




倾斜的地方:山~。下~。倾斜:~道。~降(jiàng )(a.坡;b.坡度)。……



汉语拼音:dōng pō








  1. 东边坡地。

    唐 苏颋 《先是新昌小园期京兆尹一访兹愿不果率然成章》诗:“寂寞东坡叟,传呼北里人。” 唐 白居易 《东坡种花》诗之二:“东坡春向暮,树木今何如?”

  2. 地名。在 湖北省 黄冈县 憢东。

    宋 苏轼 《东坡》诗:“雨洗 东坡 月色清,市人行尽野人行。”

  3. 宋 苏轼 自号 东坡居士 ,因以“东坡”为其别称。

    宋 施彦执 《北窗炙輠》卷上:“昨 强幼安 来説话,引援甚富。某谓之曰:‘若此者, 六一 语;若此者, 温公 语;若此者, 东坡 语;若此者, 山谷 语; 强幼安 语却在甚处?’” 明 王鏊 《震泽长语·文章》:“ 东坡 为诗,无非讥切时政,借曰意在爱君,亦从讽諫可也。” 清 吴汝纶 《与杨伯衡论方刘二集书》:“於八家则 望溪 近 欧 曾 ,而 海峰 近 东坡 。”参见“ 东坡居士 ”。



  1. Since hatred is an expression of incompetence, he never knew personal hatred, because he did not know incompetence.


  2. Reading Dongpo words, it allowed to deliver his "Who's Afraid of, any life, " the magnanimous .


  3. So he had reason to be joyous and unafraid, and went through life like a whirlwind.


  4. Dongpo one day, palpable abdominal walk slowly, the slaver said: "Roadand what is the matter? "


  5. One of them, Su Dongpo from the name " mountain soup" , in fact, is named " bamboo powder mustard soup" .


  6. Su reading a poem "the wild around the water chestnut wheat demand, strong as a mountain soup cooking shag. "


  7. Su Tung-generation writer, the best rough life: Yan Jian's career, political vortex of the struggle, full of hard-ming grievances.


  8. However, this one is Su Dongpo named " Dongpo jade grits soup" food, is actually his little son Su had improved out of whim.


  9. Two hours before and after their travel to the south, imminent Tianchi shore, Dongpo shift to the direction of travel.


  1. 东坡银鳕鱼

    Steamed Codfish with Preserved Vegetables.

  2. 牛庄洼陷东坡

    the east slope of Niuzhuang Sag

  3. 东坡的灵感论

    On Su Dongpo's Inspiration Theory

  4. 东坡多金属矿田

    Dongpo ore field

  5. 安第斯山脉东坡

    the eastern slopes of the Andes

  6. 医院在小山的东坡。

    The hospital is on the eastward slope of the hill.

  7. 苏轼字子瞻,号东坡。

    Su Shi, styled Zizhan, was also known by his literary name Dongpo.

  8. 惠州西湖与东坡文化

    West lake in huizhou and dongpo culture.

  9. 拜访过了东坡先生之后呢,

    After paying homage to Mr. Su Dongpo

  10. 东坡词的创作高峰在黄州

    Creation Climax of Dongpo Ci is in Huangzhou

  11. 追求自由,是东坡词的本质内核。

    The essence of Su Shi's Ci was to pursue freedom.

  12. 东坡贬谪诗的意趣及表现特征

    The Interest of Dongpo's Relegation Poems and Their Characteristics of Expression

  13. 吹过洛矶山脉东坡的暖而干的风。

    A warm dry wind blowing down the E slopes of the Rockies.

  14. 青藏高原东坡加密观测站址选取分析

    Analysis on Selecting Intensive Meteorological Observing Station Locations on the East Side of Qing

  15. 然东坡诗中有大量的戏谑调侃之作。

    But there are a lot of bantering works in the poems of Su Dongpo.

  16. 西坡水由柳受霜害程度明显低于东坡。

    The degree of frost injury in east slope is more serious than that in the west.

  17. 林语堂诗文翻译审美现代性东坡诗文选。

    Lin Yutang prosepoetry translation aesthetic modernity Anthology of Su Tungpos Prose and Poetry.

  18. 东坡桥孔内砌有石纤道, 现为轮船停靠站。

    Dongpo bridge opening in a stone puzzle fiber Road, is currently the ship stops.

  19. 广东惠州西湖东坡主题公园建设中的文化设计

    Cultural Design in the Construction of the West Lake Dongpo Theme Park in Guangdong Huizhou

  20. 第二章讨论文官帽式,主要有幞头和东坡巾。

    The second chapter discusses the hats for civil officers, which mainly include Fu towel and Dongpo towel.

  21. 在丰富的人文旅游资源中, 东坡文化资源尤其值得发掘。

    Dongpo culture is deserved to develop especially in the rich humanity tourist resources.

  22. 山脉的西坡在阳光下闪耀无比,而东坡则洒下了长长的阴影。

    The western slopes of the mountains are brightly illuminated, while the eastern slopes are in shadow.

  23. 东坡早就说了,此生此夜不长好,明年明月何处看?

    Dongpo said a long time ago, the health and the night not long, next year the moon where to look?

  24. 从落基山脉东坡吹下的会引起气温迅速上升的干燥暖风

    a warm,dry wind that descends from the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains,causing a rapid rise in temperature

  25. 但目前对大兴安岭东坡的焚风还缺乏全面、系统的研究。

    But, at present, fohn effect ineastern slope of Daxinganling Mountain is short of a comprehensive and systematic research.

  26. 徐州体感温度时空分布之特征试论东坡豪放词中的时空感

    The Features of Spatial and Temporal Distribution of the Sensible Temperature in Xuzhou

  27. 警方称,东坡派出所一陈姓女警赶到后,群众针对她进行攻击。

    The police said a policewoman surnamed Chen was besieged, under attack of the crowd.

  28. 冲绳海槽东坡表层沉积物中自生铁方解石的发现与研究

    The Discovery and Study of Authigenic Ferrocalcite in the Surface Sediments from the Eastern Slope of the Okinawa Trough.


  1. 问:东坡肉拼音怎么拼?东坡肉的读音是什么?东坡肉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:东坡肉的读音是dōng pō ròu,东坡肉翻译成英文是 Fried Pork Belly in Soy Sauce

  2. 问:东坡书院拼音怎么拼?东坡书院的读音是什么?东坡书院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:东坡书院的读音是,东坡书院翻译成英文是 Dongpo Academy

  3. 问:东坡墨鱼拼音怎么拼?东坡墨鱼的读音是什么?东坡墨鱼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:东坡墨鱼的读音是dōngpōmòyú,东坡墨鱼翻译成英文是 ageneiogarra