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汉语拼音:chuī dòng
And his heart was moved, and the heart of his people, as the trees of the wood are moved with the wind.
王的心和百姓的心就都跳动,好像林中的树被风吹动一样。Only wind in the trees, which blew the wires and made the lights go off and on again as if the house had winked into the darkness.
只有树丛中的风声作响,风把电线吹动,电灯忽暗忽明,好像房子在对着黑夜眨眼。The wind from the storm was whipping up Lucidique's hair now. It was like a dark halo around her head.
沙尘暴带来的风吹动了露辛迪克的头发,沙尘遮掩住了她的面庞。The second picture contained for foreground only the dim peak of a hill, with grass and some leaves slanting as if by a breeze.
第二张画,前景只是一座朦胧的小峰,草和叶子倾斜着,仿佛被微风吹动似的。Jas. 1: 6 But let him ask in faith, doubting nothing, for he who doubts is like the surge of the sea, driven by the wind and tossed about.
雅一6只是要凭著信心求,一点不疑惑;因为那疑惑的人,就像海中的波浪,被风吹动翻腾。They are often so thick that you cannot see the sun, and the wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand dunes.
它们通常很厚,以至于让你看不见太阳,这种风有时候足够强烈到可以吹动沙丘。Hibiscus leaves look like the palm of your hand, with the wind blowing like a greeting to you only in the wave of the hand.
芙蓉的叶子长得像手掌,随着风的吹动像一只只向你打招呼的手在挥动。Suddenly the wind made the plant move, and Mary saw something under the dark green leaves.
突然,风吹动了藤蔓,玛丽看见了那暗绿色叶子下面的东西。And here it is hot but pleasingly so, as a friendly wind is usually puffing our sail and cooling us as well.