学观点相去悬殊。

    Our philosophies are a long distance apart.

  16. 他以50比1的悬殊比数打赌。

    He gave long odds of fifty to one.

  17. 悬殊的治疗质量相当引人注目。

    that fascinated us was the variation we saw.

  18. 浅析造成贫富悬殊的竞争因素

    The Factors Causing Great Disparity between the Rich and the Poor.

  19. 天资的高低看上去如此悬殊。

    The level of talent seems so disparate.

  20. 敌我双方的力量悬殊较大。

    There's a big difference in strength between us and the enemy.

  21. 主队以悬殊比分垂手赢得胜利。

    The local team won hands down.

  22. 在第三世界国家, 贫富悬殊很大。

    In third world countries the gap between the rich and the poor is very big.

  23. 尽管差异悬殊, 还是赢得了比赛

    Won the game despite overwhelming odds.

  24. 哥们,你跟她相比太悬殊了。

    Dude, she is so out of your league.

  25. 浅论贫富悬殊的表现及危害

    On the Forms and Endangerment of Great Disparity between Poorness and Richness

  26. 从基尼系数看我国贫富悬殊

    A study of the wide gap between the rich and the poor in China in the light of Gini coefficient

  27. 我可以告诉你,两者相差悬殊

    And I'm telling you, it's not even close.

  28. 我队以悬殊比分击败他们的队。

    Our team beat theirs by a big score.

  29. 我队以悬殊比分击败他们得队。

    Our team beat theirs by a big score.

  30. 公铁投资缘何贫富悬殊?

    What is the real reason that cause the great disparity of investment on highway and railway?


  1. 问:悬殊拼音怎么拼?悬殊的读音是什么?悬殊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悬殊的读音是xuánshū,悬殊翻译成英文是 distant




拼音:xuánshū语出:胡应麟《诗薮·古体中》:“子桓兄弟努力前规,章法句意,顿自悬殊,平调颇多,丽语错出。”基本解释[great disparity;far apart]两方实力或经济差距大,形容差别之大。