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1. 厌 [yàn]厌 [yàn]嫌恶,憎恶:~恶(wù)。讨~。~倦。喜新~旧。不~其详。学而不~。满足:贪得无~。……
1. 恶 [è]2. 恶 [wù]3. 恶 [ě]4. 恶 [wū]恶 [è]不好:~感。~果。~劣。~名。丑~。凶狠:~霸。~棍。险~。凶~。犯罪的事,极坏的行为:~贯满盈。恶 [wù]讨厌,憎恨,与“好(hào )”相对:可~。厌~。好……
汉语拼音:yàn wù
宋 梅尧臣 《和王仲仪咏瘿》诗:“厌恶虽自知,部割且谁肯。” 宋 王明清 《春娘传》:“司户知其厌恶风尘,出于诚心,乃发书告其父。”《古今小说·张道陵七试赵昇》:“众人见 赵昇 连住数日,并不转身,愈加厌恶,渐渐出言侮慢。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第六九回:“从此那位老太太,因为和媳妇不对,便连儿子也厌恶起来了。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》十六:“他不但是厌恶这种生活,而且为自己担心。”
And there is still bad blood between Mr Obama and Bill Clinton, who this week issued a half-hearted endorsement of his wife's nemesis.
尽管克林顿本周表达了他对奥巴马半冷不热的支持态度,但奥巴马和比尔·克林顿之间仍存在着相互的厌恶感。He squares his shoulders and warns the nervous looking inmate in front of him to put on his jail face.
他厌恶地看着排在他前面的一个紧张不安的犯人,告诫他要装得强硬点。Behind him the air rippled, shimmered, solidified into a man who looked around, his mouth twisting briefly with distaste.
在他身后,空气波纹起伏,微光闪烁,渐渐凝固成一个男人的形状,他环顾四周,撇起的嘴角上挂着一丝厌恶的表情。Farrell keeps track of her cavorting with men at all hours of the night, his loathing for her intensifying.
法雷尔保持与男子跟踪她里嬉闹夜晚的所有时间,他对她的厌恶加剧。I used to be one of those, but in recent years I've discovered a love for the early morning hours.
我以前也厌恶早起,但最近几年,让我发现了对早起几个小时的好处。I mean really, you see how much energy is concentrated in this dislike process?
你知道要花多大的精力集中于这个厌恶进程吗?These feminists did not seem to value children, and the working-class women resented it.
这些女权主义者似乎不太重视孩子,而劳动阶级妇女对这种做法却十分厌恶。With a gesture of infinite understanding, disgust, noble indifference, he threw up his hands and started to walk out.
他带着无限的了解,厌恶,俨然不屑的神色,无可奈何地站起身就走出去。The reasons so many people hate (or intensely dislike) Microsoft are plentiful and for the most part, pretty easy to understand.