







汉语拼音:chéng hūn







  1. 亦作“ 成昏 ”。结婚。

    《左传·桓公三年》:“会于 嬴 ,成昏于 齐 也。”《玉台新咏·古诗<为焦仲卿妻作>》:“今已二十七,卿可去成婚。” 宋 陆游 《岳池农家》诗:“买花西舍喜成婚,持酒东邻贺生子。” 清 冯桂芬 《孝妇单孺人家传》:“﹝孺人﹞遂养於妇家,年十有六成昏。”

  2. 指结成姻亲。

    《三国志·魏志·张邈传》:“ 沛 相 陈珪 恐 术 布 成婚,则 徐 扬 合从,将为国难。”



  1. His wife was a beautiful lady. He couldn't help murmuring to himself so when remembering the very day of their marriage.

  2. Purchasing a house is one of the few investment vehicles available to Chinese people and is often considered a pre-condition for marriage.

  3. The company retains all the live parts of a sample to help with Visual match.

  4. It seemed to her now that she could marry him without the remnant of a scruple.

  5. Design and production staff may not be able to take into account the page size you e-file is the size of the output film.

  6. When any common girl inhabiting their lands is married, our nobles shall have sexual rights to her on the night of her wedding.

  7. She gets close to marrying Banana Wolf, but ends up marrying the minister at the wedding, who was already in love with her.

  8. I can bet my bottom dollar that she won't marry him for anything.

  9. The Prince and Snow White were to be married , and everyone from far and near was invited to the celebration .


  1. 成婚。完婚

    consummate a marriage.

  2. 他草率成婚。

    He makes a hasty marriage.

  3. 我没结成婚。

    I didn't get married.

  4. 牧师正式宣告她们成婚。

    The parson official1y pronounced those them bearrived one.

  5. 听说他们是奉子成婚。

    Ve heard that they had a shotgun wedding.

  6. 你对大学生成婚问题的看法?

    What do you think of university students marriage?

  7. 老实的人早成婚,聪明的人不结婚。

    Honest men marry soon, wise men not at all.

  8. 老实得人早成婚,聪明得人不结婚。

    Honest men marry soon, wise men not at all.

  9. 老实的人早成婚, 聪明的人不姻缘。

    Hfirstst men marry soon, wise men not at which le.

  10. 老实得人早成婚,聪明得人不姻缘。

    Hfirstst men marry soon, wise men not at which le.

  11. 告诉她, 你坚持他们俩成婚。

    Tell her, you insist upon them marrying.

  12. 你应该体面地成婚, 帮助你的家庭。

    You ought to marry well and help your family.

  13. 一对男女成婚前,要先订婚。

    Before a couple is married, they become engaged.

  14. 父母希望其长女第一个成婚。

    The parents hoped that the oldest of their daughters would be the first down the aisle.

  15. 公主很喜欢他, 于是他们便成婚了。

    The Princess liked him. They were married.

  16. 他们在报上颁布发表了成婚日期。

    They announced the date of their wedding in the paper.

  17. 婚礼一行人伴着成婚进行曲进入教堂。

    The wedding party enters the church while the wedding march is played.

  18. 不能强迫她与她不喜欢的男人成婚。

    Don't force her into a distasteful marriage.

  19. 他们下周要结婚了,是奉子成婚。

    They are going to have shotgun marriage next week.

  20. 大熊猫在炎热与雨季中的动物园内成婚

    Pandas wed in the heat, rain of zoo

  21. 你父亲和我差点就没结成婚。

    Your father and I almost didn't get married.

  22. 我怎能不紧张呢?我明天将要成婚了。

    How can Inot be so nervous? I'm getting married tomorrow.

  23. 他向朋友们宣布他已与布朗小姐成婚。

    He announced to his friends his marriage with Miss Brown.

  24. 亲爱的约翰啊,今晚我将与你的兄弟成婚!

    But tonight I wed your brother, dear John.

  25. 瑞典最年轻的公主玛德琳即将成婚。

    Sweden's Princess Madeleine to marry.

  26. 不过我亲眼看着你们拜堂成婚,这可是真的。

    Still, I see you went ahead and did it for real.

  27. 邓先生和孙姑娘已于昨天奉子成婚。

    Their cohabitation led to a shotgun wedding and a bitter divorce before too long.

  28. 他们在父母和所有朋友的祝福声中成婚。

    They got married with the blessing of their parents and all their friends.

  29. 公主那时即将成婚,人人都在首都等待这一盛典。

    The princess is get marry,and everyone is in town for the great occasion.

  30. 公主那时即将成婚, 人人都在城里等待这一盛典。

    The princess was getting married, and everyone was in town for the great occasion.


  1. 问:成婚拼音怎么拼?成婚的读音是什么?成婚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:成婚的读音是chénghūn,成婚翻译成英文是 to marry or get married


