


数名,十个十(在钞票和单据上常用大写“佰”代):~步穿杨。~儿八十。~分比。喻很多:~草。~货。~姓(人民)。~般。~炼成钢。~无聊赖。~废俱兴(xīng )。……


1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……



汉语拼音:bǎi jiā









  1. 指学术上的各种派别。

    《荀子·解蔽》:“今诸侯异政,百家异説,则必或是或非,或治或乱。”《史记·滑稽列传》:“今子大夫修先王之术,慕圣人之义,讽诵《诗》、《书》、百家之言,不可胜数。” 唐 韩愈 《此日足可惜赠张籍》诗:“ 孔丘 殁已远,仁义路久荒,纷纷百家起,诡怪相披猖。” 明 宋应星 《天工开物·杀青》:“身为竹骨与木皮,杀其青而白乃见,万卷百家,基从此起。” 清 钱谦益 《李逢阳赠中大夫浙江布政使司右参政制》:“学问渊源於经术,文辞泛滥於百家。”

  2. 泛指各行业从事某种专门活动或有技艺的人。

    汉 赵晔 《吴越春秋·勾践阴谋外传》:“自 灵王 ( 楚灵王 )之后,射道分流,百家能人用莫得其正。” 宋 陈师道 《次韵苏公西湖观月听琴》:“韵出百家上,诵之心已醺。”

  3. 泛指许多人家或家族。

    清 俞正燮 《癸巳类稿·<百家姓>书后》:“ 宋 沉括 《笔谈》云: 唐 时氏族大率高下分五等,通有百家,皆谓之士族,此外悉为庶姓,婚宦皆不敢与百家等。”参见“ 百家姓 ”。

  4. 见“ 百家谱 ”。



  1. "Hundreds of companies are never going to see the light of day, " said Mr Richard. "It is potentially a lost generation of companies. "


  2. There was a raft of events, including start-up parties in London and Berlin with hundreds of participants.


  3. "Hundreds of institutions have done or are doing the same, " he said, including his university.


  4. Part of that project has led to the closure of hundreds of inefficient power plants, steel mills and cement plants, the white paper said.


  5. As far as big brands go, Gucci is one of the biggest, with hundreds of stores all over the world (and new ones planned this year for India).


  6. Scores, and then hundreds, of local groups began forming around the country, declaring themselves to be part of the tea-party movement.


  7. As one of the major business ports in northern China, Tianjin used to be the home to several hundred Yanghang.


  8. Mobile robots are now being used in hundreds of hospitals nationwide as the eyes, ears and voices of doctors who cannot be there in person.


  9. The companies in question represent just a handful of the hundreds of Chinese companies listed on U. S. exchanges.


  1. 百家地郎姆酒

    Bacardi Rum.

  2. 百家店购物中心

    Parker Place Shopping Centre

  3. 百家讲坛书系

    Books of lecture room.

  4. 青岛百家塑胶有限公司

    Qingdao Baijia Plastic Cement Co. Ltd

  5. 百家联展万款争辉

    Exhibition Of Numerous Styles For Hundreds Of Merchants

  6. 从百家讲坛到三尺讲台的思考

    From the Lecture Room to the Three Chi Platform.

  7. 代表曲目有百家春, 出水莲等。

    Typical of this style are Hundred Family Spring and The Lilies are Emerging From the Water.

  8. 全美近百家醫院正在使用這些機器人

    These are in hundreds of hospitals across the U. S.

  9. 国内百家兵工企业正在面向社会招聘人才。

    Hundreds of ordnance factories are recruiting people now.

  10. 国内百家兵工企业正在面向社会招聘人才。

    Hundreds of ordnance factories are recruiting people now.

  11. 百家讲坛强大的影响力源于它独特的栏目特色。

    The great influence of Lecture Room roots in its specific characteristics.

  12. 目前已经确立了近百家实体及网络销售代理。

    It has developed nearly one hundred entitative and internet distributors until the present.

  13. 与全国上百家企业商家建立了良好的合作关系。

    With over a hundred enterprises on the business established good relations of cooperation.

  14. 画风容百家之长,并有自己独特的艺术风格。

    Draw the wind and hold the various schools of thinkers'head, there are one's own unique artistic styles.

  15. 上百家国内投资公司有时候被标榜为私人股本基金。

    Hundreds of domestic investment companies are sometimes billed as private equity funds.

  16. 他十岁进官学读书时已经能背《百家姓》、《三字经》了。

    When he entered into the official school at the age of ten, he was able to recite The Book of Family Names and The Three Words Classics.

  17. 然而,在美国政府解除对国内航空公司实行管制之后的22年中,虽有上百家新兴新航空公司曾试图打入该市场,但各大航空公司通过兼并发展壮大的事件还是时有耳闻。

    However, in the 22 years since U.S. airlines were deregulated, consolidation has often been heard, despite the attempts of hundreds of new carriers to get airborne.


  1. 问:百家姓拼音怎么拼?百家姓的读音是什么?百家姓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:百家姓的读音是bǎijiāxìng,百家姓翻译成英文是 the Book of Family Names; the Hundred Family...

  2. 问:百家争鸣拼音怎么拼?百家争鸣的读音是什么?百家争鸣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:百家争鸣的读音是bǎijiāzhēngmíng,百家争鸣翻译成英文是 A period of free thought from the late spring and...

  3. 问:百家乐拼音怎么拼?百家乐的读音是什么?百家乐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:百家乐的读音是,百家乐翻译成英文是 Baccarat

  4. 问:百家讲坛拼音怎么拼?百家讲坛的读音是什么?百家讲坛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:百家讲坛的读音是,百家讲坛翻译成英文是 Lecture Room

  5. 问:百家福花园站拼音怎么拼?百家福花园站的读音是什么?百家福花园站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:百家福花园站的读音是,百家福花园站翻译成英文是 Taman Paramount LRT station