


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……





汉语拼音:shuō lǐ









  1. 说明道理。

    汉 扬雄 《法言·寡见》:“説天者莫辩乎《易》,説事者莫辩乎《书》,説体者莫辩乎《礼》,説志者莫辩乎《诗》,説理者莫辩乎《春秋》。” 汪荣宝 义疏:“《丧服四制》, 郑 注云:理者,义也。” 南朝 梁 王僧孺 《初夜文》:“乃应病投机,解纷説理。” 孙犁 《秀露集·文学和生活的路》:“文字非常漂亮,说理透彻。”

  2. 讲理,不蛮横(多用于否定式)。如:你这个人说理不说理?



  1. They were nevertheless so foolish that they entertained the delusion that it is possible to reason with demented persons.


  2. Sentencing the concept of reasoning broad and narrow sense, this paper is mainly directed against narrow conceptions of discussion started.


  3. to conclude this rather long line of reasoning , let us first sum up the main points.


  4. Lunyu was not the lowest form of argumentations in pre-qin dynasty.


  5. I realized it was useless to reason with him.


  6. Nor can moral reasoning get off the ground without an empathetic understanding of the welfare of others.


  7. If you can knock down even the best version of an opponent's argument, then you've really accomplished something.


  8. Combine nursery tale implied meaning, guide a kid to consider, investigate, say the reason wants to be deep than the simplicity.


  9. make a gentleman find decorate company argue , can decorate a company with channel of replenish onr ' s stock different give prevaricate.


  1. 我们得找人说理。

    We need to talk to someone.

  2. 咱们找他说理去。

    Let's go and reason things out with him.

  3. 你这个人说理不说理?

    Won't you listen to reason? or how could you be so unreasonable?

  4. 说理比拳头更能服人。

    People are more convinced by words than by blows.

  5. 批评应该是充分说理的。

    Criticism should be entirely reasonable.

  6. 说理, 令人信服。高压, 令人侧目。

    People are more convinced by words than by blows.

  7. 会谈的气氛是平静的, 说理的。

    The atmosphere was calm with each side reasoning things out.

  8. 论法律文书的叙案说理

    Narrate Case and Argument of Legal Document

  9. 他想通过说理解决争端。

    He wanted to settle a dispute by argument.

  10. 这篇论文说理充分, 论证严谨。

    This essay is well argued and precisely reasoned.

  11. 这篇论文说理充分,论证严谨。

    This essay is well argued and precisely reasoned.

  12. 简析班主任说理能力的提高

    A Brief Analysis of the Improvement of the Arguing Forces of a Class Teacher

  13. 据说理查德昨天获奖了。

    I heard Richard won the prize yesterday.

  14. 这是一个理性说理的博客。

    This is a very rational blog.

  15. 厌恶议论辩论嫌忌, 知识嫌忌或说理嫌忌

    Hatred of reason, argument, or enlightenment.

  16. 我知道和他说理是毫无意义的。

    I realized it was useless to reason with him.

  17. 约翰生动的说理胜过鲍勃愚蠢的反对。

    John's valid reasons outweigh Bob's silly objections.

  18. 明智的方法是,通过说理去解决争端。

    It's wise to settle the dispute through reason.

  19. 如果所有试图说理都失败了,不要绝望。

    And if all attempts to reason fail, do not despair.

  20. 不愿说理是偏执者不会说理是愚人不敢说理是奴隶。

    He who will not reason, is a bigot he who cannot is a fool and he who dares not is a slave.

  21. 用说理的方法而不是用武力解决这个问题。

    Settle this question by argument, not by fighting.

  22. 通常暗指通过说理和互相迁就争取过来

    conciliate usually implies winning over, often by reasoning and with mutual concessions

  23. 通过争论或说理恳求改变一个人的信仰。

    Changing a person's beliefs by argument or reasoning or entreaty.

  24. 如果以说理来缓和批评, 谁都会服从你。

    If you temper criticism with reason everyone can obey you.

  25. 如果说理说得好,说得恰当,那是会有效力的。

    If we reason earnestly and properly, it will be effective.

  26. 我们必须学会通过辩论和说理来战胜错误思想。

    We must learn to conquer mistaken ideas through debate and reasoning.

  27. 用名言隽语, 比喻例证来说理, 难免不够明晰透彻。

    Aphorisms, allusions, and illustrations are thus not articulate enough.

  28. 他的诗歌以说理为主,重视惩恶劝善的社会功能。

    His poetry emphasizes on reasons and pays attention to the social function of punishing crime and persuading kind.

  29. 要想说服讨论小组你还得充实一下你的说理部分。

    You'll have to expand your reasoning if you want to persuade rhe pallel.

  30. 我们应以说理而不是打架的方式来解决这件事。

    We should try to settle this affair by argument, not by fighting.


  1. 问:说理拼音怎么拼?说理的读音是什么?说理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:说理的读音是shuōlǐ,说理翻译成英文是 argue