


不幸的,不吉祥的:吉~。~信。庄稼收成不好:~年饥岁。恶:~暴。~恶。~顽。~相(xiàng )。~神恶煞。关于杀伤的:行(xíng )~。帮~。厉害,过甚:雨~风狂。……


1. 暴 [bào]2. 暴 [pù]暴 [bào]强大而突然来的,又猛又急的:~雷。~病。~动。~力。~涨。~发。风~。~风骤雨(亦喻声势浩大、发展迅猛的群众运动)。过分急躁的,容易冲击的:脾气~躁。~跳如雷。凶恶残酷的:凶~。~虐。~君……



汉语拼音:xiōng bào








  1. 凶狠残暴。

    汉 应劭 《风俗通·过誉》:“ 伯况 被发,则得就业,乡佐虽云凶暴,何缘侵己?今见辱者,必有以招之。”《新唐书·顾彦朗传》:“ 杨守亮 忌 壁州 刺史 王建 凶暴,欲逐之。” 宋 洪迈 《夷坚丁志·要二逆报》:“ 姑苏 村民 要二 ,以渔为业,凶暴不孝。”《三国演义》第二回:“ 张纯 专一凶暴,士卒心变,帐下头目刺杀 张纯 ,将头纳献,率众来降。”

  2. 凶狠残暴。

    《三国志·吴志·贺邵传》:“ 皓 兇暴骄矜,政事日弊。”《北齐书·阳州公永乐传》:“时有 天恩道人 ,至兇暴,横行閭肆,后入 长弼 党,专以斗为事。” 清 俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷十:“ 沉夏 , 海盐 人,性兇暴。” 范文澜 《中国近代史》第八章第五节:“ 清 政府派兵攻击, 直隶 提督 聂士成 军尤其凶暴。”



  1. Monstrous demons are able to draw out only a mortal 's dark nature , learning her secret animosities , lusts and ambitions .


  2. Benerro's rantings will only serve to bring a savage wrath down upon his head.


  3. Good news: Cambodians can now organize a protest action against the government without a fear of being violently dispersed by the police.


  4. Doctor Banner, your work is unparalleled, and I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green enraged monster.


  5. Through this process, over time, Arthur transmogrified from a fierce Celtic warlord to a wise, noble and honourable national father-figure.


  6. I saw the dull , drilled , docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiers plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts, . . .


  7. Be tolerant among the intolerant, gentle among the violent, and free from greed among the greedy.


  8. I see also the dull, drilled, docile, brutish masses of the Hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts.


  9. A person with a terrifying hot temper will become, I believe, as meek as a lamb after a long stay by the seashore.


  1. 凶暴的脾气

    in a savage temper.

  2. 凶暴地毒害

    diabolically poison.

  3. 他的性格有些凶暴。

    He has a violent streak in him.

  4. 魔鬼似的。恶魔的。凶暴的。

    diabolic, devilish, demonic, evil, wicked.

  5. 凶暴的人蛮横无礼的, 凶残的人

    An unprincipled, ruthless person.

  6. 他是一个凶暴的罪犯。

    He is a desperate criminal.

  7. 独夫们是凶暴的 但人民是善良的

    Men are cruel, but Man is kind.

  8. 凶暴、粗野或残酷的人。

    A fierce, brutal, or cruel person.

  9. 那只老虎凶暴地突袭那只山羊。

    The tiger pounced savagely on the goat.

  10. 平静凶暴的人的烦恼或者恐怖。

    Quiet the dragons of worry and fear.

  11. 音乐有抚慰凶暴心灵的魅力。

    Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast.

  12. 他是个逍遥法外的凶暴的罪犯。

    He was a desperate criminal on the loose.

  13. 对待俘虏不要那么凶暴。

    Dont treat the captive with so much violence.

  14. 那个监狱看守凶暴地虐待犯人。

    The jailer did violence to prisoners.

  15. 其他部族眼中,他们凶暴好战。

    The Fenrir seem ferocious and belligerent to other tribes.

  16. 独夫们是凶暴得 但人民是善良得

    Men are cruel but Man is kind.

  17. 但你面对凶暴歹徒的枪口的时候。

    When you saw the guns of those ruthless killers.

  18. 音乐有抚凶暴心灵的魅力。

    Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast.

  19. 音乐有抚凶暴心灵得魅力。

    Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast.

  20. 凶暴的人被认为暴躁或凶狠之人

    A person regarded as fierce or ferocious.

  21. 他易怒、残忍、凶暴而又毫无爱心。

    He had been angry and cruel, violent and unloving.

  22. 凶暴的士兵强使孩子离开母亲的怀抱。

    Children were rent from their mothersarms by the brutal soldiers.

  23. 这疯子十分凶暴,只好把他锁起来。

    The madman was violent and had to be locked up.

  24. 卡德杰一伙人年轻而凶暴。

    Kadaj's Gang is young and brutal.

  25. 他在网球场上是一个凶暴的人。

    He's a tiger on the tennis court; it aroused the tiger in me.

  26. 因为杀人无数, 残忍凶暴, 他被判枭首。

    He was beheaded for his killings.

  27. 因为杀人无数、残忍凶暴,他被判枭首。

    He was beheaded for his killings.

  28. 凶暴的士兵强使孩子们离开他们母亲的怀抱。

    Children were rent from their mothersarms by the brutal soldiers.

  29. 残忍在惊恐中表现得最为广泛凶暴。

    It is in moments of panic that cruelty becomes most widespread and most atrocious.

  30. 这个精神病患者很凶暴,不得不把他锁起来。

    The madman was violent and had to be locked up.


  1. 问:凶暴拼音怎么拼?凶暴的读音是什么?凶暴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凶暴的读音是xiōngbào,凶暴翻译成英文是 ferocious

  2. 问:凶暴行为拼音怎么拼?凶暴行为的读音是什么?凶暴行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凶暴行为的读音是xiōngbàoxíngwéi,凶暴行为翻译成英文是 outrageous behavior

  3. 问:凶暴的男人拼音怎么拼?凶暴的男人的读音是什么?凶暴的男人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凶暴的男人的读音是,凶暴的男人翻译成英文是 Violent Cop




拼音:xiōng bào 基本解释 [fierce and brutal;malignant;ruthless;implacable] 凶狠残暴 详细解释 1. 凶狠残暴。 汉 应劭 《风俗通·过誉》:“ 伯况 被发,则得就业,乡佐虽云凶暴,何缘侵己?今见辱者,必有以招之。”《新唐书·顾彦朗传》:“ 杨守亮 忌 壁州 刺史 王建 凶暴,欲逐之。” 宋 洪迈 《夷坚丁志·要二逆报》:“ 姑苏 村民 要二 ,以渔为业,凶暴不孝。”《三国演义》第二回:“ 张纯 专一凶暴,士卒心变,帐下头目刺杀 张纯 ,将头纳献,率众来降。” 2. 凶狠残暴。 《三国志·吴志·贺邵传》:“ 皓 凶暴骄矜,政事日弊。”《北齐书·阳州公永乐传》:“时有 天恩道人 ,至凶暴,横行闾肆,后入 长弼 党,专以斗为事。” 清 俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷十:“ 沉夏 , 海盐 人,性凶暴。” 范文澜 《中国近代史》第八章第五节:“ 清 政府派兵攻击, 直隶 提督 聂士成 军尤其凶暴。”