




看:~觉。~力。~野。鄙~。注~。近~。~而不见。熟~无睹。亲临某事:~事。~察。看待:藐~。重~。等闲~之。看望:探~。省(xǐng )~。比照:“天子之卿受地~侯”。古同“示”,表明。……



汉语拼音:zuò shì







  1. 坐着观看。

    南朝 宋 鲍照 《代陈思王<京洛篇>》:“坐视青苔满,卧对锦筵空。” 宋 苏轼 《徐大正闲轩》诗:“卧看盗取毡,坐视麦漂雨。”

  2. 谓袖手旁观,对该管的事故意不管或漠不关心。

    宋 沉俶 《谐史》:“吾家积钱列屋,坐视乡党之困与官吏之负罪,而晏然不顾,於心安乎?” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·词曲·结构》:“以有疏财仗义之 张大公 在,受人之託,必能终人之亊,未有坐视不顾,而致其剪髮者也。” 郭沫若 《羽书集·巩固反侵略的战线》:“照昨日的国际情势看来,各关系国家似乎也不能再坐视了。”



  1. They showed me that there are real, wonderful people being treated unjustly and that I cannot sit back and let that happen.


  2. In the truck, Michael wonders how his mother could be a Company agent, and watch for years as her children were hunted down.


  3. If not, it risks falling back into the sort of authoritarianism that was supposed to have been banished by the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.


  4. As you come to understand her importance to me, you may even question whether I really would have let her die there in the forest.


  5. But in a manner of speaking, when it' s time to be a man I expect him to stand up instead of sitting back expecting me to do everything.


  6. We have been talking about this all year, but it is just being allowed to fester.


  7. As a resolute technophobe, Buffett sat out the incredible run-up in technology stocks during the late 1990s.


  8. However, being the big fish, in the case of Berry Masters does not mean sit back and let the others run behind you.


  9. Now people clap, sometimes you even get standing ovations and I say, "What the hell's wrong with you? Why are we all sitting there? "


  1. 不会坐视的

    not sit back looking on.

  2. 刚才却坐视我任人宰割?

    Then leave me to be butchered?

  3. 我怎能坐视不管?

    How can I ignore this?

  4. 我怎能坐视不管?

    How can I ignore this?

  5. 你怎能坐视国家的灭亡?

    How can you stand by and watch the country go to ruin?

  6. 如今他们仍坐视不理。

    They continue to turn a blind eye.

  7. 如今他们仍坐视不理。

    They continue to turn a blind eye.

  8. 与此同时,我们不应该坐视等待。

    Meanwhile, we should not sit back and wait.

  9. 那你怎么还坐视不理?

    How can you be so calm about this?

  10. 那你怎么还坐视不理?

    How can you be so calm about this?

  11. 你是个成人,而你坐视不管。

    you were a grownup, and you did nothing.

  12. 我们不能坐视这样的悲剧发生。

    We cannot just sit by and watch this tragedy happen.

  13. 我们不能坐视这些人违犯法律。

    We can't just sit by while these people break the law.

  14. 你不能就此坐视不理,勒奈特。

    You can't sit on this, lynette.

  15. 你不能就此坐视不理,勒奈特。

    You can't sit on this, Lynette.

  16. 你不能这样坐视不理,勒奈特。

    You can't sit on this, lynette.

  17. 你不能这样坐视不理,勒奈特。

    You can't sit on this, lynette.

  18. 你不能这样坐视不理,勒奈特。

    You can't sit on this, Lynette.

  19. 你不能就此坐视不理,勒奈特。

    You can't sit on this, lynette.

  20. 你怎么会坐视窗子让人打破呢?

    How could you see the window broken?

  21. 做哥哥的他,万万不能坐视呀!

    It was unthinkable that he, her elder brother, should stand aside and not intervene!

  22. 我被人打,你却坐视不理

    while I was getting my ass kicked.

  23. 妈妈在男友自杀时坐视不管。

    Mom watched as her boyfriend committed suicide.

  24. 奥巴马冷眼旁观, 坐视这一切的发生。

    Mr Obama stood aside and let that happen.

  25. 我不能坐视我的父亲流泪而无动于衷。

    I could not see my father weep, and sit by, careless.

  26. 我无法再坐视不理其后果了。

    I can't wait to find out the results from the pancake vendor.

  27. 你感到你对这事不能坐视不管。

    'You come to a feeling that you want to make a difference.'

  28. 你不能坐视那些难民在受苦的事实。

    You cannot blink the fact that the refugees are suffering.

  29. 我们绝不能坐视这些人拆我们的台。

    We mustn't allow these people to cut the ground from under us while we sit looking on.

  30. 我们决不能坐视这些人拆我们的台。

    We mustn't allow these people to cut the ground from under us while we sit looking on.


  1. 问:坐视拼音怎么拼?坐视的读音是什么?坐视翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坐视的读音是zuòshì,坐视翻译成英文是 To sit and watch; to be indifferent to.

  2. 问:坐视要管拼音怎么拼?坐视要管的读音是什么?坐视要管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坐视要管的读音是,坐视要管翻译成英文是 Not On Our Watch Project




【拼音】zuò shì


【基本解释】[sit by and watch;sit tight and look on] 不采取人们所期望的或适当的行动:袖手旁观