




1. 盖 [gài]2. 盖 [gě]3. 盖 [hé]盖 [gài]有遮蔽作用的东西:~子。锅~。瓶~。膝~。天灵~。伞:雨~。由上往下覆,遮掩:覆~。遮~。掩~。~浇饭。压倒,超过:~世无双。方言,超出一般地好:这本书真叫~!用印,打上……



汉语拼音:yǎn gài








  1. 收藏。


  2. 隐瞒。

    晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·质帝纪》:“三主崩没,臣子掩盖,日不移晷,旋受大祸,此天下之至忌,不可之至甚者也。”

  3. 遮盖。

    明 李贽 《复焦弱侯书》:“此一等人,心身俱泰,手足轻安,既无两头照顾之患,又无掩盖表扬之丑,故可称也。”《东周列国志》第三二回:“再看牙牀之上,两扇窗槅,掩盖着个不言不动,无知无觉的 齐桓公 。” 叶圣陶 《游了三个湖》:“妙在四行树接叶交柯,把 苏堤 笼成一条绿荫掩盖的巷子。”

  4. 掩埋。

    清 刘献廷 《广阳杂记》卷二:“一二日后必復来,去土开棺,諦视其尸,重为掩盖。” 清 吴炽昌 《客窗闲话续集·语怪》:“见棺槨之暴露者,必为掩盖。”



  1. Not even the posh seaside resort in Florida where the conference was held could mask what a lousy time it was to be in the nuclear business.


  2. "The fact that we have had this downturn doesn't obscure the fact that it's a very promising business model, " he said.


  3. Obama said he had no interest in papering over differences with Russia, but said addressing nuclear proliferation was a good place to start.


  4. And suddenly a great tempest arose on the sea, so that the boat was covered with the waves. But He was asleep.


  5. Historian for some reason, does not matter that the book was intentionally cover up the truth of the matter, saying that the Qubi.


  6. Ms. Feigin said she was baffled by the Justice Department's attempt to keep a central part of its history secret for so long.


  7. "Nonsense, " he repeated, trying to cover his mouth with his hand so as to hide the two missing front teeth.


  8. But nationalistic considerations should not be allowed to obscure the underlying impact that the proposed deal would have on consumers.


  9. Rather than trying to cover up that past, local authorities are now promoting Sop Ruak as the "official Golden Triangle village" .


  1. 掩盖某事。

    Draw a veil over sth.

  2. 自然掩盖物

    natural cover.

  3. 帧错误掩盖

    frame error concealment.

  4. 竭力掩盖丑闻

    stifle a scandal.

  5. 被掩盖,被遗忘。

    buried and forgotten.

  6. 掩盖种种罪恶

    to cover/ hide a multitude of sins

  7. 心缘掩盖征

    silhouette picture.

  8. 掩盖他的错误

    to gloze over his faults.

  9. 空域误码掩盖

    spatial error concealment.

  10. 掩盖罪行难上难!

    How difficult it is for guilt not to show in the countenance!

  11. 把丑闻掩盖起来

    hush the scandal up

  12. 揭露掩盖的动机

    reveal hidden motives

  13. 我掩盖我的乌托邦

    My utopia do I cover

  14. 我们不掩盖事实。

    We do not mince the truth.

  15. 掩盖罪行的压力。

    The stress of covering up a crime.

  16. 掩盖罪行的压力。

    The stress of covering up a crime.

  17. 大雪掩盖着田野。

    The fields were covered with snow.

  18. 掩盖困难是下策。

    It is bad policy to gloss over the difficulties

  19. 他们企图掩盖错误。

    They tried to cover up their mistakes.

  20. 他们试图掩盖分歧。

    They tried to plaster over the differences.

  21. 道德外衣,掩盖罪恶。

    Vice is often clothing in virtues habits.

  22. 有什么好掩盖的?

    What's there to hide!

  23. 是要掩盖起来呢

    Like, do I try to cover it.

  24. 谎言掩盖不住事实。

    Lies cannot cover up facts.

  25. 同种同色掩盖字迹

    writing covered by the same class and color inks

  26. 一种倾向掩盖另一种倾向

    An inclination covers the other.

  27. 不要试图掩盖错误。

    Do not try to cover a mistake.

  28. 她试图掩盖她的感情。

    She tried to mask her feelings.

  29. 有人试图掩盖证据。

    Somebody has tried to cover up the evidence.

  30. 当局想要掩盖真相。

    The Establishment is trying to hide the truth.


  1. 问:掩盖拼音怎么拼?掩盖的读音是什么?掩盖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掩盖的读音是yǎngài,掩盖翻译成英文是 cover; conceal

  2. 问:掩盖的拼音怎么拼?掩盖的的读音是什么?掩盖的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掩盖的的读音是,掩盖的翻译成英文是 covering

  3. 问:掩盖刺菌拼音怎么拼?掩盖刺菌的读音是什么?掩盖刺菌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掩盖刺菌的读音是yǎngàicìjūn,掩盖刺菌翻译成英文是 Rhachomyces velatus

  4. 问:掩盖犯罪拼音怎么拼?掩盖犯罪的读音是什么?掩盖犯罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掩盖犯罪的读音是yǎn gài fàn zuì,掩盖犯罪翻译成英文是 concealment of a crime

  5. 问:掩盖蛋白拼音怎么拼?掩盖蛋白的读音是什么?掩盖蛋白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掩盖蛋白的读音是yǎn gài dàn bái,掩盖蛋白翻译成英文是 masking protein



“掩盖”是个多义词,它可以指掩盖(汉语词语), 掩盖(恒光文化传媒有限公司出品电视剧), 掩盖(武和平所著图书)。