











汉语拼音:dú shù yī zhì








  • 【解释】:树:立;帜:旗帜。单独树起一面旗帜。比喻独特新奇,自成一家。
  • 【出自】:清·袁枚《随园诗话》卷三:“元、白在唐朝所以能独树一帜者,正为其不袭盛唐窠臼也。”
  • 【示例】:苏轼也擅长书法,他取法颜真卿,但能~,与蔡襄、黄庭坚、米芾并称宋代四大家。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语、定语;含褒义


  1. "China is out on its own, far ahead of the pack, " said James Wilsdon, of the Royal Society in London.


  2. Schmeichel was an imposing presence in the United goal, with a bravery that made the very most of his considerable natural talent.


  3. Data and policy moves over the last week have driven home the point that China is increasingly in a league of its own.


  4. But even if it isn't Tibet, the countryside all around the town still feels quite different from the rest of Yunnan.


  5. The architecturally unique Sydney Opera House seemed to the computer to be similar to a hotel in Mississippi as well as a bridge in London.


  6. For a company of its size, ITW is unique in that decision-making is highly devolved down to its individual businesses.


  7. The fame of Washington stands apart from every other in history shining with a truer lustre and a more benignant glory.


  8. James Wood, a British critic who teaches at Harvard, is one of a number of reviewers who have singled out Mr Cole's work.


  9. To be generally acknowledged, the German scholar Sigmund Freud is the forerunner in the study of sex abnormality with his unique views.


  1. 这不再是独树一帜的特征。

    Its no longer a differentiating feature.

  2. 他的雕刻技艺独树一帜。

    His sculptural arts flew his own colors.

  3. 评论家称赞该作品独树一帜。

    Critics praised the works as highly original.

  4. 评论家们称赞该作品独树一帜。

    Critics praised the work as highly original.

  5. 这村庄, 不拘一格, 却又独树一帜。

    This village, eclectic, yet unique.

  6. 他在运动俱乐部老是独树一帜。

    At the Athletic Club he became experimental.

  7. 有了它, 这个地方才独树一帜。

    With it, the place became unique.

  8. 悟瓷坊, 当今独树一帜的瓷坛新锐。

    Wu porcelain Square, edge of today's unique porcelain altar.

  9. 充分体现烙画独树一帜的艺术魅力。

    Fully reflects the art of pyrography unique charm.

  10. 在传统歌词创作的领域中, 独树一帜。

    His lyrics are unique in the traditional lyric writing field.

  11. 宋代的科技独树一帜,取得了辉煌成就。

    The technology of the on behalf of Sung creates new style, obtaining the glorious achievement.

  12. 他们在各种计算机发明创新中独树一帜。

    They are alone in the world of computer innovations.

  13. 这一技术在国内同行业中独树一帜。

    This technology is unique in the same industry.

  14. 梵蒂冈得国旗由于是正方形所以独树一帜。

    Vatican City's flag is unusual in that it is square.

  15. 梵蒂冈的国旗由于是正方形所以独树一帜。

    Vatican City's flag is unusual in that it is square.

  16. 要求着装独树一帜的人穿这件衬衫最合适。

    This shirt is great for anyone who wants to make a fashion statement.

  17. 然后他补充到,我们算得上是独树一帜。

    And then he added, We're basically a world unto ourselves.

  18. 它在现代舞中独树一帜,舞步优美、高雅、富有诗意。

    It's unique in modern dance, its steps are graceful, elegant and poetic.

  19. 其金字塔彩光屋顶独树一帜,给您全新的感受。

    Pyramid phototherapy its unique roof, you feel brand new.

  20. 劳伦斯对生命关系的关注可谓是独树一帜的。

    It is said that Lawrence s concerning about the life relationship is unique.

  21. 我们对道德的关注令我们在竞争中独树一帜。

    Our focus on ethics differentiates us hugely from the competition.

  22. 如此强健的人口成长在富裕国家中独树一帜。

    Such robust growth is unique among rich countries.

  23. 针刺麻醉在世界医学上真可谓独树一帜。

    acupuncture anesthesia does take the course of its own in the medical science of the world.

  24. 上海铜艺装饰件, 在国内建筑装饰中独树一帜。

    Shanghai copper decorative pieces of art at home in the unique architectural features.

  25. 这里绘画藏品的风格在世界上也是独树一帜。

    There is a collection of paintings quite unique in the world.

  26. 政府在制定自己独树一帜的外交政策时无比娴熟。

    The government is more than adept at ploughing its own diplomatic furrow.

  27. 推销员和货物,两者皆独树一帜,我为此而自豪。

    Salesman and goods, different from all others, and proud of the difference.

  28. 在精神分析学派中,荣格的分析心理学独树一帜。

    In psychoanalytic school, Rung's analytic psychology is prominent.

  29. 该书在形式上独树一帜, 既非回忆录, 又非专著或自传

    In form, the book is highly idiosyncratic, for it is not exactly a memoir, or a monograph, or an autobiography

  30. 现代书法阵营中,他是风格特异又独树一帜的探索者。

    Modern Calligraphy camp, he was the specific style is unique Explorer.


  1. 问:独树一帜拼音怎么拼?独树一帜的读音是什么?独树一帜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独树一帜的读音是dúshùyízhì,独树一帜翻译成英文是 start a trend



独树一帜,谓树立旗帜。比喻与众不同,自成一家。 清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷六:“ 欧公 学 韩 文,而所作文全不似 韩 ,此八家中所以独树一帜也。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文二集·序》:“这时候,凡是要独树一帜的,总打着憎恶‘庸俗’的幌子。” 马南邨 《燕山夜话·大胆练习写字》:“大家都很熟识的 黄山谷 的书法,在 宋 代要算是独树一帜的了。”