







汉语拼音:quán rì




  1. Mothers will have an 'absolute right' to a flexible job and will be entitled to work part-time for up to one year after they return to work.


  2. If the bus lane does not operate all the time, a time plate will tell you when the bus lane is in operation.


  3. The wonderful thing about home schooling is that you know your child and how their personality and disposition will work throughout the day.


  4. In Bulgaria, all drivers are expected to drive with their lights on all day long to demonstrate extra vigilance over children's safety.


  5. The wage stop is the device used to stop families receiving more in social security payments than their normal income from full-time work.


  6. The American Express Peninsula Concierge Service is here to assist you, whatever your needs, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


  7. Unless otherwise specified, the facilities shown above are open to the public at all times and within the private lot.


  8. One of the world's most renowned news channels bringing breaking news around the world to viewers.


  9. Yesterday, was Palm Sunday, and it was the first one for Pope Francis since he became the head of the Roman Catholic Church.


  1. 全日包伙制

    full pension.

  2. 乐园全日餐厅

    Le Bistrot All Day Dining Restaurant.

  3. 太阴全日潮

    lunar diurnal tide.

  4. 全日/ 部分膳食供应

    full/ half board

  5. 片云足以遮全日

    One cloud is enough to eclipse all the sun

  6. 黄金海岸电影世界全日游

    Full day trip on the Gold Coast

  7. 下礼拜一将有全日蚀。

    There will be a total eclipse of the sun next Monday.

  8. 以便她全日都能有安全感。

    So she can go about her day feeling safe and protected.

  9. 以便她全日都能有安全感。

    So she can go about her day feeling safe and protected.

  10. 好景不常。朝阳不能光照全日。

    The morning sun never lasts a day.

  11. 上午乘车前往蓝山,全日游览蓝山

    Full day excursion to Blue Mountain.

  12. 显示恒生指数,全日最高和全日最低。

    Current index, day high and day low.

  13. 把幼苗放在全日照得地方。

    Put seedlings in full sun.

  14. 这里有一个非全日导游的职位。

    Something suggesting a fowl's comb in appearance or position.

  15. 这里有一个非全日导游得职位。

    Something suggesting a fowl's comb in appearance or position.

  16. 天文台预测,明天将会出现全日食。

    According to the observatory, there will be a total solar eclipse tomorrow.

  17. 天文台预测,明天将会出现全日食。

    According to the observatory, there will be a total solar eclipse tomorrow.

  18. 古老的时代, 人们对于全日蚀是无知的。

    In ancient times, people were ignorant of the total eclipse of sun.

  19. 东京地面,全日空121,停机位65,请求推出开车。

    Tokyo Ground, ANA 121, Spot 63, request pushback.

  20. 我全日都在公司,你可以随时来找我。

    I am in the company all day long, you can look for me at any time.

  21. 全日潮大潮对应于半日潮小潮,反之亦然。

    The diurnal springs correspond to the semidiurnal neaps and vice versa.

  22. 一九九八年内,本港一直维持全日供水。

    Full supply was maintained throughout the year.

  23. 学员必须全日出席理论课,方获发出席证书。

    Certificate of attendance will be awarded to who have attended all lectures.

  24. 他们在周末只雇佣最起码的全日工。

    They only employ a skeleton staff of fulltime workers at weekends.

  25. 全日空称, 飞机最早将从2013年开始交货。

    ANA, Japans secondbiggest carrier, said the aircraft would be delivered starting in 2013 at the earliest.

  26. 我的非全日性工作收入不多,但我喜欢这工作。

    My parttime job doesnt bring in much, but I enjoy it.

  27. 我得非全日性工作收入不多,但我喜欢这工作。

    My parttime job doesnt bring in much, but I enjoy it.

  28. 全日空航空公司来回香港至东京经济客位机票。

    Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Tokyo on NH.

  29. 如果巴士并非全日生效, 辅助牌会列明巴士的生效时间。

    If the bus lane does not operate all the time, a time plate will tell you when the bus lane is in operation.

