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I see rims on car wheels that cost upwards of $500, just for a little bit of decoration on a vehicle.
我看到的汽车车轮轮辋的价格超过500美元,只是为了装饰车辆上的一点。The rim, spoke and the brake hub are cast into a whole; the spoke takes a shape of an arc on the whole.
所述的轮辋、辐条及刹车毂铸造成一个整体,所述辐条整体呈弧形。After the bead is started over the rim flange with the tool, the remainder of the bead can be worked out over the flange with the hands.
当用工具使轮缘从轮辋辋圈中脱出后,轮缘的剩余部分可用手将其扒过辋圈。This correction will ensure new tires will have the correct fit around the entire circumference of the wheel.
这跟正将确保新的轮辋将能正确地适合在整个周围It's also possible to center rims by simply reversing the wheel in the truing stand or bicycle frame as you work.
它也可以通过简单的轮辋中心扭转了修整站立或自行车车架为你工作的车轮。The invention further relates to an apparatus for manufacturing a rim bed by means of cold forming.
本发明还涉及一种用于通过冷成形来制造轮辋底座的装置。The utility model relates to a hydraulic shaping mechanism device, in particular to a steel ring wheel felloe roll forming machine.
本实用新型涉及一种液压成型机械设备,具体为一种钢圈轮辋滚型机。Preference should be given to dogs with black pigmentation of the rims of labial and palpebral mucous membranes.
应优先考虑与唇和眼睑的黏膜色素沉着的黑色轮辋的狗。But let them know you love them enough to request upgrades on the rims, tires, and brakes!