


粗野,凶恶,不通情理:野~。~横(hèng )。~不讲理。愣,强悍:一味~干。中国古代称南方各族:~荒。方言,相当于“很”:~好。……





汉语拼音:mán rén








  1. 旧称未开化的南方少数民族。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·勉学》:“ 齐 有宦者内参 田鹏鸞 本蛮人也。” 清 李渔 《风筝误·坚垒》:“呀!把尊神拜仰,威灵庇远方,恕蛮人愚蠢,免降灾殃。” 鲁迅 《华盖集续编·马上支日记》:“而一面又坦然地放火杀人,奸淫掳掠,做着虽蛮人对于同族也还不肯做的事。”



  1. I'm tempted to go on and say something about being overrun by barbarians in the grip of an obscurantist faith, but I guess I won't.


  2. When Athens was threatened by the wild men, King Tereus of Thrace came to its help.


  3. The extravagant ferocious made the interior and appearance criteria of deterioration.


  4. You don't know nothing for Hungarian . They can't accept their ancestor was the wild Turki from asia .


  5. Ogryns, although not famous for their cleanliness and hygiene, carry no diseases or infections.


  6. The Legend of Barbarians in Ancient China and The Origin of Silk and Silkworm


  1. 我们罗马人, 在这蛮人荒野上, 我们就是驱散黑暗得光芒!

    We Romans a light in the barbarian night!

  2. 我们罗马人,在这蛮人荒野上,我们就是驱散黑暗的光芒!

    We Romans a light in the barbarian night!

  3. 凶暴的人蛮横无礼的, 凶残的人

    An unprincipled, ruthless person.

  4. 菲律宾人蛮善良, 国家好穷, 不过很慷慨。

    The local people are very kindhearted and generous, even though their country is poor.

  5. 戴夫这个人蛮有意思。他经常有很有趣的故事讲给我们。

    Dave sure is a hoot. Hes always got a funny story to tell.

  6. 哦, 您所给的优惠听起来蛮吸引人的。

    Oh. Your offer sounds interesting.

  7. 我希望由一个蛮憨的人来扮演这个角色。

    I hope this role will be played by a tough but simple man.

  8. 我希望由一个蛮憨的人来扮演这个角色。

    I hope this role will be played by a tough but simple man.

  9. 别当所有蛮荒部落的人都懂得尊重和理解异地文化。

    Don't expect all barbarous tribal people to respect and appreciate foreign cultures.

  10. 看今天新来得人,蛮可爱得。

    Look at the guy who just starts today. He's cute.

  11. 看今天新来的人,蛮可爱的。

    Look at the guy who just starts today. He's cute.

  12. 这个春天, 杭州的天气忽冷忽热, 让人觉得蛮难受。

    This spring, Hangzhou's weather are fluctuant between cold and warm as well as makes people uncomfortable.

  13. 蛮好的一个人

    a goodish man.

  14. 在这种蛮不讲理的人手下工作真令人恼火。

    It rubs to work under such an obstinate man.

  15. 那是一个蛮荒世界,没有人去过的地方。

    I'm talking about a primitive world never before seen by man.

  16. 他是一个贪婪, 奸诈而又蛮不讲理的人。

    He is a possessive, duplicitous and unreasonable man.

  17. 你的儿子和我们所有的顾客作对,他真是个蛮不讲理的人!

    Your son is making enemies of all our customers hes a real rogue elephant!

  18. 这个人蛮力却使我忍受不

    The enormous strength of the man was too much for my fortitude.

  19. 蛮勇之人对危险不屑一顾

    A daredevil who laughed at danger

  20. 澳洲人普遍对于垃圾分类的观念都蛮好的。

    The Australian generally have good concept of classifying rubbish.

  21. 一个人开车的时候使用手机会分心, 蛮危险的。

    A cell phone in use by someone operating a vehicle is a dangerous distraction ?

  22. 他对穷人蛮横无礼,对有钱有势的人则阿谀奉承。

    He was insolent to the poor, But would fawn upon any one of wealth, or position

  23. 蛮夷人把教堂当作畜牲圈,使其受到玷污。

    The barbarian defiled the church by use it as stable.

  24. 你的蛮力总有一天会害死某个人的。

    You may kill someone someday with your raw power.

  25. 传说中的凶猛战士卡特蛮,竟屠杀了所有同族人。

    Begins the dark tale of a ferocious warrior who slaughtered his entire tribe.

  26. 以你的蛮力总有一天会害死某个人的。

    You may kill someone someday with your raw power.

  27. 他还养有家伎小蛮、樊素、红萼、紫房等人。

    He also kept family performers who were called Xiao Man, Fan Su, Hong E, Zi Fang and others.

  28. 蛮夷之人把教堂当作畜生圈,使其受到玷污。

    The barbarians defiled the church by using it as a stable.

  29. 而且流域得土著人愚蛮不化, 亟需施舍文明。

    The natives were crying out for a civilising hand.

  30. 而且流域的土著人愚蛮不化,亟需施舍文明。

    The natives were crying out for a civilising hand.