




1. 服 [fú]2. 服 [fù]服 [fú]衣裳:~装。制~。穿衣裳:~丧。~用(a.指穿衣服、用器物;b.吃药)。作,担任:~务。~刑。~兵役。顺从:信~。佩~。降(xiáng )~。~辩(旧指认罪书)。~膺(牢记在胸中,衷心信服)。……



汉语拼音:chén fú









  1. 以臣礼服从君命。


  2. 称臣降服。

    《汉书·地理志下》:“ 夫差 立, 句践 乘胜復伐 吴 , 吴 大破之,栖 会稽 ,臣服请平。”《三国志·蜀志·谯周传》:“自古以来,无寄他国为天子者也,今若入 吴 ,固当臣服。” 宋 秦观 《防边策中》:“逮 宣帝 , 匈奴 内乱,五单于争立, 汉 以威德覆之,於是始肯臣服。” 元 杨梓 《豫让吞炭》第二折:“因 赵襄子 不肯臣服,某等合兵攻伐 赵氏 。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷三:“四部中,漠南 内蒙古 接壤 满洲 ,臣服最先。”

  3. 有使臣服义。

    曹禺 《王昭君》第二幕:“ 元帝 在 汉 匈 和好,臣服 匈奴 这一事业上,承袭了前朝的政策,是一个幸运的因时成事者。”



  1. It all started when Temujin (who was later known as Genghis Khan), vowed in his youth to bring the world to his feet.


  2. Don't think of this as a demand for tribute, $PLAYER0. Think of it as an offer for you to invest in world peace.


  3. But if you are trying to surrender nothing is going to happen.


  4. And I think that this is all part of surrendering to the design journey .


  5. There is one Object of Praise, the beauty which uplifts the heart of its worshipper through all aspects from the seen to the unseen.


  6. So just, you know, drive him crazy, Wear him down. you should be good at that. Look who finally got a little interesting.


  7. Adele. Well, other albums are incredibly solid, but they should all agree that it was "nice to be nominated" and bow down to Queen Adele.


  8. We indulged our clients (who, let's face it, almost always want at least three times too much content on any given page).


  9. The results he found someone in the control the weather, almost in Britain and around the world to surrender to his knees.


  1. 激情游说着臣服

    Passion to lobbying the submission

  2. 羽饰甘愿臣服。

    Feathers Willing obedience and serenity.

  3. 我们引导人类臣服于改变。

    We guide humans to surrender to the change.

  4. 臣服于大领主得力量吧!

    Bow to the might of the Highlord!

  5. 臣服于大领主的力量吧!

    Bow to the might of the Highlord!

  6. 你必须立誓终身臣服于我。

    You must vow to forever serve me.

  7. 我每天都臣服于上主。

    I surrender myself to God everyday.

  8. 臣服吧, 直面你悲惨的命运。

    So bow down and face your wretched destiny.

  9. 臣服吧,直面你悲惨得命运。

    So bow down and face your wretched destiny.

  10. 我不得不臣服于上帝的召唤。

    I had to yield to the call from God.

  11. 我不得不臣服于上帝的召唤。

    I had to yield to the call from God.

  12. 臣服和卑贱,还有爱的果实。

    And fruit of love, Love, I submit to thee.

  13. 帝国需要钱,臣服者必须交钱。

    Empires cost money, and subjects must pay.

  14. 它要能脱颖而出,臣服其它的味道。

    That will ring out and dominate the others.

  15. 臣服义务臣子对君主应尽的义务

    The obligations of a vassal to a lord.

  16. 我就是将让这个世界臣服的人。

    I'm the guy that's gonna help bring this world to its knees.

  17. 让你用来统治你的世界,让我臣服于你。

    So you can rule your world in style and whip me into shape.

  18. 大海和其所有的生灵都臣服于我!

    The sea and all its spoils bow to my power!

  19. 我摇下车窗臣服在他脚下。

    I roll down the window, I'm a sucker for his charm.

  20. 曾一度臣服的农民起来反对残暴的国王。

    The once servile peasants turned against the cruel king.

  21. 缩小是那么的重大 那么的臣服于不屈的榮耀。

    There is immensity required in growing small, so bent on such unbending grace.

  22. 喀尔喀蒙古臣服于满洲人的统治。

    The Khalkha was subjected to Manchu domination.

  23. 在封建社会, 人们都臣服于一个君主。

    In feudal society, people were all subjected to a monarch.

  24. 对男性价值观的臣服进一步增强了男性的优越性。

    By submitting to male values symbolically affirm male superiority.

  25. 这都是臣服于设计之旅必须的部分。

    And I think that this is all part of surrendering to the design journey.

  26. 闭上双眼,臣服于你最深沉的梦中

    Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dream

  27. 臣服的臣民被限制向领主或君主臣服和服役的臣民

    Bound to give such allegiance and services to a lord or monarch.

  28. 在战争结束后他们会臣服于我们之下吗?

    Does the bureau think they'll sit down under us when this war is over

  29. 为爱臣服是放弃自我对分离的最后要求。

    Surrender is the result of relinquishing the egos last claims to separation.

  30. 他要使万民臣服在我们之下,使列国臣服在我们的脚下。

    He shall subdue the people under us, and the nations under our feet.


  1. 问:臣服拼音怎么拼?臣服的读音是什么?臣服翻译成英文是什么?

    答:臣服的读音是chénfú,臣服翻译成英文是 acknowledge allegiance to

  2. 问:臣服礼拼音怎么拼?臣服礼的读音是什么?臣服礼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:臣服礼的读音是,臣服礼翻译成英文是 homage


