







汉语拼音:fěn shì








  1. 傅粉妆饰。

    《史记·滑稽列传》:“巫行视小家女好者,云是当为 河伯 妇,即娉取……共粉饰之,如嫁女床席,令女居其上,浮之 河 中。” 三国 魏 曹植 《释愁文》:“加之以粉饰不泽,饮之以兼肴不肥。”《武王伐纣平话》卷上:“有 妲己 ,面无粉饰,宛如月里 嫦娥 。”

  2. 指文词上的修饰润色。

    宋 朱翌 《猗觉寮杂记》卷上:“ 退之 与 孟郊 联句,前辈谓皆 退之 粉饰。恐皆出 退之 ,不特粉饰也。” 宋 孙奕 《履斋示儿编·字说·集字一》:“ 许氏 训字之义而为《説文》,其引经皆不悖於义。 徐鉉 稍为之粉饰,遂成一家之学。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·青凤》:“生略述 涂山女 佐 禹 之功,粉饰多词,妙绪泉涌。”

  3. 引申为过分雕饰。

    金 王若虚 《高思诚咏白堂记》:“ 乐天 之诗坦白平易,直以写自然之趣……子则雕鎸粉饰,未免有侈心而驰骋乎其外,是又未可以 乐天 论也。” 鲁迅 《南腔北调集·作文秘诀》:“有真意,去粉饰,少做作,勿卖弄而已。”

  4. 褒扬;奖誉。

    《韩诗外传》卷五:“善粉饰人者,故人乐之。”《三国志·吴志·周瑜传》:“故将军 周瑜 之子 胤 ,昔蒙粉饰,受封为将。” 唐 司空图 《成均讽》:“揄扬盛业,粉饰元猷。”

  5. 装饰外表,掩盖实情。

    宋 苏辙 《乞裁损待高丽事件札子》:“其意欲以招致远夷,为太平粉饰,及掎角 契丹 ,为用兵援助而已。”《明史·文震孟传》:“今四方多故,无岁不蹙地陷城,覆军杀将,乃大小臣工卧薪尝胆之日,而因循粉饰,将使祖宗天下日销月削。” 鲁迅 《两地书·致许广平二》:“教育界的称为清高,本是粉饰之谈,其实和别的什么界都一样。”

  6. 引申为夸大事实或妄自造作。

    宋 苏轼 《与陈季常书》之六:“然某所虑,又恐好事君子便加粉饰,云擅去安置所,而居於别路,传闻京师,非细事也。”

  7. 粉刷。

    唐 裴铏 《传奇·崔炜》:“主者曰:‘ 徐大夫 绅 ,因登此臺,感 崔侍御 诗,故重粉饰,臺殿所以焕赫耳。’” 宋 张齐贤 《洛阳缙绅旧闻记·少师佯狂》:“院僧有 少师 未留题咏之处,必先粉饰其壁,洁其下,俟其至。”



  1. Gorman's supporters said he was unpopular with some Merrill brokers because he made tough decisions and didn't sugarcoat unflattering facts.


  2. He got so frustrated with the same underling's progress on a whitewashing report that he took a stab at it himself.


  3. colour the skin with the down of a peach that no hand has touched, and you will have the general aspect of that charming countenance.


  4. Be honest and truthful with your employees at all times; don't sugarcoat the truth in an attempt to soften the blow of difficult news.


  5. It is as if there are two TRUTHS: one that is dull, flat, boring, at least in the eyes of those who daub it with falsity ; the other . . .


  6. What I am going to tell you is nothing but the unvarnished truth.


  7. Non-operating income is often used by companies to window-dress their net income.


  8. The early years saw only the manufacture of a neat plaster that was used for internal cladding of walls and ceilings.


  9. Even the imaginative massaging of China's official state statisticians has not been able to hide a slowdown in their analyses .


  1. 粉饰战争罪行

    Whitewash war crimes.

  2. 财务报告粉饰

    financial report polishing

  3. 财务报表粉饰

    financial statements of whitewash

  4. 粉饰会计报表

    making false accounting report form.

  5. 不用粉饰太平。

    No need to sugarcoat the peace.

  6. 尽量粉饰某事

    Put the best face on sth.

  7. 粉饰过的天花板。

    Stucco ceiling.

  8. 拉毛粉饰型板

    stucco pattern.

  9. 他们力图粉饰自己。

    They tried hard to whitewash themselves.

  10. 用灰泥涂抹或粉饰

    To cover or adorn with parget.

  11. 粉饰石膏的装饰作品

    Ornamental work in plaster.

  12. 印刷性, 粉饰性良好。

    Good printability and even surface dull gloss.

  13. 印刷性,粉饰性良好。

    Good printability and even surface dull gloss.

  14. 冬天可以粉饰, 心情也可以粉饰。

    Winter can be demonstrated that mood can whitewash them.

  15. 他们企图掩盖一切, 粉饰一切。

    They wanted to cover up and paint over everything.

  16. 善行不需要言语的粉饰。

    Good words don't need the whitewash.

  17. 她力图粉饰丈夫的声誉。

    She tried to candy up her husbands fame.

  18. 真理不需色彩, 美丽不需粉饰。

    Truth needs no colour and beauty, no pencil.

  19. 整个想法就是要粉饰历史。

    The whole idea was to give history a happy gloss.

  20. 会计报表粉饰的识别策略

    Identification Tactics of Sugaring up the Accounting Statements

  21. 给弹丸涂上金色,粉饰表面

    gild a pill

  22. 那只是对你错误得粉饰。

    That's a whitewash for your blunder.

  23. 那只是对你错误的粉饰。

    That's a whitewash for your blunder.

  24. 整个事件都被粉饰过了。

    The whole affair has been whitewashed.

  25. 利用会计政策粉饰财务报表。

    Color financial accounts by using accounting policy.

  26. 浅析我国财务报表的粉饰

    Dissemble on our Financial Statements

  27. 用薄灰浆或薄泥浆充填或粉饰

    to fill or finish with a thin mortar or plaster

  28. 政府在粉饰该政权的行为。

    The administration is whitewashing the regime's actions.

  29. 现金流量表的粉饰与识别

    The embellishment and identification of statement of cash flow

  30. 法官大人,我不打算进行粉饰

    Your Honor, I'm not gonna candycoat it.


  1. 问:粉饰拼音怎么拼?粉饰的读音是什么?粉饰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粉饰的读音是fěnshì,粉饰翻译成英文是 gloss over

  2. 问:粉饰外表拼音怎么拼?粉饰外表的读音是什么?粉饰外表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粉饰外表的读音是,粉饰外表翻译成英文是 varnish

  3. 问:粉饰结算拼音怎么拼?粉饰结算的读音是什么?粉饰结算翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粉饰结算的读音是fěn shì jié suàn,粉饰结算翻译成英文是 window dressing

  4. 问:粉饰遮掩拼音怎么拼?粉饰遮掩的读音是什么?粉饰遮掩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粉饰遮掩的读音是,粉饰遮掩翻译成英文是 varnish

  5. 问:粉饰性行为拼音怎么拼?粉饰性行为的读音是什么?粉饰性行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粉饰性行为的读音是fěn shì xìng xíng wéi,粉饰性行为翻译成英文是 apopathetic behavior

  6. 问:粉饰线条挑檐拼音怎么拼?粉饰线条挑檐的读音是什么?粉饰线条挑檐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粉饰线条挑檐的读音是fěn shì xiàn tiáo tiǎo yán,粉饰线条挑檐翻译成英文是 plaster-moulded cornice


