




人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……



汉语拼音:shēng míng








  1. 名声。

    《礼记·祭统》:“铭者,论譔其先祖之有德善、功烈、勋劳、庆赏、声名,列於天下,而酌之祭器。自成其名焉,以祀其先祖者也。” 唐 杜甫 《奉赠王中允维》诗:“ 中允 声名久,如今契阔深。” 元 武汉臣 《玉壶春》第三折:“你虽有万贯财,争如俺七步才,两件儿那一件声名大?” 赵树理 《小二黑结婚》七:“她本想早给 小芹 找个婆家推出门去,可是因为自己声名不正,差不多都不愿意跟她结亲。”

  2. 声教和名教。

    南朝 陈 徐陵 《为贞阳侯重与王太尉书》:“文物以纪之,声名以发之,斯实不世之隆恩,寧曰循常之恆礼。” 明 杨慎 《楚雄府定远县新建儒学记》:“ 皇明 文治之遥,声名之盛,使 仲尼 之道与王化远邇,多士生斯时斯地,亦厚幸矣。”



  1. Mr Min said the Rothschild name, with a 250-year banking history, and its cautious banking approach had appealed to Bank of China.


  2. But his reputation, like that of the junta, was left tattered by the fiascos over currency controls and foreign business-ownership.


  3. Rogozin accuses the Georgian leader of trying to grab the laurels of fame by provoking great nations into war just as Gavrilo Princip did.


  4. Everything you might expect of a celebrity hero, but none of what Paul himself believes merits the honor of that title.


  5. So they decided to put a stop to this "unauthorized" ministry to protect Jesus' reputation.


  6. In a rare and unusually detailed statement published in four languages, the elusive leader repeated his call for foreign forces to leave.


  7. They're also notorious for, you know, riffing off of the zeitgeist .


  8. Nevertheless, as this was the first time I had had such a distinguished audience, my desire to win renown was strong within me.


  9. By the age of 600, Jabba was the Hutt to be reckoned with, carving out a sizable criminal empire in the Outer Rim Territories.


  1. 声名,声誉名誉。

    Public estimation of someone reputation.

  2. 或是横笛小小的声名。

    Or a fife's small fame.

  3. 我的声名在危险中。

    My honor is at stake.

  4. 名誉不好, 声名狼籍

    Damage to or loss of reputation.

  5. 恶名, 丑名, 声名狼籍

    A mark of disgrace or notoriety

  6. 名誉不好,声名狼籍。

    Damage to or loss of reputation.

  7. 这会弄的声名扫地的。

    It would make the deuce of a scandal.

  8. 庸人没有突出声名的人

    One that displays mediocre qualities.

  9. 一个声名狼籍的小偷

    a common thief

  10. 财散尽, 声名狼籍时

    When rich take wings, and reputation falls to pieces

  11. 因为现在他们如此声名显赫。

    as far as this dazzling notoriety was concerned.

  12. 他是个声名显赫的政治家。

    He is a statesman of great eminence.

  13. 那出戏使他声名大噪。

    The play obtained him great fame.

  14. 老僧人才学广博,声名远扬。

    The old monk is knowledgeable and famous.

  15. 臭名昭著处于声名狼籍之境况

    The condition of being infamous.

  16. 结果, 哈定的声名立即下降。

    In consequence, the deflation of Harding's reputation came at once.

  17. 结果,哈定得声名立即下降。

    In consequence,the deflation of Harding's reputation came at once.

  18. 第三是三仙姑的声名不好。

    Third, the girl's mother had a bad reputation.

  19. 她也赢得了相当大的声名。

    She earned quite a reputation, too.

  20. 能够声名远播的原因就在于

    and why Skinner is so well known

  21. 我们, 本文件之签署人声名如下

    We, the undersigned, declare that.

  22. 反对声名狼籍的娱乐福利的特征

    Object infamous entertainment welfare trait

  23. 萨姆因为治愈了小儿麻痹症而声名远扬。

    The cure for polio makes Sam's name endure.

  24. 他们的美国黑人音乐也声名远扬。

    These Africans brought their music with them.

  25. 意味着要么声名显赫, 要么一文不值。

    To be a witch is to be honourable, or nothing at all.

  26. 他的声名里有一丝挖苦的味道。

    There was a note of irony in his voice.

  27. 霍普教授承认,他的声名来迟。

    Prof Hope admits his a long time in coming.

  28. 霍普教授承认,他得声名来迟。

    Prof Hope admits his a long time in coming.

  29. 他的声名随岁月的流逝而渐长

    His fame grows as a tree silently through the ages

  30. 成为声名赫赫的骑手或者弓箭手!

    Become the caballero with illustrious reputation or bow hand!


  1. 问:声名拼音怎么拼?声名的读音是什么?声名翻译成英文是什么?

    答:声名的读音是shēngmíng,声名翻译成英文是 reputation; fame

  2. 问:声名狼籍拼音怎么拼?声名狼籍的读音是什么?声名狼籍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:声名狼籍的读音是shēngmíng lángjí,声名狼籍翻译成英文是 have a bad name

  3. 问:声名狼藉拼音怎么拼?声名狼藉的读音是什么?声名狼藉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:声名狼藉的读音是shēngmínglángjí,声名狼藉翻译成英文是 have a bad name; be badly discredited; be not...

  4. 问:声名鹊起拼音怎么拼?声名鹊起的读音是什么?声名鹊起翻译成英文是什么?

    答:声名鹊起的读音是shēngmíngquèqǐ,声名鹊起翻译成英文是 Rapid rise in fame


声名,汉语词汇。拼音:shēng míng释义:1、[publicity;reputation] 名声;名誉。2. 声教和名教。第三是三仙姑的声名不好。——《小二黑结婚》