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马壮健。自满,自高自大,不服从:~傲。~气。~恣。~横(hèng )。~矜。~纵。猛烈:~阳。……
1. 横 [héng]2. 横 [hèng]横 [héng]跟地面平行的,与“竖”、“直”相对:~梁。~楣。~额。~幅。~批。~披(长条形横幅字画)。~匾。~标。~空。左右向的,跟目视方向垂直的,与“竖”、“直”、“纵”相对:~写。~排。~……
汉语拼音:jiāo hèng
《后汉书·梁冀传》:“帝少而聪慧,知 冀 骄横,尝朝羣臣,目 冀 曰:‘此跋扈将军也。’” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·政事下》:“ 徐州 将士自 王智兴 后,骄横难制。” 清 唐孙华 《时世公子行》:“生狞面目骄横色,如睹魑魅逢山臊。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第二卷第二十章:“ 熊文灿 之所以把事情弄糟,是因为既无统帅才能,使诸将日益骄横,又一味贪贿,受了 张献忠 的愚弄。”
The fear of the Lord hates evil: I hate arrogance, and pride, and every wicked way, and a mouth with a double tongue.
敬畏上主,就是憎恨邪恶傲慢骄横,邪恶的行径和欺诈的口舌,我都憎恶。In the Warring States Period , Prince Xinlingjun held a very high position . But he was not at all arrogant .
战国时魏国的信陵君地位显赫,但是他一点儿也不骄横。Together with other factors, this engendered conceit among a number of army comrades, some of whom became arrogant and overbearing.
大权在握,加上其他一些原因,在军队一部分人中,滋长了骄气。有的甚至不只是骄气,而是骄横。Now because the king had become arrogant and full of pride, God was going to deal with him.
如今,因著他的骄横跋扈,神必要审判他。The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor: let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined.
恶人在骄横中,把困苦人追得火急。愿他们陷在自己所设的计谋里。Ready for battle, Hou Yi strode to the center of the square, drew his bow and arrows, and took aim at the imperious suns.
做完射日的准备后,后羿跨进旷野中,拉开神弓,取出神箭,瞄准骄横的太阳射去。The nation was seething with discontent as the noblemen continued their arrogant ways.
当贵族依旧骄横跋扈时,这个国家充满了不满情绪。She wont convergence of the stupid and mocked them rdominating self-improvement and self-reliance, shows the personality and good ideal.
她蔑视权贵的骄横,嘲笑他们的愚蠢,显示出自强自立的人格和美好的理想。First of all, her father remarried to a rich lady with mean daughters .
She does not throw her weight about.
People can't stand his overbearing attitude.
这个纨绔子弟做事骄横恣肆, 无法无天。
This dandy from a rich family is presumptuous and unlawful.
This dandy from a rich family is presumptuous and unlawful.
死神, 你莫骄横, 尽管有人将你看得。
Death, be not proud, though some have called thee.
Iraq is using the same old arrogant method.
这时得人类雄伟刚毅, 但却骄横不虔。
This was a race of manly men, but insolent and impious.
This was a race of manly men, but insolent and impious.
The young man is so overbearing that no one wants to make friends with him.
The nation was seething with discontent as the noblemen continued their arrogant ways.
The nation was seething with discontent as the noblemen continued their arrogant ways.
During Nixon's ascendancy, too many staffers were overbearing.
在李云龙独特的战术指挥下, 骄横的日军山崎大队全军覆灭。
In the unique tactical LiYunLong, under the command of dominating the Japanese army responding brigade.