  30. 本文利用数值方法,模拟了北海港湾的全日潮波。

    The diurnal tidal wave in Beihai Gulf was Modeled with the numerical method in this paper.


  1. 问:全日拼音怎么拼?全日的读音是什么?全日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全日的读音是quánrì,全日翻译成英文是 A whole workday; day and night.

  2. 问:全日制拼音怎么拼?全日制的读音是什么?全日制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全日制的读音是quánrìzhì,全日制翻译成英文是 full-time

  3. 问:全日的拼音怎么拼?全日的的读音是什么?全日的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全日的的读音是quán rì de,全日的翻译成英文是 dian

  4. 问:全日工作拼音怎么拼?全日工作的读音是什么?全日工作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全日工作的读音是quán rì gōng zuò,全日工作翻译成英文是 full time job

  5. 问:全日拘留拼音怎么拼?全日拘留的读音是什么?全日拘留翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全日拘留的读音是quán rì jū liú,全日拘留翻译成英文是 full time detention

  6. 问:全日效率拼音怎么拼?全日效率的读音是什么?全日效率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全日效率的读音是quán rì xiào lǜ,全日效率翻译成英文是 all day efficiency

  7. 问:全日服务拼音怎么拼?全日服务的读音是什么?全日服务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全日服务的读音是quán rì fú wù,全日服务翻译成英文是 round the clock service

  8. 问:全日本空输拼音怎么拼?全日本空输的读音是什么?全日本空输翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全日本空输的读音是,全日本空输翻译成英文是 All Nippon Airways

  9. 问:全日照轨道拼音怎么拼?全日照轨道的读音是什么?全日照轨道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全日照轨道的读音是quán rì zhào guǐ dào,全日照轨道翻译成英文是 Full Sunshine Orbit

  10. 问:全日监禁刑拼音怎么拼?全日监禁刑的读音是什么?全日监禁刑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全日监禁刑的读音是quán rì jiān jìn xíng,全日监禁刑翻译成英文是 full time custodial sentence

  11. 问:全日空公司拼音怎么拼?全日空公司的读音是什么?全日空公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全日空公司的读音是Quánrìkōng gōngsī,全日空公司翻译成英文是 All Nippon Airways, an airline company based in J...

  12. 问:全日空航空拼音怎么拼?全日空航空的读音是什么?全日空航空翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全日空航空的读音是Quánrìkōng Hángkōng,全日空航空翻译成英文是 All Nippon

  13. 问:全日本新闻网拼音怎么拼?全日本新闻网的读音是什么?全日本新闻网翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全日本新闻网的读音是,全日本新闻网翻译成英文是 All Nippon News Network

  14. 问:全日型临时释放拼音怎么拼?全日型临时释放的读音是什么?全日型临时释放翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全日型临时释放的读音是quán rì xíng lín shí shì fàng,全日型临时释放翻译成英文是 full-time temporary release

  15. 问:全日本空输航点拼音怎么拼?全日本空输航点的读音是什么?全日本空输航点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全日本空输航点的读音是,全日本空输航点翻译成英文是 All Nippon Airways destinations

  16. 问:全日本吹奏乐联盟拼音怎么拼?全日本吹奏乐联盟的读音是什么?全日本吹奏乐联盟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全日本吹奏乐联盟的读音是,全日本吹奏乐联盟翻译成英文是 All Japan Band Association

  17. 问:全日本棉纱工联合会拼音怎么拼?全日本棉纱工联合会的读音是什么?全日本棉纱工联合会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全日本棉纱工联合会的读音是Quán Rìběn Miánshāgōng Liánhéhuì,全日本棉纱工联合会翻译成英文是 All-Japan Cotton Spinners Association

  18. 问:全日本航空运输公司拼音怎么拼?全日本航空运输公司的读音是什么?全日本航空运输公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:全日本航空运输公司的读音是quán rì běn háng kōng yùn shū gōng sī,全日本航空运输公司翻译成英文是 All Nippon Airway Company