




1. 看 [kàn]2. 看 [kān]看 [kàn]使视线接触人或物:~见。~书。~齐。观察,判断:~病。观~。~好(根据市场情况,估计某种商品好销)。~透(透彻深刻地了解或认识。亦称“看破”、“看穿”)。~风使舵。访问,拜望:~望。~朋……



汉语拼音:nài kàn







  1. 经得起细看和久看。

    元 倪瓒 《题画》诗之八:“篝灯染笔三更后,远岫疏林亦耐看。” 清 李渔 《慎鸾交·造端》:“少年填词填到老,好看词多,耐看词偏少。” 秦牧 《艺海拾贝·虾趣》:“这些虾的布局是异常生动的,在素朴中体现了深厚,很耐看,很经得人寻味。”



  1. Streep's Mrs. Thatcher is eerily watchable and aurally exact (and she did not even use a voice coach).


  2. Whole effect appears decorous and easy, concise be able to bear or endure look.


  3. On another note, the peaks of a mountain or pine trees will look nice when surrounded by round clouds.


  4. Not to mention making television much more bearable to watch.


  5. Because I feel that I really do not Naikan ah!


  6. The classic, practical and good-looking diamond-shaped texture will help you find yourself in life.


  7. Pets are very lovely, interesting and appreciated. Pets can do many things for us.


  8. It still matches Dao, hehe, the last one is worth looking.


  9. Guys don't actually look after good-looking girls. They prefer neat and presentable girls.


  1. 更不用说让电视能更耐看。

    Not to mention making television much more bearable to watch.

  2. 因为属于单色系, 所以更耐看。

    Because of its monochromatic, it becomes more wearable.

  3. 整个效果显得高雅大方, 简洁耐看。

    Whole effect appears decorous and easy, concise be able to bear or endure look.

  4. 我长得很耐看, 你需要耐心的看。

    I very much worth looking, you need the patience looking.

  5. 上披和下托边边都有棕须,十分耐看。

    Both upper side and subiculum have brown whiskers and look good.

  6. 那老太太固执地认为穿红衣得少女耐看。

    The old lady insists that a girl in red always makes a feast for the eyes.

  7. 那老太太固执地认为穿红衣的少女耐看。

    The old lady insists that a girl in red always makes a feast for the eyes.

  8. 这小姑娘长得虽然不是特别漂亮, 但是很耐看。

    Though the girl is not beautiful, she withstands scrutiny.

  9. 这小姑娘长得虽然不是特别漂亮,但是很耐看。

    Though the girl is not beautiful, she withstands scrutiny.

  10. 不耐看的书, 又可随手抛下, 谁也不会因此而伤心失望。

    When you lay aside the book you dislike, none will ever feel hurt or disappointed.

  11. 他饥不可耐地看着饭桌。

    He looked at the dinnertable hungrily.

  12. 耐着性子看完

    sit through.

  13. 选民们急不可耐, 要看他们的新总统。

    The ovters were all agog to see their new president.

  14. 选民们急不可耐,要看他们得新总统。

    The ovters were all agog to see their new president.

  15. 这部戏真无聊, 但我还是耐着性子看完了。

    The play was really boring, but I sat it out.

  16. 这部戏真无聊,但我还是耐着性子看完了。

    The play was really boring, but I sat it out.

  17. 这是个讨厌的比赛,但是我耐着性子看完了。

    It was a terrible game, but I sat it out to the end.

  18. 他用颇耐玩味的目光看她一眼, 说不清是开心, 还是怅惋。

    He gave her a wry look, something between amusement and regret.

  19. 二看硬度, 耐划伤, 保护木器漆历久弥新。

    Two see hardness, scratch resistance, protective paint for wood work.

  20. 这就要看你对风险得耐受水平了。

    That depends on your level of risk tolerance.

  21. 我急不可耐的想让同事们看看这个哇!

    I cant wait for everyone at work to see these. Ow!

  22. 五分钟以后, 戈多尔芬回转来, 看上去比刚才更加急不可耐。

    After five minutes Codolphin returned, looking more hot and anxious than before.

  23. 来看看我新的耐克广告!

    Check out my new Nike commercial!

  24. 这就要看你对风险的耐受水平了。

    That depends on your level of risk tolerance.

  25. 耐莉,如果你不让她去,你自己可以走去看看。

    Nelly, if you won't let her go, you can walk over yourself.

  26. 耐尔看到她们聚会, 好象她的心要碎了。

    Nell felt as if her heart would break when she saw them meet.

  27. 耐尔看到她们聚会,好象她得心要碎了。

    Nell felt as if her heart would break when she saw them meet.

  28. 这是从农场上看斯耐尔小溪之西岸景色

    This is their view to the west of the Schell Creek range.

  29. 耐克鞋太贵了。我买不起。我看看便宜的吧。

    I cant afford a pair of nike, too expensive. Get me something cheaper, please.

  30. 要是你往右边看 在离斯耐尔小溪 15英里以外的地方

    and if you look off to the right, out there, 13 miles across to the Schell Creek range.


  1. 问:耐看拼音怎么拼?耐看的读音是什么?耐看翻译成英文是什么?

    答:耐看的读音是nàikàn,耐看翻译成英文是 Have lasting appeal.



1.多指女子的各方面很好,让人百看不厌,如面容,身材或气质等。 这个世界上有很多女子,各有各的不同。有的俗不可耐;而有的则气质可嘉;有的清纯可爱;有的则妩媚动人;而还有一种让人百看不厌的;则是女子世界之宝也。能让人百看不厌的必不是一般女子可及的,她们在各方面均表现的恰到好处,而这样的女子用美丽、漂亮等词义不足以形容了,只有耐看一词可用了。 在不同的语境下,“耐看”也指某些女子或男子需要“耐着性子看”的意思。此时就是意义就完全相反了,呵呵..例如,芙蓉姐姐真是耐看啊! 在工业上有耐磨焊条,就是电焊中用耐磨焊条作为辅助把一个容易磨损的铁质加以铺,可以达到经得起摩擦产生的塌陷,缺失。 在地方,有耐脏和不耐脏之说。耐脏的意思是说衣服经得起脏,一般指黑色衣服。不耐脏一般指白色衣服,这衣服真是不耐脏,落点灰尘就脏兮兮的了。 造句 这个女孩子长的可真耐看,水灵灵的。 2. 也有方言耐看指难看