







汉语拼音:guī xiù







  1. 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·贤媛》:“ 顾 家妇清心玉映,自是闺房之秀。”后以“闺秀”称大户人家的有才德的女儿,多指未婚者。

    清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·某别驾》:“此必主人闺秀所居。” 鲁迅 《伪自由书·航空救国三愿》:“听说 广州 也有一队出发的,闺秀们还将诗词绣在小衫上,赠战士以壮行色。” 徐迟 《牡丹》三:“ 中国 妇女,不论大家闺秀,小家碧玉,自古以来,都是懂不得爱,得不到爱的。”



  1. Actually she was neither, but she could pretend to be. It made her feel more respectable and ladylike .


  2. The book old story of south of city was the model represent of the "graceful literature" in the middle 20th century of Taiwan.


  3. No matter from respectable families or brothel, women themselves were part of Confucian society and were the product of Confucian culture.


  4. Ling Shu-hua, as one of the "New Young Lady School" , is a well known contemporary woman writer of China.


  5. It likes a gentlewoman in the clothes of countrywoman dressing in new year.


  6. Young Lady Poet Colony of Guangxi in Qing Dynasty and its Poems


  7. The "Anti-elite" Phenomenon of Zhang Ai-ling's Novels


  1. 她穿得像大家闺秀, 却极其素净。

    Her attire was that of a lady, but extremely plain

  2. 首先概述晚明闺秀词盛况。

    First outlines latter Ming dynasty demure word grand occasion.

  3. 第三,对闺秀词和青楼词做比较。

    Third, makes the comparison to the demure word and the brothel word.

  4. 她是他所认识的第一个大家闺秀。

    She was the first nice girl he had ever known.

  5. 她像大家闺秀那样细细地啜着冷饮。

    She took little ladylike sips of the cold drink.

  6. 你是够文雅的, 看上去象个大家闺秀。

    You are genteel enough, you look like a lady.

  7. 清代广西的闺秀诗人群体及其诗作

    Young Lady Poet Colony of Guangxi in Qing Dynasty and its Poems.

  8. 你是够文雅的,看上去真像个大家闺秀!

    You are genteel enough, you look like a lady from a wellbred family.

  9. 她虽然粗手大脚,却有大家闺秀的丰韵。

    She had the expression of a great lady in spite of large hands and feet.

  10. 真是难以置信 一个良家闺秀竟然落得此下场。

    Hard to believe a kid from such a good family could get so messed up.

  11. 他一看就是个大家闺秀,言谈举止大方得体。

    At the first sight, you know that she is a girl from a rich and influential family. She talks and behaves in a fine and decent manner.

  12. 他一看就是个大家闺秀,言谈举止大方得体。

    At the first sight, you know that she is a girl from a rich and influential family. She talks and behaves in a fine and decent manner.

  13. 我小时候受的教育不像个大家闺秀, 倒像个野孩子。

    My upbringing had been more that of a wild boy than that of a young lady.

  14. 在西班牙,大家闺秀出门旅行总带一个女监护人。

    In Spain a young lady of good family does not travel without a chaperon.

  15. 第二部分主要对午梦堂前期闺秀诗词创作予以研究。

    The second part mainly discusses the literature of the women in the former Midday Dream Hall.

  16. 这对于名门闺秀来说,是应对与生俱来关注的常见办法。

    All these are the familiar way to deal with the native attention for the girl of gentlefolk.

  17. 第三部分主要对午梦堂后期闺秀的诗词创作予以研究。

    The third part mainly discusses the literature of the women in the latter Midday Dream Hall.

  18. 第三部分主要对午梦堂后期闺秀得诗词创作予以研究。

    The third part mainly discusses the literature of the women in the latter Midday Dream Hall.


  1. 问:闺秀拼音怎么拼?闺秀的读音是什么?闺秀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:闺秀的读音是guīxiù,闺秀翻译成英文是 An archaic term for a well-cultivated daughter o...



含义 旧时称有才德的女子为“闺秀”。