


1. 份 [fèn]2. 份 [bīn]份 [fèn]整体里的一部:~额。~饭。股~。量词:指成组、成件的:一~儿报纸。用在“省、县、年、月”后面,表示划分的单位:省~。月~。份 [bīn]古同“彬”,文质兼备。……


1. 内 [nèi]2. 内 [nà]内 [nèi]里面,与“外”相对:~部。~外。~定。~地。~阁。~行(háng )。~涵。称妻子或妻子家的亲戚:~人。~亲。~弟。亲近:~君子而外小人。内 [nà]古同“纳”,收入;接受。……



汉语拼音:fèn nèi







  1. 分内,本分以内。

    巴金 《杨林同志》:“听他们谈话,消灭敌人,保护人民,献出生命,都是份内的事,普通的事。” 赵树理 《张来兴》:“是我份内的事,传令我也没有什么说的;不是我份内的事,谁想要我做,那就得和我商量,传令不行!”



  1. You know as well as I that I'm capable of all that is demanded of me in this job and more.


  2. I've really been trying to carry my own weight since then.


  3. But in an old man who has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble .


  4. Waiter: It's very kind of you, sir. That's what I should do. Here is the menu. I'll be back in a few minutes to take your order.


  5. Amos is doing no more than his job if he listens to the views of long-retired members of that brotherhood.


  6. Rising and falling, order and disorder of the nation have nothing to do with you. You don't care.


  7. It was a simple life, the life of a man who had accomplished all he could hope to accomplish in his allotted time.


  8. She urged her having been trusted with the greatest secrets of this nature, that it was her business to conceal everything.


  9. Check with your employer to be sure you're able to take on additional projects outside of work.


  1. 份内的工作

    share of work.

  2. 上锁不是我份内的事!

    It's not my job to lock up!

  3. 努力做好自己份内的工作

    pull his weight

  4. 救死扶伤是医生份内得工作。

    Saving lives is what doctors should do.

  5. 救死扶伤是医生份内的工作。

    Saving lives is what doctors should do.

  6. 救死扶伤是医生份内的工作。

    Saving lives is what doctors should do.

  7. 我已经做了我份内的工作。

    I have done my share of the work.

  8. 他丝毫没有做份内的工作。

    He did none of his task.

  9. 那是你份内的事,辛西娅。

    That's your pigeon, cynthia.

  10. 他迅速完成自己份内的工作。

    He is prompt in carrying out his duty.

  11. 关心学生是教师份内的事。

    It's the teacher's duty to be concerned about the students.

  12. 对其理解是我份内之事。

    It is my job to understand them.

  13. 我挑不起自己份内得事。

    I can't carry my end of the load.

  14. 我挑不起自己份内的事。

    I can't carry my end of the load.

  15. 你只需做好份内的工作

    You just have to go where you're needed.

  16. 我只是做了份内该做的事。

    I just did what I should have done.

  17. 以负责的心,做好份内的事。

    Responsible to the heart of the matter well.

  18. 他认为这是男人份内的事。

    He thinks that's what a man ought to do.

  19. 他们全都完成了各自份内的工作。

    They all did their share of the work.

  20. 照顾好自己是他得份内之事。

    It was his province to take care of himself.

  21. 作为一名警察,这也是份内的事。

    That was part of a policeman's job.

  22. 为老板煮咖啡不是我份内的事!

    My job doesnt include making coffee for the boss!

  23. 我想这封信是你份内的事。

    I'm afraid this letter's your pigeon.

  24. 大人,你为什么不做好你份内的事。

    My lord, why don't you be on your way.

  25. 你务必要努力干好你份内的工作。

    You must apply yourself to the job you have to do.

  26. 送信和邮包是邮递员份内的事。

    The duty of a postman is to deliver letters and parcels.

  27. 送信和邮包是邮递员份内得事。

    The duty of a postman is to deliver letters and parcels.

  28. 难道 这不是他女友份内的事吗?

    Oh, shouldn't, um, shouldn't his girlfriend be doing that?

  29. 不,这是秘书的事,这不是我份内的事。

    No, the secretary does this. It's not part of my job.

  30. 不是份内的事你就别问这么多。

    Your job isn't to ask questions.


  1. 问:份内拼音怎么拼?份内的读音是什么?份内翻译成英文是什么?

    答:份内的读音是fènnèi,份内翻译成英文是 Now standardly written as "分内".




【拼音】fèn nèi