




1. 底 [dǐ]2. 底 [de]底 [dǐ]最下面的部分:~层。~座。~下(a.下面;b.以后)。海~。~肥。末了:年~。月~。到~。根基,基础,留作根据:刨根问~。~蕴。~稿。~版。图案的基层:白~蓝花的瓶子。何,什么:~事伤感。古同……



汉语拼音:gēn dǐ








  1. 基础;根基。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第七九回:“倘使没有学问根底,祇要到 上海 租界上混过两三年,便可以成了一个化外野人的。” 毛泽东 《改造我们的学习》三:“有一副对子,是替这种人画像的。那对子说:‘墙上芦苇,头重脚轻根底浅;山间竹笋,嘴尖皮厚腹中空。’”

  2. 底细,究竟。

    《英烈传》第七四回:“却説军师 刘基 听了 红罗山 三字,不胜嘆息,被 李文忠 定要问个根底。”《再生缘》第十七回:“ 梁公 还要查根底。”

  3. 来源。

    鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·病后杂谈》:“ 铁 氏次女的诗, 杭世骏 也并未寻出根底。”

  4. 犹跟前。根,通“ 跟 ”。

    宋 朱弁 《曲洧旧闻》卷一:“官家根底剩有一两人,则言阴盛,须待减去,只教渠辈取快活。” 元 尚仲贤 《三夺槊》第一折:“争奈 秦王 根底有 尉迟 无人可敌。”《古今小说·宋四公大闹禁魂张》:“妇女在 宋四公 根底坐定。”



  1. The contracts, normally signed on an annual basis, specify a formula tying the bank manager's monetary rewards to performance.


  2. While my wife and I are products of English education, we had some grounding in Chinese which we kept up in our working life.


  3. The formula which unfortunately requires a background in advanced mathematics to understand .


  4. This method basically consists in formulating the power flow problem as a set of autonomous ordinary differential equations.


  5. A basic data path configuration capable of processing the microcontroller basic instruction set was developed first.


  6. Enthusiasm is at the bottom of all progress .


  7. Huang's exegetical achievements are directly bound up with his exegetical methods, his scholarly spirit and his academic foundation.


  8. In almost every branch of civil engineering and architecture, extensive use is made of reinforced concrete for structures and foundation.


  9. I here design only to give a mathematical notion of these forces , without considering their physical causes and seats .


  1. 灾祸的根底

    the cause of the tragic accident

  2. 灾祸的根底

    the cause of the tragic accident.

  3. 他数学根底不错。

    He has a good grounding in maths.

  4. 他数学根底不错。

    He has a good grounding in maths.

  5. 你了解他的根底吗?

    Do you know his background?

  6. 他的英文根底很好。

    He has a solid foundation in english.

  7. 他的中文根底很好。

    He has a solid foundation in Chinese.

  8. 减少爆后根底的对策

    Countermeasures against Toes after Blasting

  9. 热情是所有进步的根底。

    Enthusiasm is at the bottom of all progress.

  10. 这班的文法根底很好。

    The class is well grounded in grammar.

  11. 他不得不追问事情的根底。

    He had to inquire into the cause of the matter.

  12. 实际树立在理论的根底上。

    The theory is based on practice.

  13. 这个班的学生语法根底好。

    The class is well grounded in grammar.

  14. 真正的愉快之根底在于本心。

    The foundation of true happiness is in the conscience.

  15. 露天矿山阶段爆破根底的探讨

    Rock Left by Blasting in the Open Pit Stage

  16. 再此根底上感冒, 肾脏轻易受损。

    Again, the basis of kidney damage easily cold.

  17. 爆破根底产生的原因及解决途径

    Cause Analysis of Ledge Formation and Solving Methods

  18. 我想, 一定要知道这事的根底。

    I thought that I would know the bottom of it.

  19. 高台阶爆破消除根底的方法尝试

    Attempt of High Bench Blasting with Elimination of Its Foundation

  20. 学问没有根底,趣味也很难滋生。

    Interest will never develop where no solid foundation has been laid for learning.

  21. 难怪,没有什么根底,难免存博彩心理。

    Pardonable, without what bedrock, hard to avoid puts rich colour psychology.

  22. 这个原则已经成了他生活的根底。

    This principle has been woven into the warp and woof of his life.

  23. 我的科学根底要我多作细心的概括。

    My scientific background has taught me to make more cautious generalizations.

  24. 我得科学根底要我多作细心得概括。

    My scientific background has taught me to make more cautious generalizations.

  25. 减少根底和大块率提高爆破质量

    Improvement of blasting performance through reducing residual root and clump ratio

  26. 汤姆的全部信心直到根底都动摇了。

    Tom's whole structure of faith was shaken to its foundations.

  27. 申请人都须有良好的电脑科学根底。

    All applicants must be well grounded in computer science.

  28. 申请人都须有良好得电脑科学根底。

    All applicants must be well grounded in computer science.

  29. 他以念书和勤奋奠基了胜利的根底。

    He laid the foundations of his success by study and hard work.

  30. 他们决心一定要把这事的根底追出来。

    They were determined to get to the bottom of the matter.


  1. 问:根底拼音怎么拼?根底的读音是什么?根底翻译成英文是什么?

    答:根底的读音是gēndǐ,根底翻译成英文是 grounding; cause