


向前或向上移动、发展,与“退”相对:前~。上~。推~。跃~。~退。~取。~击。~驻。~行(xíng )。~而。入,往里去:~见。~谒。~谗。吃,喝:~食。~餐。滴水未~。收入或买入:~账。~货。日~斗金。奉上,呈上:~言。~奉。~献。旧式房……





汉语拼音:jìn xiū







  1. 亦作“ 进脩 ”。

    1.犹言进德修业。《魏书·高允传》:“又詔 允 曰:‘……朕既篡统大业,八表晏寧,稽之旧典,欲置学官於郡国,使进修之业,有所津寄。’” 宋 范仲淹 《代人奏乞王洙充南京讲书状》:“教育之道,风布于邦畿;进脩之人,日闻于典籍。”《剪灯新话·秋香亭记》:“﹝ 商氏 ﹞尝抚生指 采采 谓曰:‘汝宜益加进脩。吾孙女誓不适他族,当令事汝,以续二姓之亲,永以为好也。’” 董必武 《清明后一日得孔原书却寄》诗:“生活恰如鱼饮水,进修浑似燕衔泥。”

  2. 谓为了提高业务而进一步学习专业知识。

    老舍 《女店员》第一幕:“作售货员照样可以进修,提高文化。” 巴金 《探索集·世界语》:“晚上有一位从 上海 来进修的医生给我治疗。”



  1. I trained with him three times a week at the ashram.


  2. Studied in Orthopedic Surgery Hospital of Beijing for a year, master the old bone disease diagnosis and treatment.


  3. In a learning opportunity to the United States, he gave up love, choose the United States.


  4. Secondly, I believe that HKU can provide me with the best education in a different mode.


  5. After a week's tense work and study, it feels good to sit in the ball room, listening to light music in the soft lamplight.


  6. In another, smoother video shortly afterwards, he said he was studying happily for a doctorate at an unnamed American university.


  7. "We want them not to stop, but to go on to the next phase, " said Vartan Gregorian , the president of the Carnegie Corporation.


  8. But her learning experiences in Italy inspired her strong desire to express themselves, encouraged her to join in the literary road.


  9. The current owners, Britain based Pumla and Madoda Hoshe decided to turn it into a guest house after learning it's romantic history.


  1. 半脱产进修

    day release.

  2. 进修培训权

    right of training

  3. 按规定进修

    compulsory further training.

  4. 脱产进修课程

    a day release course

  5. 教师进修制度

    Teacher advancing system.

  6. 各行业进修

    Continuing Education for Various Trades and Industries.

  7. 进修推广部

    Division of Continuing Education and Professional Development

  8. 伦敦大学进修,

    Research fellow in London University, UK.

  9. 伦敦大学进修。

    Research fellow in London University, UK.

  10. 我想要进修。

    I want to advance my studies.

  11. 提供培训进修。

    SCCA provides training from refresher to comprehensive professional courses.

  12. 神经外科进修医师

    Advanced neurosurgcons

  13. 专业进修的机会

    an opportunity for professional development

  14. 神学教育进修学院

    Institute for Continuing Theological Education.

  15. 军医进修学院学报

    Academic journal of PIA Postgraduate Medical School

  16. 他们闯进修院。

    They broke into the convent.

  17. 进修扣问物品价格。

    Learn to ask about prices.

  18. 进修,获研究生证书

    The Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching Science and Engineering in English

  19. 申请来华进修专业

    Subject or Major of Study in China

  20. 例如, 沃里克郡进修学院

    Warwickshire College of Further Education

  21. 在范德堡大学进修。

    Went to vanderbilt.

  22. 计划参加历史进修课程

    planned to take honors in history.

  23. 高校教师进修管理系统

    visiting scholar management system

  24. 空中交通服务进修课程

    Air Traffic Services Refresher course

  25. 现代教学法的进修课程

    refresher course on modern teaching methods

  26. 军事体育进修学院学报

    Journal of pla institute of physical education

  27. 接纳她进修道会

    Her reception into the religious order

  28. 他被送到大学进修。

    He was sent to take a refresher course in the university.

  29. 拉萨尔大学进修部

    La Salle Extension University

  30. 我去法国烹饪学校进修

    I went to chef school in France.


  1. 问:进修拼音怎么拼?进修的读音是什么?进修翻译成英文是什么?

    答:进修的读音是jìnxiū,进修翻译成英文是 take a refresher course

  2. 问:进修班拼音怎么拼?进修班的读音是什么?进修班翻译成英文是什么?

    答:进修班的读音是jìnxiūbān,进修班翻译成英文是 refresher course; class for advanced studies...

  3. 问:进修生拼音怎么拼?进修生的读音是什么?进修生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:进修生的读音是jìnxiūshēng,进修生翻译成英文是 graduate student; postgraduate

  4. 问:进修年拼音怎么拼?进修年的读音是什么?进修年翻译成英文是什么?

    答:进修年的读音是jìn xiū nián,进修年翻译成英文是 Postgraduate Year

  5. 问:进修训练材料拼音怎么拼?进修训练材料的读音是什么?进修训练材料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:进修训练材料的读音是jìn xiū xùn liàn cái liào,进修训练材料翻译成英文是 Extension Training Material

  6. 问:进修高等教育学院协会拼音怎么拼?进修高等教育学院协会的读音是什么?进修高等教育学院协会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:进修高等教育学院协会的读音是jìnxiū gāoděngjiàoyù xuéyuàn xiéhuì,进修高等教育学院协会翻译成英文是 Association of Colleges for Further and Higher...

