




1. 任 [rèn]2. 任 [rén]任 [rèn]相信,信赖:信~。使用,给予职务:~命。~人唯贤。负担,担当:担~。~课。职务:就~。到~。~重道远。由着,听凭:~凭。~性。~意。~从。~随。听~。放~自流。听之~之。不论,无论:~何……



汉语拼音:pìn rèn








  1. 聘请任职。如: 老李 已被聘任为这家公司的总经理。



  1. Tenure should be replaced with seven-year contracts, which, like the programs in which faculties teach, can be terminated or renewed.


  2. The general manager of the cooperative joint venture shall be engaged and dismissed by the board of directors or joint management committee.


  3. As required by my employment contract I hereby give three weeks' notice of my intention to leave my position as a sales engineer.


  4. When Mr. Apotheker's hiring was announced almost a year ago, it was a surprise.


  5. Is compliance testing performed by an independent laboratory directly appointed by the client or its agent ?


  6. Employment agreements shall be entered into by a listed company and its management personnel to clarify each party's rights and obligations.


  7. The Company shall present the annual report to the appointed accounting firm before filing the annual report with the CSRC.


  8. In the first chapter the concept of the faculty employment and appointment system in university and the background are introduced.


  9. The Company shall provide for appropriate funding for such counsel or experts retained by the Committee.


  1. 公务员聘任

    civil servant engaging.

  2. 岗位聘任津贴

    post subsidy system.

  3. 聘任与解聘政策

    policy for appointment and dismissal

  4. 他被聘任为校长。

    He was appointed to president.

  5. 实职聘任。实任。实任职位

    substantive appointment

  6. 聘任必要的工作人员。

    The appointment of necessary staff.

  7. 论事业单位的全员聘任

    On the Full Engagement of Chinese Nonprofit Units

  8. 专业技术职务聘任制度

    system of appointment for professional workers and technicians

  9. 直接聘任人员出任晋升职级

    Direct appointment to promotion ranks

  10. 我不能聘任你为我的秘书。

    I can't accept you as my secretary.

  11. 对聘任人员实行契约化管理。

    Contract management should be carried out to the post appointment personnel.

  12. 聘任和解聘工作人员,实施奖惩。

    Employing and dismissing the staff and executing rewards and punishments.

  13. 聘任协议是否根据标准条款拟定?

    Is the commission agreement based on standard contract terms?

  14. 关于企业专业技术职务聘任的思考

    Practice and Consideration of Professional Post Appointment in Auto Enterprises

  15. 我国公务员聘任制度的交易成本分析

    An Analysis of Transaction Costs for China's Civil Servant Appointment System

  16. 论公立学校教师聘任合同的法律性质

    On the Legal Nature of the Contract Used for the Appointment of Teachers of Public Schools

  17. 虽然薪金不高, 戴维还是接受了聘任。

    David accepted the position although the salary was inadequate.

  18. 应制定切实有效的按位定则的聘任制度。

    We should formulate effective according to a rule of appointment system.

  19. 学校官员将开会制定聘任新教师的新标准。

    School officials will meet to set new standards for hiring teachers.

  20. 按需设岗按岗聘任是职称改革的焦点

    The Reforming Focus of Title of a Technical or Professional Post Is Setting up Post According to Need and Engaging According to Post

  21. 专业技术资格评价与职务聘任分离的思考

    Pondering on Technical Title Evaluation and Occupation Engagement Handling Separately

  22. 他对自己被聘任为高级讲师感到十分高兴。

    He was very pleased with his appointment as senior lecturer.

  23. 高校实验室人员定编与职务聘任的改革与实践

    Reformation and Practice for Staff Establishment and Post Appointment in University laboratory

  24. 她得到一份在伯明翰大学当讲师的聘任。

    She was offered a lectureship at Birmingham university.

  25. 有限责任公司设经理,由董事会聘任或者解聘。

    A limited liability company has a manager who is appointed or dismissed by the Board of directors.

  26. 我的聘任期限要在三个月后才正式届满。

    Officially, my term of employment was to end in three months.

  27. 民初至抗战前夕国立大学教师的聘任问题

    Appointments of Teachers at the National Universitist from the Early Days of the Republic of China to the Eve of the War of Resistance Against Japan

  28. 巴利是这家地方报纸最新聘任的新闻记者。

    Barry is the new news hawk at the local newspaper.

  29. 不知贵系下学期春季班能否聘任我为访问学者?

    I am writing to you about the possibility of a visiting scholar's appointment in your department next spring.

  30. 向校董会推荐教师的聘任、晋升和解雇等事宜。

    Making recommendations to the school board on the appointment, promotion, demotion and dismissal of teachers.


  1. 问:聘任拼音怎么拼?聘任的读音是什么?聘任翻译成英文是什么?

    答:聘任的读音是pìnrèn,聘任翻译成英文是 engage

  2. 问:聘任制拼音怎么拼?聘任制的读音是什么?聘任制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:聘任制的读音是pìnrènzhì,聘任制翻译成英文是 an employment and appointment system




【读音】pìn rèn


