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1. 采 [cǎi]2. 采 [cài]采 [cǎi]摘取:~撷。~花。~摘。~制。选取,搜集,开发,利用:~访(搜集寻访)。~纳(接受意见)。~集。~伐。~购。~掘。~写。神色,精神:神~。精~。同“彩”。〔~~〕盛多的样子。古代指官。采……
汉语拼音:huí cǎi
Breast stoping proceeds horizontally, while rill stoping is at an angle to the face of the deposit with the ore falling downward.
水平回采则是水平推进,而倾斜上向回采是与矿壁成一定角度开采,以使矿石能下落。gateway in inclined coal seam is difficult to maintained mainly due to its location in a remarkably anisotropic environment.
大倾角煤层回采巷道因处于显著的各向异性环境中而难以维护。The upward filling method with tailings or waste rock were used in a certain gold mine, roof caving and wall caving occurred many times.
某金矿采用上向分层尾砂(废石)充填采矿方法回采,曾多次发生重大冒顶、片帮事故。water or hot water is pumped into or out of the aqueous stratum, and its reliability and practicability are demonstrated with examples.
本文介绍在向含水层中回灌(回采)水与热水时,其冷量与热量简易计算方法,并用实例论证其可靠性与实用性。The coal wall or roof of working face is perforated, and a hydraulic expansible anchor stock is inserted into the hole.
本发明涉及煤矿井下开采工艺,进一步讲是回采工作面防止片帮冒顶的一种方法。In post-mining, the AUV ia used to investigate the track and press depth by the miner on the lake bottom, and to estimate the pick quantity.
在深海采矿系统作业后期,利用AUV调查集矿机在湖底的行走轨迹和压陷深度,估算回采率。A coal mining face would be required to have a face adjusted mining during the coal production process.
采煤工作面在生产过程中需要进行调面回采。By optimizing the sequence of panel mining stope of ore block, the mining sequence of the "two stope panels" is applied for the mine.
对阶段中盘区回采顺序进行优化,得出“隔二采一”的最佳开采顺序。With the increase of the depth of coal seams mined, rock bursts will easily occur in gateways with fully-mechanized sublevel caving mining.