




1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 作 [zuò]作 [zuò]起,兴起,现在起:振~。枪声大~。从事,做工:工~。~息。~业。举行,进行:~别(分别)。~乱。~案。~战。~报告。干出,做出,表现出,制造出:~恶(è)。~弊。~梗。~祟。~态。~色。~为。~难。~奸犯科……



汉语拼音:shù ér bù zuò







  • 【解释】:述:阐述前人学说;作:创作。指只叙述和阐明前人的学说,自己不创作。
  • 【出自】:《论语·述而》:“述而不作,信而好古。”
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义,用于人


  1. In a certain sense, "believed in speaking" has become the subsequent interpretation of Confucian classics in the form of the basic features.


  1. 从述而不作看孔子的写作观

    Confucius Views on Writing from His Just Quotation No Writing

  2. 述而不作的思想对中国的发展有着消极的影响。

    The concept of expounding on predecessors' theories without producing anything original oneself had a negative impact on China's development.

  3. 面对西陵我述而不作,力求将这一切化为永恒。

    Facing the Western Qing Tombs, I shoot without invention, and try to turn it into eternity.

  4. 对他容忍而不作原则上的争论是不对的。

    Its wrong to bear with him and refrain from principled argument.

  5. 我们不喜欢转弯抹角地谈问题而不作任何决定。

    We don't like talking round things without coming to any decision.

  6. 一个优秀的法官尽量求公正而不作武断的决定。

    A good judge tries to be fair and does not make arbitrary Decisions.

  7. 嘉禾影院将保留更改正价戏票价格之权利而不作任何通知。

    Golden Harvest Cinemas shall have the right revise any price without prior written notice.

  8. 捕捉真实生活得色彩, 适切而不做作。

    For its realistic and colorful depiction of life, that is appropriate and unfeigned.

  9. 捕捉真实生活的色彩,适切而不做作。

    For its realistic and colorful depiction of life, that is appropriate and unfeigned.

  10. 这片海滩宜於游泳而不适合作冲浪运动

    This beach is good for swimming but bad for surfing

  11. 总统府好像还是挺典雅的, 庄重而不做作。

    The presidential palace has seemed quite elegant, solemn without affectation.

  12. 请不要发谢帖,否则有可能被删而不另作通知。

    Please don't reply with thank you or will be deleted without further notice!

  13. 安妮避而不作正面回答。

    Anna avoided a direct reply.

  14. 的人,而不是都只由同一人作答。

    all the time. So not the same person can answer.

  15. 他们把鸦片用作镇静剂而不是毒品。

    They use opium as a sedative, rather than as a narcotic.

  16. 对问题或担心作出反应,而不是对人。

    React to the problem or concern not to the person.

  17. 你必须作出积极的决定, 而不是听其自然。

    You'll have to make a positive decision, not just let things slide.

  18. 前述说明是例示性的而不是实际的限制。

    The preceding description is exemplary rather than limiting in nature.

  19. 确保他们都充分散开而不是扎堆作观察。

    Ensure that they are spread out sufficiently that they do not stick out to observation.

  20. 我很高兴把他算作我的朋友,而不是敌人。

    I'm glad to number him with my friends and not my enemy.

  21. 请接受我为这次不辛的意外而作的道歉。

    Please accept my apologies for this unfortunate incident.

  22. 我们可以通过具体行动作出贡献而不是一味追随。

    We can contribute and do instead of follow.

  23. 抛出得球不作直线前进, 而是沿着弧线移动。

    If you throw a ball, it does not move in a straight but in an arc.

  24. 抛出的球不作直线前进,而是沿着弧线移动。

    If you throw a ball, it does not move in a straight but in an arc.

  25. 大部分时间中, 他只是述事不立言, 谈论而不写作。

    Most of the time he states rather than conveys, and gossips rather than writes.

  26. 他们不作让步的就是战俘遣返问题,而这是正确的。

    Where they made no concessions, and rightly, was on the matter of the repatriation of prisoners.

  27. 由他们而不是政府来发号施令, 作出决策, 扭转乾坤。

    They and not the government will call the shots and make the decisions about how to turn this company around.

  28. 一般情况下,相片祗会用作参考,而不会成为法庭证据。

    Normally a picture can only be used for reference, not as evidence in COURT.

  29. 子整体软件开发小组把过程用作指南, 而不是支柱。

    The holonic software development team uses process as a guide, not as a crutch.

  30. 在一定条件下,电子可以作波状运动,而不是粒子状运动。

    Under certain conditions, electrons can behave like waves rather than particles.


  1. 问:述而不作拼音怎么拼?述而不作的读音是什么?述而不作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:述而不作的读音是shù'érbùzuò,述而不作翻译成英文是 Only expatiate on other's theories without stat...


