







汉语拼音:pú tián






  1. Peng admitted, these shoes are from the Putian manufacturer that sent the new kind of shoes, ready to take a photo of Internet access.

  2. E-Trade Putian City Established in 2006, the company in quality assurance, service and thoughtful price concessions, multifaceted operation.

  3. The main origin of Fuzhou, Putian, Quanzhou, Fujian north, around the style is distinct.

  4. There is another representative place in Putian.

  5. Yuan Fan Trade Co. , Ltd is located in one of China's three major footwear industry base in Putian City, Fujian Province.

  6. Looking at the size structure of Putian City, the entertainment industry, there is still much room for development.

  7. Peng Gutian people, he confessed, in 2007, one of his friends in Putian that can get fake " Nike" " Adidas" sports shoes.

  8. Yong Yu Chang (Putian) Machinery Making Co. , Ltd establish in the beginning of 1998.

  9. The significance, necessity and feasibility of building coal stockpile and transport based at Meizhou Bay of Fujian are expounded.


  1. 福建莆田城厢店

    Putianchengxiang Franchise Store of Fujian

  2. 翁振新,男,福建莆田人。

    Weng Zhenxin, male, Fujian Putian person.

  3. 福建莆田有没有猪笼草?

    Do Fujian Pu Tian City have common nepenthes

  4. 莆田双赢鞋业有限公司建于2001。

    Putian winwin Footwear Company Limited was built in 1999.

  5. 莆田还有一个很有代表性的地方。

    There is another representative place in Putian.

  6. 法国番鸭与莆田白番鸭杂交的效果

    The result of crossing between French Muscovy Duck and Putian White Muscovy Duck

  7. 莆田木雕素以精微透雕闻名于世。

    The Putian Woodcarving is famous all over the world for its accurate and meticulous carving.

  8. 莆田的石雕以圆雕、浮雕、透雕著称于世。

    Putian stone Yuandiao relief Toudiao as known to the world.

  9. 菲律宾蛤仔莆田群体与大连群体生物学比较

    Biological comparisons between putian population and dalian population of manila clams Ruditapes philippenarum

  10. 莆田体育场大悬挑网架结构方案的研究

    Research for structural scheme of Putian Stadium with big cantilever space truss

  11. 莆田书院文化对文献名邦形成的历史影响

    Historical Effect of Culture of Putian College on Formation of the Famous City with Great Literatures

  12. 结论福州机场、马尾和莆田口岸蝇种较多。

    Conclusion There are more fly species in Fuzhou Airport, Mawei and Putian.

  13. 清至民国美以美会在莆田的传播与特点

    The Propagation and Features of the Methodist Episcopal Mission in Putian from the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China.

  14. 原型是福建莆田湄洲岛上的渔民女儿林默娘。

    Prototype is on Meizhou Island in Putian, Fujian fishermen's daughter, mother Lin.

  15. 莆田除了一个大莆田人才网外,还有什么招聘得网站吗

    Putian Putian In addition to a large talent network, are there any recruitment site.

  16. 莆田除了一个大莆田人才网外, 还有什么招聘的网站吗?

    Putian Putian In addition to a large talent network, are there any recruitment site

  17. 福建莆田海岸距今2855年的大震及华南海岸带的古地震遗迹

    The Large Earthquake on Coast of Putian, Fujian 2855 Years BP and Ancient Earthquake Traces Along Coastal Zones of South China

  18. 福建莆田海岸距今2855年得大震及华南海岸带得古地震遗迹

    The Large Earthquake on Coast of Putian, Fujian 2853 Years BP and Ancient Earthquake Traces Along Coastal Zones of South China.

  19. 为莆田体育产业的发展提供了千载难逢的机遇和挑战。

    This will offer very rare opportunity and challenge for the development of Putian's sports industry.

  20. 乌白旗械斗是莆田近代农村曾发生过的一项重大事件。

    Weapon fight between Black and White Banners was a major event in Putian countryside in modern times.

  21. 莆田黑猪供体细胞系建立及卵母细胞体外成熟和孤雌激活

    Establishment of Donor Somatic Cell Lines and Oocyte in Vitro Maturation and Parthenogenetic Activation of Putian Black Pig


  1. 问:莆田拼音怎么拼?莆田的读音是什么?莆田翻译成英文是什么?

    答:莆田的读音是Pútián,莆田翻译成英文是 莆田市 Putian, located in the center of the easte...

  2. 问:莆田站拼音怎么拼?莆田站的读音是什么?莆田站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:莆田站的读音是,莆田站翻译成英文是 Putian Railway Station

  3. 问:莆田工艺美术城拼音怎么拼?莆田工艺美术城的读音是什么?莆田工艺美术城翻译成英文是什么?

    答:莆田工艺美术城的读音是pútián gōngyì měishù chéng,莆田工艺美术城翻译成英文是 Putian Arts and Crafts City

  4. 问:莆田湄州岛国家旅游度假区拼音怎么拼?莆田湄州岛国家旅游度假区的读音是什么?莆田湄州岛国家旅游度假区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:莆田湄州岛国家旅游度假区的读音是pútián méi zhōu dǎo guójiā lǚyóu dùjià qū,莆田湄州岛国家旅游度假区翻译成英文是 Putian Meizhou Island National Tourism Resort...


