


村落,田舍:村~。~户。~稼。封建社会君主、贵族等所占有的成片土地:皇~。~主。~客。商店的一种名称:茶~。饭~。钱~。某些种类的赌博,局中人轮流为主:~家。坐~。四通八达的道路:康~大道。严肃,端重:~严。~重(zhòng )。端~。姓。……







汉语拼音:zhuāng jia rén








  1. 种庄稼的人;农民。

    沈从文 《萧萧》:“总而言之,说来事事都希奇古怪,和庄稼人不同。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第三章:“有时他也扮做过路的庄稼人,和农民们在一起谈着自己的艰难和苛捐杂税的繁重。”



  1. Even conscription is better. . . . As it is, a man comes back to you neither soldier nor peasant, nothing, but only demoralised .


  2. She said it was having planters' hands that knew how to do it.


  3. Bai thought, "The hometown is poor because people have no knowledge. "


  4. He added, after a pause: "Remember this, my friends: there are no such things as bad plants or bad men. There are only bad cultivators . "


  5. In croppy culture, common parlance is turned on its head.


  6. This fertile land bears the hopes of the farmers.


  7. Dou Erdun is a person of farmer birth, who revels in Wushu and he is foolhardy but sometimes has petty trick.


  8. Listen to the local yokel yodel !


  9. Farm upon one's own land farmhand n.


  1. 庄稼人, 种地的人雇农农场工人。

    Farm upon ones own land farmhand n.

  2. 庄稼人最怕的就是这种阴雨绵绵的天气。

    The farmers fear this kind of rainy weather most.

  3. 庄稼人最怕的就是这种阴雨绵绵的天气。

    The farmers fear this kind of rainy weather most.

  4. 在庄稼人文化中,某些说法的通常含义完全改变了。

    In croppy culture, common parlance is turned on its head.

  5. 你只要眨眨眼, 我就马上变成一个富裕的庄稼人!

    I'll be a big farmer before you can bat an eye!

  6. 十岁上, 芳汀出城到附近的庄稼人家里去作工。

    At the age of ten, Fantine quitted the town and went to service with some farmers in the neighborhood.

  7. 他说你只要眨眨眼,我就马上变成一个富裕的庄稼人!

    I'll be a big farmer before you can bat an eye!

  8. 收割者收割庄稼的人。

    One who gathers a crop.

  9. 学校被关闭了,庄稼无人照看。

    Schools closed. Crops lay unattended.

  10. 收割庄稼的人工作到很晚, 然后回到家狼吞虎咽地吃起来。

    The harvesters worked into evening, and then came in and ate like horses.

  11. 田野里的庄稼的确令人赞叹。

    The growth in the field is really astonishing.

  12. 田野里的庄稼的确令人赞叹。

    The growth in the field is really astonishing.

  13. 牧牛人践踏庄稼令农民怒不可遏。

    The cattlemen outraged the farmers by driving the herds over their crops.

  14. 如果庄稼被毁, 许多人就将挨饿。

    If crops are destroyed, thousands may go hungry.

  15. 她孤零零一人收捆庄稼, 一面唱着忧伤的歌。

    Alone she and binds the grain And sings a melancholy strain.

  16. 你是我认识的人当中对庄稼轮作最了解的一个。

    You understand crop rotation better than anyone I know.

  17. 野营得人踩坏了庄稼。

    The campers had trampled the corn .

  18. 野营的人踩坏了庄稼。

    The campers had trampled the corn down.

  19. 庄稼收益法律上属于土地占有人的土地上的庄稼或出产物

    The crops or products of the land legally belonging to a tenant.

  20. 这是一片河漫滩,村里没有人敢在这里种庄稼。

    This is an alluvial flat where no villager dares to plant crops.

  21. 这是一片河漫滩,村里没有人敢在这里种庄稼。

    This is an alluvial flat where no villager dares to plant crops.

  22. 去年庄稼歉收,令人十分沮丧。

    Last years harvest was a dismal failure.

  23. 正如人需要食物一样, 庄稼也需要养料。

    Just as food is to man, so manure is to crops.

  24. 他们聘用了两个人来收获庄稼。

    They employed two men for the harvest.

  25. 但是在收庄稼时, 他就多雇一些人。

    But he employs more men for the harvest.

  26. 没人能够在这么贫瘠的土地上种庄稼。

    No one could raise crops on this barren land.

  27. 与一般人的看法相反,沙漠是能产庄稼的。

    Contrary to popular belief, the desert can produce crops.

  28. 善长用庄稼秸杆或树叶铺设屋顶的人。

    Someone skilled in making a roof from plant stalks or foliage.

  29. 如果庄稼再一次歉收, 成千上万的人就要挨饿。

    Thousands of people could starve if the crops fail again.

  30. 农场主雇了两个人在他不在时照看庄稼。

    The farmer hired two man to tend the crops while he was away.


  1. 问:庄稼人拼音怎么拼?庄稼人的读音是什么?庄稼人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:庄稼人的读音是zhuāngjiarén,庄稼人翻译成英文是 peasant; farmer