


1. 研 [yán]2. 研 [yàn]研 [yán]细磨(mó),碾:~磨。~药。~墨。深入地探求:~究。钻~。~京练都(dū)(晋代左思作《三都赋》构思了十二年,后遂用“研京练都”形容经年累月地构思文章)。研 [yàn]古同“砚”,砚台……





汉语拼音:yán xí








  1. 研究学习。

    《北齐书·文宣帝纪》:“詔郡国修立黌序,广延髦儁,敦述儒风。其国子学生亦仰依旧銓补,服膺师説,研习《礼经》。” 唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记·健驮逻国》:“昼则研习理教,夜乃静虑凝神。” 陈毅 《哭叶军长希夷同志》诗:“从此流亡苦,海外勤研习。”



  1. She took me to the bus station and told me that if I ever wanted to come back I would be very welcome at the workshop.


  2. Many bring along the children they need to take care of at home, transforming the seminar into a heartwarming family gathering.


  3. A year before I repeated learning the game process, often thought of Masters said, are not the solution.


  4. The Buddha's teaching shows a unique path of enlightenment, and is not a subject to be studied from a mere academic standpoint.


  5. In other words, anyone who approaches this book seriously can himself become, in the popular sense of the term, a mental wizard!


  6. I cleared my throat, smiled and said, "You and your folks are our guests. Thanks for wanting to come. "


  7. Area Coordinators contact conveners of Rotary Institutes to ask them to include Literacy and Education on the program.


  8. Use the resources available to you to prepare for the governors -elect training seminar (GETS) and the International Assembly.


  9. Ensure that the assistant governors or members of the district membership seminar committee receive this information as well.


  1. 爵士舞研习会

    jazz dance sessions

  2. 童谣音乐研习中心

    Tung Yiu Music Leaning Centre

  3. 大潭树木研习径

    Tai Tam Tree Walk

  4. 预防爱滋病研习班

    AIDS prevention workshop

  5. 体育基本理论研习的定位坐标

    How To Study Basic Theories Of Sport

  6. 国家早期发展与教育研习会

    National Institute on Early Childhood Development and Education

  7. 我们研习圣经, 学习犹太人得思想。

    We study the Bible, we study Jewish thought.

  8. 我们研习圣经,学习犹太人的思想。

    We study the Bible, we study Jewish thought.

  9. 研习当哈姆雷特一角的替角

    understudy Hamlet

  10. 他奉派研习火箭和喷气式飞机

    He was assigned to bone up on rockets and jets

  11. 你要研习语言,历史,艺术,政治科学。

    You will study languages, history, art, political science.

  12. 大多数人有个人研习多于集体讨论。

    Most people have individual study more than group discussion.

  13. 贵校希望办理研习的日期时间为?

    When would your school like to have a workshop?

  14. 如不拟攻读学位则研习目的为何?

    What is you study purpose if academic degree not sought?

  15. 学生指定他想参加的研习班。

    The student indicates the seminar in which he wants to enroll.

  16. 您不必研习令人反胃的单词列表。

    You don't have to study awful vocabulary lists.

  17. 元洲仔环境教育教师研习中心小册子

    Island House Environmental Education Teacher Learning Centre Leaflet

  18. 于是仙人给了他研习仙术的书籍。

    Then Wu Kang was given the books of immortality to study.

  19. 课程包括整套的课堂讲稿和研习数据。

    This course features a full set of lecture notes and study materials.

  20. 请不要在铃声响前结束研习会议。

    Don't get through your studying meeting until the bell rings.

  21. 贾维尔说我今天可以来加入研习团。

    Javier said I can come and join the study group today.

  22. 为学生提供关于参加研习班的意见

    Provide advice to students regarding which seminars to enroll in

  23. 厥后指在困难的条件下周旋耐劳研习。

    Later it came to refer to studying under very hard conditions.

  24. 系统确定该学生没有资格参加研习班。

    The system determines the student is not eligible to enroll in seminars.

  25. 印尼最近主办扶轮地带研习会是在1997年。

    The last time Indonesia hosted the Zone Institute was in 1997.

  26. 他们正在筹划一系列研习班和商务研讨会。

    They are planning a series of workshops and business seminars.

  27. 系统通知该生,他没有资格参加研习班。

    The system informs the student he is not eligible to enroll.

  28. 他们研习的是有条件的忠诚而不是无条件的爱。

    Instead of unconditional love, they practice conditional loyalty.

  29. 研习资料则提供许多上课及基地调查的照片。

    The study materials section offers many pictures from class and field trips.

  30. 他十二岁时已经开始研习天台宗经书。

    When he was but twelve years old he was already studying Tendai philosophical speculation.


  1. 问:研习拼音怎么拼?研习的读音是什么?研习翻译成英文是什么?

    答:研习的读音是yánxí,研习翻译成英文是 research and study