


1. 揭 [jiē]2. 揭 [qì]揭 [jiē]把盖在上面的东西拿起,或把粘合着的东西分开:~锅。~幕。使隐瞒的事物显露:~露。~发。~底。~穿。~短。~晓。高举:~竿而起。标示:~橥(zhū)(本是作标记的小木桩,引申为标志。亦作“揭……


1. 露 [lù]2. 露 [lòu]露 [lù]靠近地面的水蒸气,夜间遇冷凝结成的小水球:~水。白~。寒~。朝(zhāo )~。甘~。在室外,无遮盖:~天。~宿。~营。加入药料或果子汁制成的饮料或药剂:~酒。枇杷~。滋润:覆~万民。表现,……



汉语拼音:jiē lù








  1. 揭示隐蔽的事物。

    洪深 《五奎桥》第一幕:“你怕我将你的底细都揭露出来么?” 巴金 《探索集·我和文学》:“我所有的作品都是写来控诉、揭露、攻击这些敌人的。”



  1. There seem to be several good forums with lively subjects, one of which will reveal the identities of those big men in Fanhall. com. . .


  2. In time however the true nature of your link to your space brothers will also be revealed to you all dear ones.


  3. "Freedom of press does not exist in China today, so . . . It is up to the international media to reveal the truth of the matter, " Mr.


  4. The Verge tech site revealed the issue after it noticed a window reflection revealed a cameraman holding what appeared to be an SLR camera.


  5. Despite bravely dealing with his surgery, Koda is said to have a bit of a naughty streak: "He'll chew just about anything, " says Lynch.


  6. There was a strange silence about what was happening, but the details of the murder were finally revealed by the local paper.


  7. If that works, it will just be a question of adding more scanners and computers to expose the truth about East Germany's dark past.


  8. They need to know about it, in the same way that there was a spate of Holocaust films to remind people that this must never happen again.


  9. How much surprise, truth exposure and anonymity of players plays in these games with cabal?


  1. 揭露一桩丑闻

    smoke out a scandal.

  2. 揭露古老的传言

    Rake up old gossip.

  3. 揭露掩盖的动机

    reveal hidden motives

  4. 揭盖子, 揭露丑闻

    Top take the lid off

  5. 揭露谎言以为戒

    Nail a lie to the counter

  6. 因为揭露了真相?

    For revealing the truth?

  7. 揭盖子,揭露丑闻。

    Top take the lid off.

  8. 她们想揭露丑事。

    They were digging for dirt.

  9. 她们想揭露丑事。

    They were digging for dirt.

  10. 郡政府贪污的揭露

    exposure of graft in county government.

  11. 报纸喜欢揭露丑闻。

    The newspaper loves to dig up scandals.

  12. 有力的揭露有力的论点。

    a hardhitting expose a trenchant argument.

  13. 他的罪被揭露。

    His sins were brought to light.

  14. 揭露性的叙述

    a revelatory account.

  15. 只揭露枯萎和死亡。

    Only blight and death.

  16. 真相被揭露出来了。

    The truth was dug out.

  17. 被揭露的事实暴露

    Something uncovereda revelation.

  18. 我一定要揭露真相。

    I will bring to light the truth.

  19. 慢慢地揭露,快快地遮盖。

    Slow to expose, quick to shield.

  20. 揭露暗藏的敌特分子

    ferret out hidden enemy agents

  21. 揭露,使公开使公众注意揭露

    To bring to public notice uncover.

  22. 叛徒终于被揭露出来。

    The traitor was at last unmasked.

  23. 揭露了大自然的奥秘。

    The secrets of nature have been revealed.

  24. 我们必须揭露这个阴谋。

    We must expose this plot.

  25. 她揭露了一个秘密。

    She disclosed a secret.

  26. 揭露某人同性恋的身份

    To reveal that one is gay or homosexual.

  27. 已揭露出新的情况。

    New facts have been brought to light.

  28. 揭露敌人的一切阴谋诡计

    Expose all the tricks of the enemy

  29. 揭露某一行径的丑恶

    reveal the infamy of a proceeding

  30. 新闻界对丑闻的揭露

    scandalous revelations in the press


  1. 问:揭露拼音怎么拼?揭露的读音是什么?揭露翻译成英文是什么?

    答:揭露的读音是jiēlù,揭露翻译成英文是 reveal

  2. 问:揭露事实拼音怎么拼?揭露事实的读音是什么?揭露事实翻译成英文是什么?

    答:揭露事实的读音是jiēlùshìshí,揭露事实翻译成英文是 expose facts

  3. 问:揭露犯罪学拼音怎么拼?揭露犯罪学的读音是什么?揭露犯罪学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:揭露犯罪学的读音是jiē lòu fàn zuì xué,揭露犯罪学翻译成英文是 exposé criminology


