




1. 吭 [háng]2. 吭 [kēng]吭 [háng]喉咙,嗓子:引~高歌。吭 [kēng]出声,发言:~气。~声。……




唱:~唱。~咏。~颂。~坛。~台舞榭。~舞。能~善舞。能唱的文词:唱~。~谱。~词。~诀。民~。诗~。~行(xíng )(旧诗的一种体裁,音节、格律比较自由)。诗言志,~咏言。……



汉语拼音:yǐn háng gāo gē








  • 【解释】:引:拉长;吭:嗓子,喉咙。放开嗓子大声歌唱。
  • 【出自】:叶圣陶《醉后》:“她们引吭高歌的时候,曳声很长,抑扬起落。”
  • 【语法】:连动式;作谓语、定语、宾语;含褒义


  1. They were usually in some stage of drunkenness, often in need of soap and a towel, and always ready to sing.


  2. By year's end she had sung in her first film and made her first recording.


  3. Often they sing old Romanian songs at the top of their voices, or Constantin's old battle songs from his army days.


  4. Remote at this moment, Hao is KTV roar out a song, " for you 222 . . . . . . " One chick, laughing squid shook.


  5. In this second year of his presidency, to quote his formerly favourite preacher, his chickens will come home to roost.


  6. Knightley was obviously born in the wrong era: once again she wears the period finery (and even belts out a tune) with class.


  7. If I feel depressed , I will sing. If I feel sad, I will laugh. If I feel ill, I will double my labor.


  8. Do shadowboxing fitness, sing joyfully in a loud voice, dawn of older tourists are everywhere on the scene.


  9. To make ends meet, I worked as a singing waiter, belting out songs to karaoke tracks while I served burgers and milkshakes.


  1. 歌手引吭高歌。

    The singer belted out a song.

  2. 年轻人喜欢引吭高歌。

    Young people enjoy belting out the songs.

  3. 沮丧时, 我引吭高歌。

    If I feel depressed I will sing.

  4. 沮丧时,我引吭高歌。

    If I feel depressed I will sing.

  5. 他在隔壁引吭高歌。

    He was roaring out a song in the next room.

  6. 在圣诞歌曲中你也快来引吭高歌吧

    Raise your voice in Yuletide song now

  7. 引吭高歌, 最爱诙谐的人, 普不是心情最轻松的人。

    Yet it is not he who sings loudest and jokes most that has the lightest heart.

  8. 透过百叶窗,我看到唐纳德在枝头引吭高歌。

    From the blind, I see Donald on his singing perch.

  9. 哈拉引吭高歌,是战斗的利器,紧握在爱之手。

    Jara sang, his song a weapon in the hands of love.

  10. 打拳健身的,引吭高歌的,晨曦下到处是中老年游客的身影。

    Do shadowboxing fitness, sing joyfully in a loud voice, dawn of older tourists are everywhere on the scene.

  11. 骄阳直晒头上, 面对引吭高歌的人群, 我感到惊叹和敬佩。

    The sun hot upon my head, and I felt a wonder at the singing mass.

  12. 骄阳直晒头上,面对引吭高歌得人群,我感到惊叹和敬佩。

    The sun hot upon my head, and I felt a wonder at the singing mass.

  13. 我的歌喉太没味儿,我甚至连自己的书房里都不敢引吭高歌。

    My singing voice is so awful that I daren't even let rip in my study.

  14. 我自己欢庆,我自己高歌。

    I celebrate myself, and sing myself.

  15. 我要向天空高歌。

    Sing to the sky, will I.

  16. 鸟儿清脆地高歌。

    The bird sang high and clearly.

  17. 沮丧时,我引亢高歌。

    If I feel depressed I will sing.

  18. 他饮酒高歌, 尽情享受人生。

    He lives it up with wine and song.

  19. 共我高歌,那些熟悉的曲调。

    Sing with me the songs we knew.

  20. 鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。

    The bird sang high and clearly in the tree.

  21. 今天太高兴了,我要放声高歌。

    I am so happy today that I want to sing joyfully and loudly.

  22. 放声地高歌,就像没人在倾听一样。

    Sing as if nobody is hearing you.

  23. 她虔诚地高歌,低吟,唱着她的命运。

    Piously got to sing, and to chant, for her destiny.

  24. 鸟儿在快活地歌唱。鸟儿在树上清脆地高歌。

    The bird sang high and clearly in the tree.

  25. 他终于出来了,一身擦得通红,仍在高歌。

    At last he came out, pink and scrubbed, still giving voice.

  26. 她走上台口, 开始对着整个剧场放声高歌。

    She walked out onto the apron and began to sing in front of the full theatre.

  27. 她走上台口,开始对着整个剧场放声高歌。

    She walked out onto the apron and began to sing in front of the full theatre.

  28. 数千只在漫漫冬夜中引颈高歌的企鹅中。

    Of the many thousands who sang through that long night of winter.

  29. 终于登上了泰山得顶峰, 他不由得放怀高歌。

    He couldn't help singing heartily when he finally reached the top of Mount Tai.

  30. 终于登上了泰山的顶峰,他不由得放怀高歌。

    He couldn't help singing heartily when he finally reached the top of Mount Tai.


  1. 问:引吭高歌拼音怎么拼?引吭高歌的读音是什么?引吭高歌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:引吭高歌的读音是yǐnhánggāogē,引吭高歌翻译成英文是 to sing joyfully in a loud voice



成语: 引吭高歌 yǐn háng gāo gē
