




1. 盖 [gài]2. 盖 [gě]3. 盖 [hé]盖 [gài]有遮蔽作用的东西:~子。锅~。瓶~。膝~。天灵~。伞:雨~。由上往下覆,遮掩:覆~。遮~。掩~。~浇饭。压倒,超过:~世无双。方言,超出一般地好:这本书真叫~!用印,打上……



汉语拼音:zhē gài









  1. 亦作“ 遮盖 ”。掩盖;从上面或外面遮住。

    《元典章新集·刑部·偷盗》:“ 王万四 将先犯刺字用火炙去,刺成人头龙形,遮盖疤痕。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十一:“便做道先有些什么,左右是他夫妻,而今一牀锦被遮盖了,正好做院君夫人去,还有何妨?” 曹禺 《日出》第三幕:“脸上一团孩子气为一层严肃沉郁的神色遮盖着。”

  2. 掩饰;隐瞒。

    《朱子语类》卷十六:“谓如人为善,他心下也自知有箇不满处,他却不説是他有不满处,却遮盖了硬説我做得是,这便是自欺。” 朱自清 《女人》:“这一切也可以帮助诸相,分其圆满于它们,有时更能遮盖它们的缺处。”

  3. 帮衬,保护。

    元 曾瑞 《哨遍·麈腰》套曲:“你不肯遮盖咱,咱须当遮盖你。”一本作“ 遮盖 ”。《水浒传》第七八回:“望乞太师遮盖,救命则箇!”

  4. 见“ 遮盖 ”。



  1. The eyebrows do not lie flat but, instead, arch up and out in a curve that lightly veils the eyes.


  2. At one time, your body is a party under the barren loess, wantonly trample down the moment in the sun, the long darkness covered everything.


  3. The British King may blot out the Stars of God from His sky, but he cannot blot out His words written on the Parchment there!


  4. Aimee Herring, a photographer, tried to hide the dung beetle in hummus 'but I just couldn't do it, ' she said.


  5. He took her down to a room where the walls were covered with books and pictures.


  6. When they got to shore they searched around for trees. They found a very big tree that covered a little underground cave.


  7. With all that hair suddenly covered, I realized how striking long hair can be -- how it really does grab a man's attention.


  8. This communique was unique in honestly setting forth differences rather than trying to cover them up with diplomatic double talk .


  9. A flat piece of coarse fabric or other material used for wiping one's shoes or feet, or in various other forms as a floor covering.


  1. 遮盖聚合物

    opacity polymer

  2. 单眼部分遮盖

    Ahemate occlusion.

  3. 涂料遮盖白浆

    white pigment covering paste.

  4. 银雪遮盖田野。

    The fields were covered with snow.

  5. 烟尘遮盖了阳光

    threw up enough dust to block out the sun.

  6. 乌云遮盖着高山。

    Dark clouds capped the high mountains.

  7. 天被云所遮盖。

    The sky is concealed by the clouds.

  8. 试图遮盖起某物

    to try to overcurtain something

  9. 雪遮盖着大地。

    Snow covered the ground.

  10. 防尘布遮盖着走廊。

    Dust sheets draped the corridors.

  11. 慢慢地揭露,快快地遮盖。

    Slow to expose, quick to shield.

  12. 浮云遮盖着山顶。

    The top of the mountain was covered in cloud.

  13. 上衣必须永远遮盖上身。

    Shirts must cover the torso at all times.

  14. 帽子是头的遮盖物。

    A hat is a covering for your head.

  15. 错误总是遮盖不住的。

    Mistakes can never be hidden.

  16. 一个天体被另一个天体遮盖。

    The orbit of a celestial body.

  17. 快!把血迹全遮盖起来。

    Be quick, cover the blood stains over.

  18. 放入碗中用布遮盖。

    Set in a bowl and cover with cloth.

  19. 面部无遮盖物的

    Having no covering over the face.

  20. 遮盖, 保护, 用垫子作装饰

    To cover, protect, or decorate with mats or a mat.

  21. 用帐篷遮盖用顶篷或凉篷遮盖

    To cover with a canopy or an awning.

  22. 你用什么来遮盖你的脸?

    What do you do to to cover your face?

  23. 遮盖霜能盖住黑眼圈。

    Concealer is used to treat dark eye circles.

  24. 长长得野草遮盖著败瓦。

    And the long grass oertops the moldering wall.

  25. 长长的野草遮盖著败瓦。

    And the long grass oertops the moldering wall.

  26. 这个洞被帆布遮盖住了。

    The hole was covered with canvas.

  27. 然后, 用纸遮盖住播种盘。

    Next, cover the seed tray with paper, remove.

  28. 脚踝上的一种遮盖物。

    A covering for the ankles.

  29. 遮光罩是用来遮盖镜头得。

    The lens hood is used to cover up the lens.

  30. 遮光罩是用来遮盖镜头的。

    The lens hood is used to cover up the lens.


  1. 问:遮盖拼音怎么拼?遮盖的读音是什么?遮盖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遮盖的读音是zhēgài,遮盖翻译成英文是 cover; overspread; hide

  2. 问:遮盖力拼音怎么拼?遮盖力的读音是什么?遮盖力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遮盖力的读音是zhē gài lì,遮盖力翻译成英文是 hiding power

  3. 问:遮盖漆拼音怎么拼?遮盖漆的读音是什么?遮盖漆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遮盖漆的读音是zhē gài qī,遮盖漆翻译成英文是 concealment paint

  4. 问:遮盖物拼音怎么拼?遮盖物的读音是什么?遮盖物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遮盖物的读音是,遮盖物翻译成英文是 casement

  5. 问:遮盖养护拼音怎么拼?遮盖养护的读音是什么?遮盖养护翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遮盖养护的读音是zhē gài yǎng hù,遮盖养护翻译成英文是 shading cure

  6. 问:遮盖力计拼音怎么拼?遮盖力计的读音是什么?遮盖力计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遮盖力计的读音是,遮盖力计翻译成英文是 cryptometer

  7. 问:遮盖电缆拼音怎么拼?遮盖电缆的读音是什么?遮盖电缆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遮盖电缆的读音是zhē gài diàn lǎn,遮盖电缆翻译成英文是 under carpet cable

  8. 问:遮盖防护拼音怎么拼?遮盖防护的读音是什么?遮盖防护翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遮盖防护的读音是zhē gài fáng hù,遮盖防护翻译成英文是 canopy-protect

  9. 问:遮盖半圆饰拼音怎么拼?遮盖半圆饰的读音是什么?遮盖半圆饰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遮盖半圆饰的读音是zhē gài bàn yuán shì,遮盖半圆饰翻译成英文是 overlapping astragal



遮盖,是一个词语,读作zhē gài,指: 1,从上面遮, 2,掩饰;隐瞒。