







汉语拼音:pí ruǎn








  1. 亦作“ 疲輭 ”。

    1.疲乏无力。 宋 梅尧臣 《希深惠书言游嵩》诗:“ 欧阳 称壮龄,疲软屡颠踣。” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·刺逆》:“又因爱恋 段夫人 ,酒色过度,不但弄得孤家身子疲软,连双目都不见了。” 清 恽敬 《与赵石农》:“ 敬 久官南中,腰脚疲软。”

  2. 拖沓无能。

    《晋书·刘颂传》:“今世士人决不悉良能也,又决不悉疲软也。” 宋 曾巩 《将军制》:“今閲士之艺,朕皆亲临,拔其异能,而汰其疲软。” 明 李贽 《答焦漪园书》:“真英雄子,画作疲輭汉矣;真风流名世者,画作俗士。”

  3. 指商品销售不旺或货币汇率呈下降趋势。如:市场疲软。



  1. President Bush says he does not know whether America's sagging economic performance meets the technical definition of a recession.


  2. A year ago, set-makers saw it as a nifty way of boosting flagging sales for a few dollars of additional electronics.


  3. "The early signs suggest that the November data cycle is likely to be extremely weak, " analysts at RDQ economics said in a research note.


  4. In a down market, the bottom line still requires sales "above the line" to keep the company alive and growing.


  5. "Recent data out of the U. S. have been mixed and a weak reading could therefore rattle markets, " said strategists at Danske Bank.


  6. Andrew Harding, head of Rio Tinto's copper division, said the softness in the Chinese market could persist for six months to a year.


  7. With lower sales and higher costs, carmakers will have to raise prices, the last thing they need at a time of weak demand.


  8. Given the weakness of the recovery, adoption of a credible plan to address deficits over the next few years is the safest course of action.


  9. Their predicament reflects that of a generation of Americans facing one of the weakest job markets in modern history.


  1. 美圆疲软。

    The U.S. Dollar is weakening.

  2. 也疲软和厌烦了。

    For the weaj and weary.

  3. 投魔术惑奇才疲软

    Wizards cast spell on slumping Magic

  4. 油价走高, 美元疲软。

    High Oil and Weak Dollar.

  5. 油价走高,美元疲软。

    High Oil and Weak Dollar.

  6. 目前英镑是坚挺还是疲软

    Is the pound strong or weak at the moment.

  7. 黄金略显坚挺。白银略显疲软。

    Gold was slightly stronger, and silver slightly weaker.

  8. 这样的疲软引得各方非议。

    There was no hiding the blame.

  9. 高利率是经济疲软得征兆。

    High interest rates are a symptom of a weak economy.

  10. 高利率是经济疲软的征兆。

    High interest rates are a symptom of a weak economy.

  11. 不利的发展使产品价格疲软。

    Adverse developments have softened the price of the product.

  12. 你方价格可以接受。美圆疲软。

    On Price Your price is acceptable.

  13. 人们普遍要求刺激疲软的经济。

    There are widespread calls for a stimulus package to revive the economy.

  14. 欧股强劲与欧元疲软相映成趣。

    Europe's share contrasts finely with each other with European dollar weakly powerfully.

  15. 美元疲软推高了大宗商品价格。

    The dollar weakness pushed commodity prices higher.

  16. 经济疲软时供货商很难提价。

    When the economy is weak, it's very hard for suppliers to raise their prices.

  17. 主要的目标是对经济疲软的保护。

    A major objective is the protection of the economic weak.

  18. 利率提高了,藉以支撑疲软的美元。

    Interest rates were raised to brace up the sagging dollar.

  19. 利率提高了,借以支撑疲软的美元。

    Interest rates were raised to brace up the sagging dollar.

  20. 但德国经济的疲软只是暂时性的。

    But German weakness was only temporary.

  21. 国家经济疲软,这一事实无法回避。

    There's no getting away from the fact that the country's economy is suffering.

  22. 鉴于经济疲软,这个选择看起来很愚蠢。

    Given the economys weakness, it looks daft.

  23. 这预示着又一波美元疲软。

    This point in time will herald another wave of dollar weakness.

  24. 坏消息则是, 世界经济正在快速疲软。

    The bad news is that world economy is weakening fast.

  25. 慈善工作者称这种看法为同情疲软

    And there are some charity workers who call this compassion fatigue.

  26. 但是,全球需求的疲软可能抑制贸易的增长。

    But weak global demand could restrain the growth in trade.

  27. 美元在国际货币交易中已趋疲软。

    The dollar has weakened in international currency trading.

  28. 几乎没有人会联想到美国疲软的生产率。

    Few associate America with limping productivity.

  29. 另一个高油价的原因是美元的疲软。

    Another cause of high oil prices is the American dollar.

  30. 货币兑换在政府公布汇率后更疲软了。

    Currency exchange is quieter after the government's statement on exchange rate.


  1. 问:疲软拼音怎么拼?疲软的读音是什么?疲软翻译成英文是什么?

    答:疲软的读音是píruǎn,疲软翻译成英文是 weary; weak

  2. 问:疲软的拼音怎么拼?疲软的的读音是什么?疲软的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:疲软的的读音是,疲软的翻译成英文是 weak

  3. 问:疲软倾向拼音怎么拼?疲软倾向的读音是什么?疲软倾向翻译成英文是什么?

    答:疲软倾向的读音是pí ruǎn qīng xiàng,疲软倾向翻译成英文是 weakening tendency

  4. 问:疲软市场拼音怎么拼?疲软市场的读音是什么?疲软市场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:疲软市场的读音是pí ruǎn shì chǎng,疲软市场翻译成英文是 weak market


