






1. 划 [huá]2. 划 [huà]划 [huá]用桨拨水使船行动:~水。~船。~艇。合算,按利益情况计较是否相宜:~算。用刀或其它东西把物件分开或从物件上面擦过:~一道口子。划 [huà]分开:~界。~分。~时代意义。设计:计~。筹~……





汉语拼音:chū móu huà cè







  • 【解释】:谋:计谋;划:筹划。制定计谋策略。指为人出主意。
  • 【出自】:明·冯梦龙《东周列国志》:“汝依违观望其间,并不见出奇画策,无非因人成事。”
  • 【示例】:其余的人,连老贺在内,也都~,各有贡献。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语;指为人想办法,出主意


  1. I trained briefly as a Buddhist monk under this guy. I've been a civil servant, and I've been in charge of policy for this guy as well.


  2. Mr Li Su is the general manager of an advisory company of Beijing, he ever gave counsel for a few enterprises, establish company image.


  3. Hillary was Bill's closest adviser when he was president, and he would have done the same for her, had she been elected.


  4. They feel it is out of question to send a professional British officer to advise on security in and around the president's palace.


  5. Someone has a crush on Jenny. Ted likes Jenny, but he's afraid to ask her out. His friend Jack is trying to help him and encourage him. . .


  6. We don't want to spend time listening to your wild plans to improve the company or find extra projects for you to work on.


  7. and a set of "private" ones for Google's managers, to do with the strategy the firm needs to get through the coming storm.


  8. Provided banks had sufficient capital, the regulators seemed content to leave the detail of business strategy to managers and the markets.


  9. Immediately following his election, Obama began naming and meeting with advisers who will help guide him on these tough issues.


  1. 躲在背后出谋划策

    mastermind a scheme from behind the scenes

  2. 她常常替女儿出谋划策。

    She frequently schemed on her daughter's behalf.

  3. 政府请来专家们出谋划策。

    Experts were brought in to advise the government.

  4. 他们能出谋划策, 预测未来。

    They can plan and contrive and see ahead.

  5. 世界之易者, 莫过于出谋划策。

    There is none so simple but can give counsel.

  6. 为一次抢劫出谋划策的人。

    The mastermind of a robbery.

  7. 我们是准备帮他出谋划策的

    We were gonna help him work all this out.

  8. 给他出谋划策得人不会少。

    He will not lack for advisers.

  9. 给他出谋划策的人不会少。

    He will not lack for advisers.

  10. 专家级的智囊团为您出谋划策。

    You can counsel advices from out brain trust.

  11. 竭诚为贵公司的发展出谋划策!

    Give counsel for your company development with all my heart!

  12. 竭诚为贵公司得发展出谋划策!

    Give counsel for your company development with all my heart!

  13. 为小企业的装饰设计出谋划策

    A guide to make planning and furnishing a small business easier

  14. 我的小弟是家里的出谋划策者。

    My little brother's the brains of the family.

  15. 我们请来专家为这项工程出谋划策。

    We brought in experts to advise on the project.

  16. 经济学能为我的两难境地出谋划策吗?

    Can economics provide an answer to my dilemma?

  17. 他要是帮我出谋划策,我绝不会信任他。

    The issues to help me with this blank sheet I don't trust him at all.

  18. 保罗和我们一起为你们的婚礼出谋划策。

    Paul has been working with us on some ideas for your wedding.

  19. 称得上是为领导者出谋划策得智者之举。

    Say going up is to be a leader to give counsel wisdom person lift.

  20. 称得上是为领导者出谋划策的智者之举。

    Say going up is to be a leader to give counsel wisdom person lift.

  21. 公侯家中往往有很多门下,为他出谋划策。

    Marquises all have many hangers-on seeking advice.

  22. 因此, 拥有一个职业人士帮你出谋划策非常重要。

    So, having a professional on your side is crucial.

  23. 不过,为了防备遭受灾难而出谋划策使我兴趣盎然。

    Still, planning for disaster held considerable fascination for me.

  24. 你看见你的朋友伯德桑在那边正在出谋划策吗?

    You see your friend Birdsong over there, masterminding this?

  25. 我曾经是一名公务员 也曾为这个人出谋划策

    I've been a civil servant, and I've been in charge of policy for this guy as well.

  26. 她正与当地其他管理者一道, 为解决该问题出谋划策。

    But she and other local officials have been trying to craft solutions.

  27. 咨询公司看准了这个时机,纷纷出谋划策,帮助企业裁汰员工。

    Consulting firms seized the moment and devised practices to teach companies how to eliminate staff.

  28. 凭借之前的工作经验, 她能为如何驾驶这艘船出谋划策。

    Given her prior experience, she could advise how to steer it.

  29. 不同于贝斯特和加斯科因, 他身边一直有人出谋划策。

    Unlike Best and Gascoigne, he has been shrewdly advised.

  30. 你希望为球员转会或俱乐部方针出谋划策吗?去告诉亨利吧。

    You want to weigh in on transfers or club policy? Talk to Henry.


  1. 问:出谋划策拼音怎么拼?出谋划策的读音是什么?出谋划策翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出谋划策的读音是chūmóuhuàcè,出谋划策翻译成英文是 mastermind; to direct and plan



【拼 音】 chū móu huà cè

【英 文】 give counsel

【解 释】 谋:计谋;划:筹划。制定计谋策略。多指为人出主意 ,又作“出谋画策”