







汉语拼音:chí qiāng








  1. Lopez said the same day police also arrested one suspect, believed to be masked, armed criminals robbed of cash transport companies.


  2. Gun advocates are daring to say that if Virginia Tech allowed concealed weapons, someone might have stopped the rampaging killer.


  3. As he was being interviewed by a reporter at a Vancouver hotel, a woman with a gun ran by, having robbed a jeweller.


  4. The defining image of the attacks was that of the burning Taj hotel, whose distinctive gothic red domes had been set ablaze by the gunmen.


  5. Kim admits that the most awkward part of the role was getting used to walking around with a gun in her hands.


  6. Haven't you heard it's a battle of words The poster bearer cried. Listen son, said the man with the gun There's room for you inside.


  7. A woman who was on the bus told reporters her husband was killed when he tried to stop the gunman.


  8. "How much more pro-Second Amendment can you be when you allow guns in a place that's serving tequila? " she asked.


  9. People who have not already felt mentally distressed will probably not be affected by an image of a man with a gun to his head, she said.


  1. 持枪抢劫犯

    gun robber.

  2. 持枪抢劫案

    armed robbery.

  3. 他持枪待命。

    He held his gun in readiness.

  4. 持枪准备射击

    to held a gun at the ready

  5. 持枪恐吓某人

    Threaten somebody with a gun

  6. 司机遭持枪抢劫。

    The driver was robbed at gunpoint.

  7. 他没有持枪执照。

    He did not hold a firearms licence.

  8. 他没有持枪执照。

    He did not hold a firearms licence.

  9. 他没有持枪许可。

    He did not hold a firearm certificate.

  10. 他持枪抢劫了我。

    He held me up at gunpoint.

  11. 猎手持枪打猎的人

    One who hunts with a gun.

  12. 希望你不是反对持枪。

    I hope that doesn't mean you're antigun.

  13. 持枪歹徒向警察自首。

    The gunman gave himself up to the police.

  14. 戴着面具的持枪歹徒

    a masked gunman

  15. 非法持枪过境无权保释。

    International gun charges, parole violation.

  16. 犯罪团伙持枪抢劫药物。

    The medicines there were robbed by the rodmen.

  17. 持枪歹徒的暴行惨无人道。

    The violence of the gunman was inhuman.

  18. 持枪歹徒冲出了大楼。

    The gunmen smashed their way out of the building.

  19. 警察包围了那个持枪者。

    The police closed in on the gunman.

  20. 警察开始向持枪歹徒开枪。

    The police away at the gunman.

  21. 那支枪有持枪执照吗?

    Is that gun licensed?

  22. 警车被3个持枪人挡住。

    The security van was held up by three gunmen.

  23. 他随身带了个持枪保镖。

    He carried a gunman at his elbow.

  24. 持枪人以前是一名警察。

    Well, he was once a police officer.

  25. 累积持枪骑兵军队,下流电池

    Amass armies of lancers, batteries of ribalds.

  26. 警方在全城搜捕持枪者。

    Police launched a citywide hunt for the gunman.

  27. 持枪歹徒瞄准后就射击了。

    The gunman took aimand fired.

  28. 他儿子被持枪歹徒杀害了。

    His son was murdered by gunmen.

  29. 他儿子被持枪歹徒杀害了。

    His son was murdered by gunmen.

  30. 持枪歹徒扣押了三名人质。

    The gunmen took three hostages.


  1. 问:持枪拼音怎么拼?持枪的读音是什么?持枪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:持枪的读音是chíqiāng,持枪翻译成英文是 To hold a gun.; To bear a gun

  2. 问:持枪礼拼音怎么拼?持枪礼的读音是什么?持枪礼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:持枪礼的读音是chí qiāng lǐ,持枪礼翻译成英文是 Salute with Rifle

  3. 问:持枪证拼音怎么拼?持枪证的读音是什么?持枪证翻译成英文是什么?

    答:持枪证的读音是chíqiāngzhèng,持枪证翻译成英文是 firearm permit

  4. 问:持枪姿势拼音怎么拼?持枪姿势的读音是什么?持枪姿势翻译成英文是什么?

    答:持枪姿势的读音是chí qiāng zī shì,持枪姿势翻译成英文是 Port Arms

  5. 问:持枪操练拼音怎么拼?持枪操练的读音是什么?持枪操练翻译成英文是什么?

    答:持枪操练的读音是chí qiāng cāo liàn,持枪操练翻译成英文是 Rifle Exercise

  6. 问:持枪教练拼音怎么拼?持枪教练的读音是什么?持枪教练翻译成英文是什么?

    答:持枪教练的读音是chí qiāng jiào liàn,持枪教练翻译成英文是 Drill with Arms

  7. 问:持枪敬礼拼音怎么拼?持枪敬礼的读音是什么?持枪敬礼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:持枪敬礼的读音是chí qiāng jìng lǐ,持枪敬礼翻译成英文是 Rifle Salute

  8. 问:持枪杀人拼音怎么拼?持枪杀人的读音是什么?持枪杀人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:持枪杀人的读音是chí qiāng shā rén,持枪杀人翻译成英文是 firearm homicide

  9. 问:持枪犯罪拼音怎么拼?持枪犯罪的读音是什么?持枪犯罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:持枪犯罪的读音是chí qiāng fàn zuì,持枪犯罪翻译成英文是 gun crime

  10. 问:持枪自杀拼音怎么拼?持枪自杀的读音是什么?持枪自杀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:持枪自杀的读音是chí qiāng zì shā,持枪自杀翻译成英文是 firearm suicides

  11. 问:持枪行凶拼音怎么拼?持枪行凶的读音是什么?持枪行凶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:持枪行凶的读音是chíqiāngxíngxiōng,持枪行凶翻译成英文是 gun-toting

  12. 问:持枪抢劫犯拼音怎么拼?持枪抢劫犯的读音是什么?持枪抢劫犯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:持枪抢劫犯的读音是chíqiāngqiǎngjiéfàn,持枪抢劫犯翻译成英文是 gun robber

  13. 问:持枪通行证拼音怎么拼?持枪通行证的读音是什么?持枪通行证翻译成英文是什么?

    答:持枪通行证的读音是chíqiāngtōngxíngzhèng,持枪通行证翻译成英文是 firearm-carrying pass