







汉语拼音:shùn xīn








  1. 遵循天性。

    《庄子·庚桑楚》:“欲静则平气,欲神则顺心。” 郭象 注:“平气则静,理足顺心则神功至。”

  2. 依从自己的思想;合乎心意。

    《燕丹子》卷上:“私以为智者不冀侥倖以要功,明者不苟从志以顺心。事必成然后举,身必安而后行。” 晋 陶潜 《归去来兮辞序》:“仲秋至冬,在官八十餘日,因事顺心,命篇曰《归去来兮》。”《儿女英雄传》第二二回:“咱们离开不到一年,瞧瞧,你们在外头倒碰出多少不顺心的事来。” 孔厥 袁静 《新儿女英雄传》第一回:“ 大水 觉得很不顺心,气闷闷的对爹说:‘这年头真够瞧!嘴又不能挂起来,还不抵我去当兵呢!’”

  3. 和顺之心。

    《诗·邶风·终风》“惠然肯来” 毛 传:“言时有顺心也。” 郑玄 笺:“有顺心然后可以来至我旁。不欲见其戏謔。”



  1. It's not fair that you come home after a bad day at work and take it out on your wife and children.

  2. For the first year, it was great. I knew everyone in town. I spent weekends doing yard work or hanging out with the neighborhood guys.

  3. It was the sort of morning when everything goes wrong.

  4. With all good wishes for a brilliant and happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Hope things are going all right with you.

  5. If you're angry at your kids or your spouse or your job, it's not our fault. Don't take it out on us.

  6. Finding little ways to make someone else's day smoother lets them know how much they mean to you.

  7. and for a brilliant and happy Spring Festival, send you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season! I wish you all the best!

  8. It's easy to talk about relationships when everything is going great, but what do you do when things are headed in the wrong direction?

  9. And yet, despite everything going really well for John, he was struggling, fighting addiction and a gripping depression.


  1. 望你事事顺心。

    Hope thing go all right with you.

  2. 对工作感到不顺心

    feel frustrate in the job.

  3. 我事事都不顺心。

    At every turn I met with disappointment.

  4. 人不可能事事顺心。

    Yeah,turns out things aren't great.

  5. 最终,一切都不顺心。

    Everything went wrong in the end.

  6. 祝你工作如意顺心。

    I hope everything goes well with your work.

  7. 大展宏图!事事顺心!

    Grand plans! Everything about it feels!

  8. 我的婚姻不那么顺心。

    My marriage is a bit strained.

  9. 我的婚姻不那么顺心。

    My marriage is a bit strained.

  10. 我们归途中不太顺心。

    Our journey home was pretty traumatic.

  11. 他那时春风得意, 事事顺心。

    For the time being everything was moonlight and roses.

  12. 我知道她一切顺心如意。

    I knew that all was well with her.

  13. 我现在好像事事不顺心。

    Nothing seems to be going right for me at the moment.

  14. 有什么不顺心的事吗

    Is something making you feel uncomfortable?

  15. 你的生活中有什么顺心?

    What's working in your life?

  16. 再见,哈努,祝你顺心如意。

    Goodbye, Hanu. I wish you well.

  17. 他现在日子过得很顺心。

    Life is going very well for him at the moment.

  18. 他父亲晚年过得挺顺心。

    His father spent the evening of his life in happiness.

  19. 希望你婚后生活事事顺心。

    I hope everything goes well with your marry life.

  20. 当时我年轻, 一切都顺心如意。

    I was a young man and the world was my oyster.

  21. 所以我不顺心就拿他出气。

    So I took it out on him.

  22. 他似乎干什么事都不顺心。

    Nothing seems to go right with him.

  23. 事情不顺心时,他就怨天尤人。

    He is given to complaining when things don't go well for him.

  24. 比利,希望你今天也一切顺心。

    You have a nice day, too, billy.

  25. 当你遵守规则,生活就会顺心。

    When you follow the rules, life works.

  26. 她说我日子过得很不顺心。

    She said I was living badly.

  27. 那天上午就是那样,事事不顺心。

    It was the sort of morning when everything went wrong.

  28. 祝你天天开心,也希望事事顺心。

    Wish you happy every day, also hope everything is fine.

  29. 虽然偶尔会遇上不顺心的风暴。

    Although occasionally encountered a bad storm.

  30. 我自己最近也有些不顺心的事。

    I, uh, i've been going through some stuff lately.


  1. 问:顺心拼音怎么拼?顺心的读音是什么?顺心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顺心的读音是shùnxīn,顺心翻译成英文是 satisfactory



基本解释 [Satisfactory]称心;符合心愿 凡事都很顺心,老太太乐了 详细解释 1. 遵循天性。

《庄子·庚桑楚》:“欲静则平气,欲神则顺心。” 郭象 注:“平气则静,理足顺心则神功至。” 2.依从自己的思想;合乎心意。

《燕丹子》卷上:“私以为智者不冀侥幸以要功,明者不苟从志以顺心。事必成然后举,身必安而后行。” 晋 陶潜 《归去来兮辞序》:“仲秋至冬,在官八十馀日,因事顺心,命篇曰《归去来兮》。”《儿女英雄传》第二二回:“咱们离开不到一年,瞧瞧,你们在外头倒碰出多少不顺心的事来。” 孔厥 袁静《新儿女英雄传》第一回:“ 大水 觉得很不顺心,气闷闷的对爹说:‘这年头真够瞧!嘴又不能挂起来,还不抵我去当兵呢!’” 3. 和顺之心。

《诗·邶风·终风》“惠然肯来” 毛 传:“言时有顺心也。” 郑玄 笺:“有顺心然后可以来至我旁。不欲见其戏谑。”