


1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……


1. 压 [yā]2. 压 [yà]压 [yā]从上面加力:~住。~碎。~缩。泰山~顶。用威力制服、镇服:镇~。~服。~迫。控制,使稳定,使平静:~价。~住阵脚。搁置:积~。逼近:大兵~境。赌博时在某一门上下注:~宝(亦作“押宝”)。压 [……



汉语拼音:zhòng yā







  1. 谓沉重的压力或负担。

    鲁迅 《南腔北调集·<自选集>自序》:“将给读者一种‘重压之感’的作品,却特地竭力抽掉了。” 巴金 《在门槛上》:“我已经把我肩膀上多年来的黑暗的重压摔掉了。” 茅盾 《子夜》一:“四小姐 蕙芳 像是摆脱了什么重压似的松一口气。”



  1. And I figured I'd put it on the Internet for all employees under stress to help you better deal with what you're going through on you job.


  2. Orange offers a life to be lived to the full, too often not the safe and reliable pair of hands the hard pressed coach yearns for.


  3. When I grow up, my greatest wish is to discharge the stress of much more responsibility. I don't know how much I can afford.


  4. And yet, a decade into a new century, this old architecture is buckling under the weight of new threats.


  5. She was once kidnapped in her homeland and says the experience taught her to remain poised under pressure.


  6. There was a smell Thomas recognized, as he stumbled down the hill under the weight of his friend.


  7. And she sprang out of bed, her eyes still half shut with the heaviness of sleep, extending her arms towards the corner of the wall.


  8. Under the pressure of the patriarchal clan rules and feudal ethnics , they die for love and turn into a pair of butterflies.


  9. The heat of the sun is pushing at me through the window.


  1. 处于重压下

    Under great stress.

  2. 重压感是什么?

    What is Stress?

  3. 重压感的来源。

    Sources of Stress

  4. 重压下的椅子

    His weight shifts on the wobbly chair

  5. 重压煤气发生器

    high duty gas producer

  6. 摆脱讨厌的重压

    to lose unwanted weight

  7. 处于重压下语源。

    On the rack Under great stress.

  8. 重压之下桥垮了。

    The bridge went under the weight.

  9. 他受不了苦难66的重压。

    He sank under the burden of his misery.

  10. 在赋税的重压下呻吟

    groan under a heavy load of taxation

  11. 积雪的重压使屋顶塌陷。

    The weight of the snow collapsed the roof.

  12. 积雪得重压使屋顶塌陷。

    The weight of the snow collapsed the roof.

  13. 屋顶在积雪重压下塌陷。

    The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow.

  14. 当忧虑向你施以重压

    When care is pressing you down a bit

  15. 在他重压下, 椅子断了。

    The chair fragmented under his weight.

  16. 架子在重压下坍掉了。

    The frame folded up under the heavy weight.

  17. 地板在重压下坍了下去。

    The floor gave way under the weight.

  18. 钢架在重压下开始变形。

    The steel frames began to buckle under the strain.

  19. 积雪的重压使屋顶倒塌了。

    The weight of snow collapsed the roof.

  20. 他们在书本的重压下呻吟。

    They all groan under the weight of books.

  21. 屋顶因积雪的重压而塌陷。

    The roof collapsed under the weigh of the snow.

  22. 一个在重压下衰败的时代

    An ego that crumbles under pressure.

  23. 桥在火车的重压下塌了。

    The bridge collapsed under the weight of the train.

  24. 在重压下,钢架都变形了。

    Under heavy stress, the steel frame was strained.

  25. 在火车的重压下,桥塌了。

    The bridge collapsed under the weight of the train.

  26. 那树枝因雪的重压而弯曲。

    The bough bent under the weight of the snow.

  27. 重压是负债的一个主要原因。

    Stress is a main reason for debt.

  28. 屋顶上积雪重压使得棚子坍陷。

    The weight of the snow on the roof caused the shed to collapse.

  29. 他们在赋税的重压下受折磨。

    They groaned under the load of taxes.

  30. 重压使我的右桡骨末梢骨折。

    Hairline stress fracture on my right distal radius.


  1. 问:重压拼音怎么拼?重压的读音是什么?重压翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重压的读音是zhòngyā,重压翻译成英文是 heavy pressure; stress; weight

  2. 问:重压故障拼音怎么拼?重压故障的读音是什么?重压故障翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重压故障的读音是zhòng yā gù zhàng,重压故障翻译成英文是 trouble caused by compression