




1. 改 [gǎi]改 [gǎi]变更,更换:~变。更(gēng )~。~革。~造。~善。~弦更张。朝令夕~。~编。~写。纂~。姓。……



汉语拼音:cuàn gǎi








  1. 用作伪的手段对经典、理论、政策等进行改动或曲解。

    巴金 《“五四”运动六十周年》:“不管怎样,历史总是篡改不了的。”



  1. And, of course, data that have been rigged, invented or fraudulently altered won't stand up to future scrutiny.


  2. The system even checks to see if it has been tampered with every time it starts.


  3. Though the FBI said the files had not been tampered with, what had occurred put the Bush campaign in a bad light.


  4. hate to see a story about a bank swindler who has jiggered the books to his own advantage, because I trust banks.


  5. He was arrogant at the beginning, but the moment when the police showed the documents he had doctored and asked him what the.


  6. Beyond that of the standard C call stack, an additional stack resource is required, which must show no evidence of this tampering.


  7. The magistrate decided to keep him in custody to avoid a risk of relapse or tampering with evidence.


  8. Congradulations to NASA, that after only 5 years of manipulating the data, they finally found a correlation to Einstein's theory.


  9. If you already know about the person being profiled, you're annoyed by how much is distorted and omitted.


  1. 篡改过的证词

    falsify testimony.

  2. 他篡改了文件。

    He tampered the document.

  3. 你不应该篡改原著。

    You should not make a violence to the original version of the book.

  4. 警察被指控篡改证词。

    The police is accused of tampering with the evidence.

  5. 少数官员准备篡改规则。

    A minority of officers were prepared to bend the rules.

  6. 他试图篡改死者的遗嘱。

    He tried to tamper with decedent's will.

  7. 他们明目张胆地篡改马克思主义。

    They openly revised Marxism.

  8. 遗嘱被篡改的,篡改的内容无效。

    Where a will has been tampered with, the affected parts of it shall be void.

  9. 有人篡改了公司的账目。

    Someone has tampered with the accounts of the company.

  10. 他在文章中任意篡改事实。

    In his article he made bold with the facts.

  11. 有人发现,会计篡改了账本。

    The accountant was found to have cooked the book.

  12. 有两名警察被控篡改证据。

    Two policemen were accused of tampering with the evidence.

  13. 这篇文章已被篡改过了。

    The article has been interpolated.

  14. 防止信息被篡改,伪造或假冒。

    Prevented the information is tampered with, forge or pretends.

  15. 财务部会篡改一些拖欠账户。

    The finance department will juggle a few of the delinquent accounts.

  16. 财务部会篡改一些拖欠账户。

    The finance department will juggle a few of the delinquent accounts.

  17. 篡改自明颈部带完成封装。

    A tamperevident neck band completes the package.

  18. 一种防篡改固封组件。

    The utility model relates to an anti tamper sealing module.

  19. 这就造成了篡改数据的危险。

    This has created the risk of data manipulation.

  20. 您的档案加密与篡改耐技术。

    Encrypt your files with tamper resistent technology.

  21. 我不希望被人控告篡改证据。

    I don't want to be accused of tampering with the evidence.

  22. 为了掩盖损失,这些账目被篡改了。

    The accounts were juggled to hide the losses.

  23. 官僚们篡改通过了同业评审的报告。

    Bureaucrats revising reports after peer review.

  24. 请注意,其他用户可以篡改此文件。

    Just remember, other users can tamper with this file.

  25. 他们篡改比赛规则的企图没有成功。

    They tried in vain to bend the rules of the game.

  26. 他死后,官方的历史被篡改了。

    Since his death the official history has been revised.

  27. 已签署发布许可证证书链已被篡改。

    Signed publishing license certificate chain has been tampered with.

  28. 引语可能会被篡改,使用时断章取义。

    Quotes can be manipulated and used out of context.

  29. 那个职员篡改了他户头上的数字。

    The clerk juggled the figures in his account.

  30. 但是这是多么无耻的对历史的篡改!

    But what a shameless rewriting of history!


  1. 问:篡改拼音怎么拼?篡改的读音是什么?篡改翻译成英文是什么?

    答:篡改的读音是cuàngǎi,篡改翻译成英文是 falsify

  2. 问:篡改历史拼音怎么拼?篡改历史的读音是什么?篡改历史翻译成英文是什么?

    答:篡改历史的读音是cuàngǎilìshǐ,篡改历史翻译成英文是 distort history


