




1. 价 [jià]2. 价 [jiè]价 [jià]商品所值的钱数:~钱。~格。涨~。调~。待~而沽。商品之间相互比较和交换的基础:~值。代~。化学名词:“原子~”。价 [jiè]旧时称派遣传递东西或传达事情的人:“走~驰书来诣”。……



汉语拼音:yuán jià






  1. 原来的价格。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第十九回:“我道:‘他要买我的,我非但照原价丝毫不减,并且非三倍原价我不肯卖呢。’” 清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·刑名·卖身旗下》:“其原价向卖身人追还买主。”



  1. How much of the original price are you willing to pay for a fake?


  2. Our company decided to proceed on the basis of overall situation, providing you with special orders based upon the original price.


  3. The new edition is not only much cheaper but its individual volumes are packaged in a way that allows them to be bought separately.


  4. Free delivery and and I will place my order with you at the quoted price.


  5. You walk into a Starbucks and see two deals for a cup of coffee. The first deal offers 33% extra coffee.


  6. AFter three hours, a few slices of pizza and a 180-dollar purchase that was reduced to 60 dollars, she was heading home.


  7. For self-developed intangible assets, the original value shall be the actual amount of expenditure incurred in the course of development.


  8. The company's original cost for the purchase of buildings and structures.


  9. If you want that $40 mani-pedi for 15 bucks, you'll have to pay upfront with a credit card and you'll have to move fast.


  1. 固定资产原价

    fixed assets at cost.

  2. 这低于原价。

    It is under the original.

  3. 坚持你的原价

    Stick to your original price.

  4. 这个原价是200元。

    The original price for this is200 yuan.

  5. 未折旧原价余额

    undepreciated balance of the cost

  6. 经营租赁资产原价

    Original cost of assets under operating lease

  7. 融资租入固定资产原价

    Original cost of fixed assets under financing lease

  8. 你是原价购买它们吗?

    And do you shell out major coin for them?

  9. 从原价能打折到多少?

    How much is discounted from the original price?

  10. 很遗憾我们不得不保持原价。

    We regret we have to maintain our original price.

  11. 他们以原价买回了别墅。

    They bought back the cottage at the original price.

  12. 所有的货物底于原价出售。

    All goods to be sold below cost.

  13. 我们很遗憾我们不能保持原价。

    We regret we cannot maintain our original price.

  14. 在原价基础上打了八折。

    20 percent was taken off the original price.

  15. 以原价的部分价格转让的财产。

    An item of property that is given in part payment for a new one.

  16. 按原价计值的资产, 按历史成本计值的资产

    Historically valued assets

  17. 我把书按原价让给他了。

    I've turned my book over to him at the original price.

  18. 那照相机价格降到原价的一半。

    The camera was reduced to half the original price.

  19. 那照相机价格降到原价得一半。

    The camera was reduced to half the original price.

  20. 这辆汽车的原价太高了一点。

    The original price of the car was a bit too high.

  21. 这辆汽车得原价太高了一点。

    The original price of the car was a bit too high.

  22. 原价是96美元,但是促销价是76.8美元。

    The original price is 96 dollars, but it is 76.80 dollars during the promotion.

  23. 固定资产的计价, 应当以原价为准。

    The valuation of fixed assets shall be based on the original cost.

  24. 有时, 你可以杀价, 杀至原价得一半。

    Sometimes, you can haggle down prices by as much as.

  25. 有时,你可以杀价,杀至原价的一半。

    Sometimes, you can haggle down prices by as much as.

  26. 这枚胸针已经比原价低了60元。

    The brooch is already sixty yuan off original price.

  27. 我把激光唱机按原价转给他了。

    I transferred the CD player to him with the original price.

  28. 你会用真货原价的多少去买假货?

    How much of the original price are you willing to pay for a fake.

  29. 非时令花朵的价格可能是原价的2倍甚至3倍。

    The cost of out of season flowers can double or even treble!

  30. 非时令花朵的价格可能是原价的2倍甚至3倍。

    The cost of out of season flowers can double or even treble!


  1. 问:原价拼音怎么拼?原价的读音是什么?原价翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原价的读音是yuánjià,原价翻译成英文是 list price; original price